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要点 communal在托福阅读中通常用的是“社区的”这个词义,比如communal villages“社区村落”。
condition[k?n'di?n]n。 状况;[常 pl。]环境,形势
搭配 on condition(that)如果;out of condition 健康不佳
例句 1。 Growing conditions throughout the Middle East are generally poor forcing Middle Eastern people to depend on imported food。 整个中东地区的种植条件都很匮乏,这迫使该地区的人们必须依赖进口食品。
2。 An animal can hide from predators by choosing the light environment; but it may require moving to different parts of the forest at different times or under different weather conditions。 通过选择不同的光环境,动物可以躲避天敌,但这可能需要在不同时间或者根据气候条件躲避到森林的不同地方来实现。
3。 Both animals and plants have different appearances in these various lighting conditions。 在不同的光照环境中,动物和植物都会有不同的外观。
confine[k?n'fain]v。 限制;禁闭
例句 1。 Upper Paleolithic art was not confined to cave paintings。 旧石器时代晚期的艺术不仅局限于洞穴壁画。
2。 The other early apartment buildings were confined to the typical New York building lot。 其他早期的公寓楼的分布局限于典型的纽约建筑用地。
同义 restrict; limit(v。 限制)
consist[k?n'sist]v。 在于,存在于;由…组成
搭配 consist of 由…组成在一起;consist in 在于,存在于
例句 1。 The first successful plants on Hawaii were probably lichens; which consist of algae and fungi。 第一种在夏威夷成功存活下来的植物或许是地衣,包括藻类和菌类。
2。 Ancient Greek philosophers thought the Earth consisted of five elements。 古希腊哲学家认为地球由5种元素构成。
3。 A balanced meal consists of five key elements: proteins; carbo…hydrates; fats; vitamins and minerals。 平衡的膳食包括5个关键的要素:蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素和矿物质。
同义 compose(v。 由…组成,由…构成)
派生 consistent(a。 一致的);consistently(ad。 一贯地)
要点 托福阅读中也会经常用到consist的形容词形式consistent“始终如一的,一致的”,以及词组be consistent with“与…一致”。
consumption[k?n's?mp?n]n。 消耗(量);消费(量);食用;挥霍
搭配 consumption pattern 消费模式
例句 1。 Nowadays; the cinema became a form of mass consumption。 如今,电影成了一种大众消费形式。
2。 A large number of products was transported by water to markets in the cities; where the consumption of fruit and vegetables was no longer restricted to the wealthy。 大批的农产品通过水路运送到城市中的市场,水果和蔬菜不再是只有富人才能食用了。
contain[k?n'tein]v。 包含;容纳;控制
例句 1。 Research shows that ancient oceans on Mars contained only small amounts of carbon。 调查显示,火星上的远古海洋只含有少量的碳。
2。 The earliest Ediacara fossil formation; which contains the oldest known animal fossils; consists exclusively of soft…bodied forms。 最早形成的埃迪卡拉化石包含已知最古老的动物化石,仅包含软体组织形式。
3。 A slightly younger fossil formation containing animal remains was found in Russia。 在俄罗斯发现了一个年代稍近的含有动物残骸的化石。
同义 admit(v。 容纳);control(v。 控制)
要点 contain这个词在托福阅读中出现的频率非常高,常用“包含”这个词义,相当于include。
cover['k?v?r]v。 盖,覆盖;范围为,占;掩饰
搭配 cover up 掩盖,掩饰;take cover 隐蔽;under cover 秘密地
例句 1。 The proof is wide…ranging because it covers multiple age…groups。 证据很广泛,因为它涵盖了很多年龄组。
2。 Most of Earth's history recorded that glaciers did not exist; but at the present time about 10 percent of Earth's land surface is covered by glaciers。 大多数有关地球史的记载表示冰川并不存在,但是目前看来,地球表面有10%的陆地都被冰川覆盖。
3。 Research now shows that the parts of the inner continental shelf remain covered with ice。 调查表明部分内部大陆架现在依然有冰雪覆盖。
