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deceive[di'si:v]v。 欺骗
例句 We may be deceived by the figure since over 80 percent of the world's freshwater is locked up as ice in glaciers。 我们可能被这个数字欺骗了,因为世界上80%的淡水都是以冰的形式冻结在冰川中的。
deplete[di'pli:t]v。 使枯竭,耗尽;倒空;消耗
例句 1。 Except for being depleted in volatile elements; chondritic meteorites are probably very similar in the matter which makes up planets。 除了缺乏挥发性元素外,球状陨石的组成物质与行星十分相似。
2。 The meteorite is depleted in the most volatile elements; like hydrogen and carbon。 这颗陨星耗尽了大部分的挥发性元素,比如氢气和碳。
3。 Some plants can bear relatively low levels of certain minerals; but they are of little use for recycling nutrients back into depleted soils。 某些植物能够忍受某些特定矿物质的较低含量,但这些植物几乎无法将营养供给到贫瘠的土壤中循环再用。
同义 exhaust(v。 使枯竭,耗尽)
depletion[di'pli:?n]n。 削减,消耗
例句 1。 The depletion of the ozone layer over the Arctic region has reached an unprecedented level — a loss of 40% from the beginning of the winter to late March in 2011。 从冬天开始到2011年三月下旬,南极地区的臭氧层减少了40%——这已达到一个空前的水平。
2。 In modern agriculture; mineral depletion of coal is a major concern。 在现代农业中,煤炭资源的消耗是最令人担忧的。
3。 The black loams of the prairies were tempting to New England farmers working their rock and to southeastern farmers plagued with soil depletion。 大草原提供了诱人的黑色土壤——这对整日与岩石地打交道的新英格兰农民或为土壤贫瘠所困扰的东南部农民来说极具吸引力。
disperse[di'sp?:rs]v。 分散,散开;疏散
例句 1。 In some cases; owls get food from the seeds that are dispersed in the wind。 在一些情况下,猫头鹰把飘散在风中的种子当做食物。
2。 A survey shows that it is difficult to get to know people personally when they are milling about and dispersed in large groups。 一项调查显示,当人们兜兜转转,分散在大群体中的时候,想要了解一个人是很困难的。
3。 The fact that pollinators obtain food from the flowering plants makes the plants have its pollen distributed and seeds dispersed much more efficiently than they would be if they were carried by the wind only。 传粉者从开花植物中获取花粉,这比植物仅依靠风的作用来传播花粉或分散种子的效率更高。
domestication[d??mesti'kei?n]n。 驯养;教化
例句 1。 Many complicated theories attempt to explain the way of early domestication of animals。 很多复杂的理论试图解释早期驯养动物的方法。
2。 The proposed areas of the domestication of African crops lie in a bank in West Africa。 提到的非洲作物驯化的区域位于西非某条河的河畔。
例句 1。 Much of the water in a sample of water…saturated sediment will drain from it if the sample is placed in a dry place。 如果将样本放在一个干燥的位置,那么这个渗满水的沉积物样本中大部分的水分都会流失。
2。 It is thought the total volume of water in the saturated sample cannot drain away。 饱和样品的总含水量被认为是不可能耗尽的。
3。 Endogenous rivers often do not reach the sea but drain into inland basins。 内生河流通常不会流入大海,而是会在内陆盆地中逐渐干涸。
同义 flow away(流走)
drainage['dreini?]n。 排水;排水系统,排水装置
例句 Extensive irrigation with poor drainage makes the surface of the soil salty; which reduces water and air absorption。 过度灌溉和排水不畅使土地表层盐化,这导致土壤对水分和空气的吸收有所减少。
electrical[i'lektrikl]a。 电的,与电有关的
例句 1。 Lightning is a brilliant flash of light created by an electrical discharge from storm clouds。 闪电是暴风云放电产生的一道明亮的闪光。
