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_SaveAs            endp


; 显示“打开”文件对话框


_OpenFile          proc

                   local  @stOF:OPENFILENAME


                   invoke RtlZeroMemory;addr @stOF;sizeof @stOF

                   mov    @stOF。lStructSize;sizeof @stOF

                   push   hWinMain

                   pop    @stOF。hwndOwner

                   mov    @stOF。lpstrFilter;offset szFilter

                   mov    @stOF。lpstrFile;offset szFileName

                   mov    @stOF。nMaxFile;MAX_PATH

                   mov    @stOF。Flags;OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST or OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST

                   invoke GetOpenFileName;addr @stOF

                   。if    eax

                          invoke    MessageBox;hWinMain;addr szFileName;

                                    addr szCaption;MB_OK




_OpenFile          endp


; 选择颜色


_ChooseColor       proc

                   local  @stCC:CHOOSECOLOR


                   invoke RtlZeroMemory;addr @stCC;sizeof @stCC

                   mov    @stCC。lStructSize;sizeof @stCC

                   push   hWinMain

                   pop    @stCC。hwndOwner

                   push   dwBackColor

                   pop    @stCC。rgbResult

                   mov    @stCC。Flags;CC_RGBINIT or CC_FULLOPEN

                   mov    @stCC。lpCustColors;offset dwCustColors

                   invoke ChooseColor;addr @stCC

                   。if    eax

                          push  @stCC。rgbResult

                          pop   dwBackColor

                           invoke  wsprintf;addr szBuffer;addr szFormatColor;


                          invoke MessageBox;hWinMain;addr szBuffer;

                                addr szCaption;MB_OK




_ChooseColor       endp


; 选择字体


_ChooseFont        proc

                   local  @stCF:CHOOSEFONT


                   invoke RtlZeroMemory;addr @stCF;sizeof @stCF

                   mov    @stCF。lStructSize;sizeof @stCF

                   push   hWinMain

                   pop    @stCF。hwndOwner

                   mov    @stCF。lpLogFont;offset stLogFont

                   push   dwFontColor

                   pop    @stCF。rgbColors

                   mov     @stCF。Flags;CF_SCREENFONTS or CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT

                          or CF_EFFECTS

                   invoke ChooseFont;addr @stCF

                   。if    eax

                          push  @stCF。rgbColors

                          pop   dwFontColor

                          mov   eax;@stCF。iPointSize

                          shl   eax;1

                              invoke  wsprintf;addr szBuffer;addr szFormatFont;

                                addr stLogFont。lfFaceName;


                          invoke MessageBox;hWinMain;addr szBuffer;

                                addr szCaption;MB_OK




_ChooseFont        endp


_ProcDlgMain       proc    uses ebx edi esi hWnd;wMsg;wParam;lParam

                   local   @szBuffer'128':byte


                   mov     eax;wMsg

                   。if     eax    WM_CLOSE

                           invoke   EndDialog;hWnd;NULL

                   。elseif eax    WM_INITDIALOG


; 注册“查找”对话框消息,初始化“查找”对话框的结构


                          mov   eax;hWnd

                          mov   hWinMain;eax

                          mov   stFind。hwndOwner;eax

                          mov   stFind。lStructSize;sizeof stFind

来源:电子工业出版社 作者:罗云彬 上一页         回书目         下一页          
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第8章 通用对话框

8。1 通用对话框简介(3)

                       mov      stFind。Flags;FR_DOWN

                       mov        stFind。lpstrFindWhat;offset szFindText

                       mov      stFind。wFindWhatLen;sizeof szFindText

                         mov       stFind。lpstrReplaceWith;offset szReplaceText

                           mov        stFind。wReplaceWithLen;sizeof szReplaceText

                       invoke     RegisterWindowMessage;addr FINDMSGSTRING

                       mov      idFindMessage;eax

               。elseif eax    WM_MAND

                       mov      eax;wParam

                       。if      ax    IDM_EXIT

                                invoke  EndDialog;hWnd;NULL

                       。elseif  ax    IDM_OPEN

                                invoke  _OpenFile

                       。elseif  ax    IDM_SAVEAS

                                invoke  _SaveAs

                       。elseif  ax    IDM_PAGESETUP

                                invoke  _PageSetup

                       。elseif  ax    IDM_FIND

                                and     stFind。Flags;not FR_DIALOGTERM

                                invoke  FindText;addr stFind

                       。elseif  ax    IDM_REPLACE

                                and     stFind。Flags;not FR_DIALOGTERM

                                invoke  ReplaceText;addr stFind

                       。elseif  ax    IDM_SELFONT

                                invoke  _ChooseFont

                       。elseif  ax    IDM_SELCOLOR

                                invoke  _ChooseColor



               。elseif eax    idFindMessage

                       xor      ecx;ecx

                       。if      stFind。Flags & FR_FINDNEXT

                                mov     ecx;offset szFindNext

                       。elseif  stFind。Flags & FR_REPLACE

                                mov     ecx;offset szReplace

                       。elseif  stFind。Flags & FR_REPLACEALL

                                mov     ecx;offset szReplaceAll


                       。if      ecx

                                invoke wsprintf;addr szBuffer;

                                        addr szFormatFind;

                                        ecx;addr szFindText;addr szReplaceText

                                invoke  MessageBox;hWinMain;addr szB
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