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nothing happened; however; and forty…five minutes later the all clear was sounded。

after the dishes had been washed: another air…raid warning; gunfire and swarms of planes。 〃oh; gosh; twice in one day;〃 we thought; 〃thats twice in one day;〃 we thought; 〃thats twice too many。〃 little good that did us; because once agai the bombs rained down; this time on the others of the city。 according to british reports; schiphol airport was bombed。 the planes dived and climbed; the air was abuzz with the drone of engines。 it was very scary; and the whole time i kept thinking; 〃here it es; this is it。鈥�

i can assure you that when i went to bed at nine; my legs were still shaking。 at the stroke of midnight i woke up again: more planes! dussel was undressing; but i took no notice and leapt up; wide awake; at the sound of the first shot。 i stayed in fathers bed until one; in my own bed until one…thirty; and was back in fathers bed at two。

but the planes kept on ing。 at last they stopped firing and i was able to go back 〃home〃 again。 i finally fell asleep at half past two。

seven oclock。 i awoke with a start and sat up in bed。 mr。 van daan was with father。

my first thought was: burglars。 〃everything;〃 i heard mr。 van daan say; and i thought everything had been stolen。 but no; this time it was wonderful news; the best weve had in months; maybe even since the war began。 mussolini has resigned and the king of italy has taken over the government。

we jumped for joy。 after the awful events of yesterday; finally something good happens and brings us。 。 。 hope! hope for an end to the war; hope for peace。

mr。 kugler dropped by and told us that the fokker aircraft factory had been hit hard。

meanwhile; there was another air…raid alarm this morning; with planes flying over; and another warning siren。 ive had it up to here with alarms。 ive hardly slept; and the

last thing i want to do is work。 but now the suspense about italy and the hope that the war will be over by the end of the year are keeping us awake。 。

yours; anne 

thursday; july 29; 1943

dearest kitty;

mrs。 van daan; dussel and i were doing the dishes; and i was extremely quiet。 this is very unusual for me and they were sure to notice; so in order to avoid any questions; i quickly racked my brains for a neutral topic。 i thought the book henry from across the street might fit the bill; but i couldnt have been more wrong; if mrs。

van daan doesnt jump down my throat; mr。 dussel does。 it all boiled down to this:

mr。 dussel had remended the book to margot and me as an example of excellent writing。 we thought it was anything but that。 the little boy had been portrayed well; but as for the rest。 。 。 the less said the better。 i mentioned something to that effect while we were doing the dishes; and dussel launched into a veritable tirade。

〃how can you possibly understand the psychology of a man? that of a child isnt so difficult '!'。 but youre far too young to read a book like that。 even a twenty…year…old man would be unable to prehend it。〃 (so why did he go out of his way to remend it to margot and me?)

mrs。 van d。 and dussel continued their harangue: 〃you know way too much about things youre not supposed to。 youve been brought up all wrong。 later on; when youre older; you wont be able to enjoy anything anymore。 youll say; oh; i read that twenty years ago in some book。 youd better hurry if you want to catch a husband or fall in love; since everything is bound to be a disappointment to you。 you already know all there is to know in theory。 but in practice? thats another story!鈥�

can you imagine how i felt? i astonished myself by calmly replying; 〃you may think i havent been raised properly; but many people would disagree!鈥�

they apparently believe that good child…rearing includes trying to pit me against my parents; since thats all they ever do。 and not telling a girl my age about grown…up subjects is fine。 we can all see what happens when。 people are raised that way。

at that moment i could have slapped them both for poking fun at me。 i was beside myself with rage; and if i only knew how much longer we had to put up with each others pany; id start counting the days。

mrs。 van daans a fine one to talk! she sets an example all right  a bad one!

shes known to be exceedingly pushy; egotistical; cunning; calculating and perpetually dissatisfied。 add to that; vanity and coquettishness and theres no question about it:

shes a thoroughly despicable person。 i could write an entire book about madame van daan; and who knows; maybe someday i will。 anyone can put on a charming exterior when they want to。 mrs。 van d。 is friendly to strangers; especially men; so its easy to make a mistake when you first get to know her。

mother thinks that mrs。 van d。 is too stupid for words; margot that shes too unimportant; pim that shes too ugly (literally and figuratively!); and after long observation (im never prejudiced at the beginning); ive e to the conclusion that shes all three of the above; and lots more besides。 she has so many bad traits; why should i single out just one of them?

yours; anne 

p。s。 will the reader please take into consideration that this story was written before the writers fury had cooled?


AUGUST; 1943

tuesday; august 3; 1943

dearest kitty;

things are going well on the political front。 italy has banned the fascist party。 the people are fighting the fascists in many places  even the army has joined the fight。 how can a country like that continue to wage war against england?

our beautiful radio was taken away last week。 dussel was very angry at mr。 kugler for turning it in on the appointed day。 dussel is slipping lower and lower in my estimation; and hes already below zero。 hatever he says about politics; history; geography or ything else is so ridiculous that i hardly dare repeat it: hitler will fade from history; the harbor in rotterdam is bigger than the one in hamburg; the english are idiots for not taking the opportunity to bomb italy to smithereens; etc。; etc。

we just had a third air raid。 i decided to grit my teeth and practice being courageous。

mrs。 van daan; the one who always said 〃let them fall〃 and 〃better to end with a bang than not to end at all;〃 is the most cowardly one among us。 she was shaking like a leaf this morning and even burst into tears。 she was forted by her husband; with whom she recently declared a truce after a week of squabbling; i nearly got

sentimental at the sight。

mouschi has now proved; beyond a shadow of a doubt; that having a cat has disadvantages as well as advantages。 the whole house is crawling with fleas; and its getting worse each day。 mr。 kleiman sprinkled yellow powder in every nook and cranny; but the fleas havent taken the slightest notice。 its making us all very jittery;

were forever imagining a bite on our arms and legs or other parts of our bodies; so we leap up and do a few exercises; since it gives us an excuse to take a better look at our arms or necks。 but now were paying the price for having had so little physical exercise; were so stiff we can hardly turn our heads。 the real calisthenics fell by the wayside long ag
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