2。 Changes in the electrical pattern of the brain show that the stimulus is getting through to the central nervous system and evoking some form of response。 大脑电波模式的改变显示刺激已通过中枢神经系统,并引发了一些形式的反应。
escape[i'skeip]n。/v。 逃脱;渗出;躲避
例句 1。 The theater can be seen as one tool for people to define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities。 戏剧可以看作人们定义和理解他们世界的工具,也是逃避不愉快现实的工具。
2。 The surface…to…volume ratio of bigger animals is usually lower; that's to say; they have proportionately less surface through which heat can escape。 对于体积较大的动物,其体表面积与体积之比通常较低,也就是说,它们只有较少的体表面积可以散热。
3。 After 1815; improved transportation enabled more and more western farmers to escape a self…sufficient lifestyle and enter a national market economy。 1815年之后,更加发达的交通工具使越来越多的西方农民摆脱了自给自足的生活方式,进入了市场经济模式。
exhaust[ig'z?:st]v。(使)非常疲倦;耗尽 n。(机器排出的)废气
搭配 exhaust emission 尾气排放
例句 1。 During the period of a shorter drought; if they exhausted their stored food supplies; they would get in deep trouble since growing crops required rain rather than reservoirs。 在短暂的干旱时期,如果他们耗尽了储存的粮食,将使自己陷入严重的困境,因为种植作物更需要的是雨水而不是水库中的水。
2。 He returned from the gym; too exhausted to eat dinner。 他从健身房回来后精疲力竭,连饭都懒得吃了。
fertilizer['f?:rt?laiz?r]n。 肥料,化肥
例句 They applied more fertilizers to supply more nutrients to plants。 为了给植物提供更多的营养,他们增加了肥料的使用量。
fiber['faib?r]n。 纤维;光纤
例句 The rope of the late Ice Age found in the French cave consists of fibers spiraling to the right; proving that it was tressed by a right…handed person。 在法国岩洞里发现的冰河时代晚期的绳子是由向右旋转的纤维制成的,证明它是由右撇子的人拧成的。
派生 fibrous(a。 含纤维的)
flat[fl?t]a。 平坦的;(价格)固定的;单调的
例句 On the flat plains; he saw moraines; that reminded him of the terminal moraines found at the end of valley glaciers in the Alps。 在平坦的平原上,他看到了冰碛石,这让他想起在阿尔卑斯山山谷的冰河尽头发现的终碛。
例句 1。 Spores light enough to float on the breezes were carried thousands of miles and traveled across the bare mountain flanks。 足够轻的孢子可以随着微风飘荡几千公里,飘过荒山的侧峰。
2。 Saturn belongs to the outer planets and has a density of only 0。7 that of water; which means it would float in water。 土星属于带外行星,其密度只有水的70%,也就意味着它会漂浮在水上。
3。 Some small local canals allow only small rafts of timber to float。 一些本地小的运河只能使小木筏在上面漂浮。
同义 drift[v。(使)漂浮]
foodstuff['fu:dst?f]n。 食料,食品;饮料
例句 At a time when maintaining low prices was especially important; the Dutch imported grain and other products since they had the demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods。 当维持低廉价格极其重要的时候,由于对其他食品和生活消费品的需求,荷兰人进口了粮食和其他产品。
forage['f?:ri?]n。 草料,饲料 v。 觅食
例句 1。 People exploited the landscape intensively; foraging for wild cereal grasses and nuts on hill slopes。 人们仔细搜索这片土地,在山坡上寻找野生谷物作物和坚果。
2。 Goats forage across the field in large numbers。 山羊成群结队地在田野上搜寻食物。
同义 feed; fodder(n。 草料,饲料);rummage(v。 搜寻)
freight[freit]n。 货运;运费 v。 运送货物;装货于(船等)
例句 1。 At first; steamboats were used to transport passengers rather than freight。 轮船最初用于运送乘客而不是货物。
2。 The seafood was shipped in refrigerated freight cars。 海鲜是用冷藏货车运输的。
同义 cargo(n。 货运)