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oh; who knows; perhaps it wont be long before i can share this overwhelming feeling of happiness with someone who feels the same as i do。

yours; anne 

p。s。 thoughts: to peter。

weve been missing out on so much here; so very much; and for such a long time。 i miss it just as much as you do。 im not talking about external things; since were well provided for in that sense; i mean the internal things。 like you; i long for freedom and fresh air; but i think weve been amply pensated for their loss。 on the inside; i mean。

this morning; when i was sitting in front of the window and taking a long; deep look outside at god and nature; i was happy; just plain happy。 peter; as long as people feel that kind of happiness within themselves; the joy of nature; health and much more

besides; theyll always be able to recapture that happiness。

riches; prestige; everything can be lost。 but the happiness in your own heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there; as long as you live; to make you happy again。

whenever youre feeling lonely or sad; try going to the loft on a beautiful day and looking outside。 not at the houses and the rooftops; but at the sky。 as long as you can look fearlessly at the sky; youll know that youre pure within and will find happiness once more。

sunday; february 27; 1944

my dearest kitty;

from early in the morning to late at night; all i do is think about peter。 i fall asleep with his image before my eyes; dream about him and wake up with him still looking at me。

i have the strong feeling that peter and i arent really as different as we may seem on the surface; and ill explain why: neither peter nor i have a mother。 his is too superficial; likes to flirt and doesnt concern herself much with what goes on in his head。 mine takes an active interest in my life; but has no tact; sensitivity or motherly understanding。

both peter and i are struggling with our innermost feelings。 were still unsure of ourselves and are too vulnerable; emotionally; to be dealt with so roughly。 whenever that happens; i want to run outside or hide my feelings。 instead; i bang the pots and pans; splash the water and am generally noisy; so that everyone wishes i were miles away。 peters reaction is to shut himself up; say little; sit quietly and daydream; all the while carefully hiding his true self。

but how and when will we finally reach each other?

i dont know how much longer i can continue to keep this yearning under control。

yours; anne 

m。 frank

monday; february 28; 1944

my dearest kitty;

its like a nightmare; one that goes on long after im awake。 i see him nearly every hour of the day and yet i cant be with him; i cant let the others notice; and i have to pretend to be cheerful; though my heart is aching。

peter schiff and peter van daan have melted into one peter; whos good and kind and whom i long for desperately。 mothers horrible; fathers nice; which makes him even more exasperating; and margots the worst; since she takes advantage of my smiling face to claim me for herself; when all i want is to be left alone。

peter didnt join me in the attic; but went up to the loft to do some carpentry work。

at every rasp and bang; another chunk of my courage broke off and i was even more unhappy。 in the distance a clock was tolling be pure in heart; be pure in mind!鈥

im sentimental; i know。 im despondent and foolish; i know that too。

oh; help me!

yours; anne 

m。 frank

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MARCH; 1944

wednesday; march 1; 1944

dearest kitty;

my own affairs have been pushed to the background by 。 。 。 a break…in。 im boring you with all my break…ins; but what can i do when burglars take such pleasure in honoring gies & go。 with their presence? this incident is much more plicated than the last one; in july 1943。

last night at seven…thirty mr。 van daan was heading; as usual; for mr。 kuglers office when he saw that both the glass door and the office door were open。 he was surprised; but he went on through and was even more astonished to see that the alcove doors were open as well and that there was a terrible mess in the front office。

〃theres been a burglary〃 flashed through his mind。 but just to make sure; he went downstairs to the front door; checked the lock and found everything closed。 〃bep and peter must just have been very careless this evening;〃 mr。 van。 d。 concluded。 he remained for a while in mr。 kuglers office; switched off the lamp and went upstairs without worrying much about the open doors or the messy office。

early this morning peter knocked at our door to tell us that the front door was wide

open and that the projector and mr。 kuglers new briefcase had disappeared from the closet。 peter was instructed to lock the door。 mr。 van daan told us his discoveries of the night before; and we were extremely worried。

the only explanation is that the burglar must have had a duplicate key; since there were no signs of a forced entry。 he must have sneaked in early in the evening; shut the door behind him; hidden himself when he heard mr。 van daan; fled with the loot after mr。 van daan went upstairs and; in his hurry; not bothered to shut the door。

who could have our key? why didnt the burglar go to the warehouse? was it one of our own warehouse employees; and will he turn us in; now that hes heard mr。 van daan and maybe even seen him?

its really scary; since we dont know whether the burglar will take it into his head to try and get in again。 or was he so startled when he heard someone else in the building that hell stay away?

yours; anne 

p。s。 wed be delighted if you could hunt up a good detective for us。 obviously; theres one condotion: he must be relied upon not to mform on people in hiding。

thursday; march 2; 1944

dearest kitty;

margot and i were in the attic together today。 i cant enjoy being there with her the way i imagine itd be with peter (or someone else)。 i know she feels the same about most things as i do!

while doing the dishes; bep began talking to mother and mrs。 van daan about how discouraged she gets。 what help did those two offer her? our tactless mother; especially; only made things go from bad to worse。 do you know what her advice was? that she should think about all the other people in the world who are suffering!

how can thinking about the misery of others help if youre miserable yourself? i said as much。 their response; of course; was that i should stay out of conversations of this sort。

the grown…ups are such idiots! as if peter; margot; bep and i didnt all have the same feelings。 the only thing that helps is a mothers love; or that of a very; very close friend。 but these two mothers dont understand the first thing about us! perhaps

mrs。 van daan does; a bit more than mother。 oh; i wish i could have said something to poor bep; something that i know from my own experience would have helped。 but father came between us; pushing me roughly aside。 theyre all so stupid!

i also talked to margot about father and mother; about how nice it could be here if they werent so aggravating。 wed be able to organize evenings in which everyone could take turns discussing a given subje
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