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yours; anne 

m。 frank

p。s。 ill keep you informed of the latest news!

this morning and last night; dummies made of straw and rubber were dropped from the air behind german lines; and they exploded the minute they hit the ground。 many

paratroopers; their faces blackened so they couldnt be seen in the dark; landed as well。 the french coast was bombarded with 5;500 tons of bombs during the night; and then; at six in the morning; the first landing craft came ashore。 today there were 20;000 airplanes in action。 the german coastal batteries were destroyed even before the landing; a small bridgehead has already been formed。 everythings going well; despite the bad weather。 the army and the people are 〃one will and one hope。鈥

friday; june 9; 1944

dearest kitty;

great news of the invasion! the allies have taken bayeux; a village on the coast of france; and are now fighting for caen。 theyre clearly intending to cut off the peninsula where cherbourg is located。 every evening the war correspondents report on the difficulties; the courage and the fighting spirit of the army。 to get their stories; they pull off the most amazing feats。 a few of the wounded who are already back in england also spoke on the radio。 despite the miserable weather; the planes are flying dthgently back and forth。 we heard over the bbc that churchill wanted to land along with the troops on d day; but eisenhower and the other generals managed to talk him out of it。 just imagine; so much courage for such an old man he must be at least seventy!

the excitement here has died down somewhat; still; were all hoping that the war will finally be over by the end of the year。 its about time! mrs。 van daans constant griping is unbearable; now that she can no longer drive us crazy with the invasion; she moans and groans all day about the bad weather。 if only we could plunk her down in the loft in a bucket of cold water!

everyone in the annex except mr。 van daan and peter has read the hunaarian rhapsody trilogy; a biography of the poser; piano virtuoso and child prodigy franz liszt。 its very interesting; though in my opinion theres a bit too much emphasis on women; liszt was not only the greatest and most famous pianist of his time; he was also the biggest womanizer; even at the age of seventy。 he had an affair with countess marie d agoult; princess carolyne sayn… wittgenstein; the dancer lola montez; the pianist agnes kingworth; the pianist sophie menter; the circassian princess olga janina; baroness olga meyen… dorff; actress lilla whats…her…name; etc。; etc。; and theres no end to it。 those parts of the book dealing with music and the other arts are much more interesting。 some of the people mentioned are schumann; clara wieck; hector berlioz; johannes brahms; beethoven; joachim; richard wagner; hans von bulow; anton rubinstein; frederic chopin; victor hugo; honore de balzac; hiller; hummel; czerny; rossini; cherubini; paganini; mendels… sohn; etc。; etc。

liszt appears to have been a decent man; very generous and modest; though exceptionally vain。 he helped others; put art above all else; was extremely fond of cognac and women; couldnt bear the sight of tears; was a gentleman; couldnt refuse anyone a favor; wasnt interested in money and cared about religious freedom and the world。

yours; anne 

m。 frank

314 anne frank

tuesday; june 13; 1944

dearest kit; another birthday has gone by; so im now fifteen。 i received quite a few gifts:

springers five…volume art history book; a set of underwear; two belts; a handkerchief; two jars of yogurt; a jar of jam; two honey cookies (small); a botany book from father and mother; a gold bracelet from margot; a sticker album from the van daans; biomalt and sweet peas from dussel; candy from miep; candy and notebooks from bep; and the high point: the book maria theresa and three slices of full…cream cheese from mr。 kugler。 peter gave me a lovely bouquet of peonies; the poor boy had put a lot of effort into finding a present; but nothing quite worked out。

the invasion is still going splendidly; in spite of the miserable weather  pouring rains; gale winds and high seas。

yesterday churchill; smuts; eisenhower and arnold visited the french villages that the british have captured and liberated。 churchill was on a torpedo boat that shelled the coast。 uke many men; he doesnt seem to know what fear is  an enviable trait!

from our position here in fort annex; its difficult to gauge the mood of the dutch。

no doubt many people are glad the idle (!) british have finally rolled up their sleeves and gotten down to work。 those who keep claim… ing they dont want to be occupied by the british dont realize how unfair theyre being。 their line of reasoning boils down to this: england must fight; struggle and sacri… fice its sons to liberate holland and the other occupied countries。 after that the british shouldnt remain in hol… land:

they should offer their most abject apologies to all the occupied countries; restore the dutch east indies to its rightful owner and then return; weakened and impoverished; to england。 what a bunch of idiots。 and yet; as ive already said; many dutch people can be counted among their ranks。 what would have bee of holland and its neighbors if

england had signed a peace treaty with germany; as its had ample opportunity to do?

holland would have bee german; and that would have been the end of that!

all those dutch people who still look down on the british; scoff at england and its government of old fogies; call the english cowards; yet hate the germans; should be given a good shaking; the way youd plump up a pillow。 maybe that would straighten out their jumbled brains!

wishes; thoughts; accusations and reproaches are swirling around in my head。 im not really as conceited as many people think; i know my various faults and shortings better than anyone else; but theres one difference: i also know that i want to change; will change and already have changed greatly!

why is it; i often ask myself; that everyone still thinks im so pushy and such a know…it…all? am i really so arrogant? am i the one whos so arrogant; or are they?

it sounds crazy; i know; but im not going to cross out that last sentence; because its not as crazy as it seems。 mrs。 van daan and dussel; my two chief accusers; are known to be totally unintelligent and; not to put too fine a point on it; just plain 〃stupid〃! stupid people usually cant bear it when others do something better than they do; the best examples of this are those two dummies; mrs。 van daan and dussel。 mrs。

van d。 thinks im stupid because i dont suffer so much from this ailment as she does; she thinks im pushy because shes even pushier; she thinks my dresses are too short because hers are even shorter; and she thinks im such a know…it…all because she talks twice as much as i do about topics she knows nothing about。 the same goes for dussel。 but one of my favorite sayings is 〃where theres smoke theres fire;〃 and i readily admit im a know…it…all。

whats so difficult about my personality is that i scold and curse myself much more than anyone else does; if mother adds her advice; the pile of sermons bees so thick that i despair of ever get
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