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nd: von hinten lyzeum; yon vorne museum。* 'acts like a schoolgirl; looks like a frump。' even worse; peters being insolent; mr。 van daan irritable and mother cynical。 yes; everyones in quite a state! theres only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget everybody else! it sounds egotistical; but its actually the only cure for those suffering from self…pity。

mr。 kuglers supposed to spend four weeks in alkmaar on a work detail。 hes trying to get out of it with a doctors certificate and a letter from opekta。 mr。 kleimans hoping his stomach will be operated on soon。 starting at eleven last night; all private phones were cut off。

yours; anne 

m。 frank

friday; june 23; 1944

dearest kitty;

nothing special going on here。 the british have begun their all…out attack on cherbourg。 according to pim and mr。 van oaan; were sure to be liberated before october 10。 the russians are taking part in the cam… paign; yesterday they started their offensive near vitebsk; exactly three years to the day that the germans invaded russia。

beps spirits have sunk lower than ever。 were nearly out of potatoes; from now on; were going to count them out for each person; then everyone can do what they want with them。 starting monday; mieps taking a week of vacation。 mr。 kleimans doctors havent found anything on the x rays。 hes torn between having an operation and letting matters take their course。

yours; anne 

m。 frank

tuesday; june 27; 1944

my dearest kitty;

the mood has changed; everythings going enormously well。 cherbourg; vitebsk and zhlobin fell today。 theyre sure to have captured lots of men and equipment。 five german generals were killed near cherbourg and two taken captive。 now that theyve got a harbor; the british can bring whatever they want on shore。 the whole cotentin peninsula has been captured just three weeks after the invasion! what a feat!

in the three weeks since d day there hasnt been a day without rain and storms; neither here nor in france; but this bad luck hasnt kept the british and the americans from displaying their might。 and how! of course; the germans have launched their wonder weapon; but a little firecracker like that wont hardly make a dent; except maybe minor damage in england and screaming headlines in the kraut newspapers。

anyway; when they realize in 〃krautland〃 that the bolsheviks really are getting closer; theyll be shaking in their boots。

all german women who arent working for the military are being evacuated; together with their children; from the coastal regions to the provinces of groningen; friesland and gelderland。 mussert* '* the leader of the dutch national socialist (nazi) party' has announced that if the invasion reaches holland; hell enlist。 is that fat pig planning to fight? he could have done that in russia long before now。 finland turned down a peace offer some time ago; and now the negotiations have been broken off again。

those numbskulls; theyll be sorry!

how far do you think well be on july 27?

yours; anne 

m。 frank

friday; june 30; 1944

dearest kitty;

bad weather from one at a stretch to the thirty june* 'annes english。' dont i say that well? oh yes; i already know a little english; just to prove it im reading an ideal husband with the help of a dictionary! wars going wonderfully: bobruysk; mogilev and orsha have fallen; lots of prisoners。

everythings all right here。 spirits are improving; our superoptimists are triumphant; the van daans are doing disappearing acts with the sugar; bep s changed her hair; and miep has a week off。 thats the latest news!

ive been having really ghastly root…canal work done on one of my front teeth。 its been terribly painful。 it was so bad dussel thought i was going to faint; and i nearly did。 mrs。 van d。 promptly got a toothache as well!

yours; anne 

m。 frank

p。s。 weve heard from basel that bernd* 'cousin bernhard (buddy) elias'。 played the part of the innkeeper in minna von barnhelm。 he has 〃artistic leanings;〃 says mother。

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JULY; 1944

thursday; july 6; 1944

dearest kitty;

my blood runs cold when peter talks about being a criminal or a speculator; of course; hes joking; but i still have the feeling hes afraid of his own weakness。

margot and peter are always saying to me; 〃if i had your spunk and your strength; if i had your drive and unflagging energy; could。 。 。

is it really such an admirable trait not to let myself be influenced by others? am i right in following my own conscience?

to be honest; i cant imagine how anyone could say 〃im weak〃 and then stay that way。 if you know that about yourself; why not fight it; why not develop your character? their answer has always been: 〃because its much easier not to!〃 this reply leaves me feeling rather discouraged。 easy? does that mean a life of deceit and laziness is easy too? oh no; that cant be true。 it cant be true that people are so readily tempted by ease。 。 。 and money。 ive given a lot of thought to what my answer should be; to how i should get peter to believe in himself and; most of all; to change himself for the better。 i dont know whether im on the right track。

ive often imagined how nice it would be if someone were to confide everything to me。 but now that its reached that point; i realize how difficult it is to put yourself in someope elses shoes and find the right answer。 especially since 〃easy〃 and 〃money鈥

are new and … pletely alien concepts to me。

peters beginning to lean on me and i dont want that; not under any circumstances。

its hard enough standing on your own two feet; but when you also have to remain true to your character and soul; its harder still。

ive been drifting around at sea; have spent days searching for an effective antidote to that terrible word 〃easy。〃 how can i make it clear to him that; while it may seem easy and wonderful; it will drag him down to the depths; to a place where hell no longer find friends; support or beauty; so far down that he may never rise to the surface again?

were all alive; but we dont know why or what for; were all searching for happiness;

were all leading lives that are different and yet the same。 we three have been raised in good famthes; we have the opportunity to get an education and make something of ourselves。 we have many reasons to hope for great happiness; but。 。 。 we have to earn it。 and thats something you cant achieve by taking the easy way out。 earning happiness means doing good and working; not speculating and being lazy。 laziness may look inviting; but only work gives you true satisfaction。

i cant understand people who dont like to work; but that isnt peters problem either。

he just doesnt have a goal; plus he thinks hes too stupid and inferior to ever achieve anything。 poor boy; hes never known how it feels to make someone else happy; and im afraid i cant teach him。 he isnt religious; scoffs at jesus christ and takes the lords name in vain; and though im not orthodox either; it hurts me every time to see him so lonely; so scornful; so wretched。

people who are religious should be glad; since not everyone is blessed with the ability to believe in a higher order。 yo
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