crack[kr?k]v。(使)破裂;破坏 n。 裂缝,裂纹
搭配 crack down(on。。。)镇压,严厉打击
例句 1。 Large quantities of water may also be stored in lime stones when cracks have been enlarged to form cavities。 当裂缝扩大形成洞穴的时候,大量的水可能被储存于石灰石中。
2。 The otter uses a stone to crack mussel shells。 海獭用石头敲碎贝壳。
同义 break[v。(使)破裂];crush(v。 压碎);split(n。 裂缝,裂纹)
cramped[kr?mpt]a。 狭窄的;拥挤的
例句 About 350 B。C。; a small village settlement of cramped pit dwellings was founded here。 大约公元前350年,一个狭窄的洞穴房屋构成的小村落在这里建成了。
cultivation[?k?lti'vei?n]n。 耕种;培养,教育
例句 1。 The cultivation of crops has expanded into drier regions as the population density is growing。 由于人口密度不断增长,作物的种植开始向干旱地区扩展。
2。 Bringing more land under cultivation produced enough food to support population growth。 耕作更多的土地能提供更多的粮食产量,以应对人口增长。
3。 After several years of cultivation and harvest; people here led a happy life。 经过多年的劳作,这里的人们过上了幸福生活。
current['k?:r?nt]a。 现行的;流通的 n。 流;趋势;涌流
搭配 air currents 气流
例句 1。 This fact was of great value in helping the national economies find their place in the evolving currents of the international economy。 这个事实在帮助该国经济在不断变化的国际经济趋势中找到自己的位置方面具有很大价值。
2。 The islanders were skilled enough to sail against the prevailing winds and currents。 这些岛民的技术足够娴熟,可以逆着风向和洋流航行。
同义 stream[ n。(液体、气体的)流];tendency(n。 趋势)
要点 current在托福阅读中经常用到“当前的”这个词义,相当于ongoing;还会用到“气流”这个词义,如:currents in the Pacific“太平洋上的气流”。
cushion['ku?n]n。 垫子,靠垫 v。 缓冲
搭配 air…cushion vehicle 气垫船
例句 1。 Alpine cushion plants have been found growing at an altitude of 6;180 meters。 我们发现高山上的垫状植物生长在6180米海拔之上。
2。 The carpet cushioned the fall of the vase。 地毯缓冲了花瓶的坠落。
同义 pillow(n。 垫子)
damage['d?mi?]n。 毁坏,损害;[常 pl。]损害赔偿(金)v。 毁坏,损害
例句 1。 Parasitic damage to Australian rabbits was never reversed because the rabbits can not bear the parasites attacks。 寄生虫对澳大利亚兔子种群的损害从来没有改变过,因为兔子无法忍受寄生虫的攻击。
2。 Damage to the environment by humans is often much more severe than that by natural events。 人类对环境的破坏通常比自然事件造成的损害更为严重。
3。 They have to fix the damage caused by the global economic crisis and ask for a bigger budget and continue with their business。 他们必须弥补在全球经济危机中造成的损失,要求更高的预算并继续他们的业务。
debris[d?'bri:]n。 岩屑;废墟,残骸;碎屑,散落的碎片
例句 1。 The tremendous energy of slowly moving glaciers finally deposits rock debris into large rock formations。 这座缓慢移动的冰川具有的巨大能量最终使岩石碎块沉积成了巨大的岩石结构。
2。 Scientists have warned that satellite failures would become a commonplace since the amount of space debris reaches a tipping point。 科学家已经警告由于太空中的残骸数量已经达到极限,因此卫星发射失败可能会变成一件司空见惯的事情。
3。 Debris thrown into the atmosphere by an asteroid collision would presumably contain large amounts of iridium; and at the same time atmospheric currents would carry this material all over the globe。 大气层中行星撞击形成的碎片可能含有大量的铱元素,与此同时,大气的气流会把这些铱带到地球的每个地方。
同义 ruin; remains(n。 废墟,残骸);fragment(n。 碎屑,散落的碎片)
deceive[di'si:v]v。 欺骗
例句 We may be deceived by the figure since over 80 percent of the world's freshwater is locked up as ice in