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at long last mr。 dussel s fury was spent; and he left the room with an expression of triumph mixed with wrath; his coat pockets bulging with food。

i went running over to father and recounted the entire story; or at least those parts he hadnt been able to follow himself。 rim decided to talk to dussel that very same evening; and they spoke for more than half an hour。

they first discussed whether anne should be allowed to use the table; yes or no。

father said that he and dussel had dealt with the subject once before; at which time hed professed to agree with dussel because he didnt want to contradict the elder in front of the younger; but that; even then; he hadnt thought it was fair。 dussel felt i had no right to talk as if he were an intruder laying claim to everything in sight。 but father protested strongly; since he himself had heard me say nothing of the kind。 and so the conversation went back and forth; with father defending my 〃selfishness〃 and my 〃busywork〃 and dussel grumbling the whole time。

dussel finally had to give in; and i was granted the opportunity to work without interruption two afternoons a week。 dussel looked very sullen; didnt speak to me for two days and made sure he occupied the table from five to five…thirty  all very childish; of course。

anyone whos so petty and pedantic at the age of fifty…four was born that way and is never going to change。

friday; july 16; 1943

dearest kitty;

theres been another break…in; but this time a real one! peter went down to the warehouse this morning at seven; as usual; and noticed at once that both the

warehouse door and the street door were open。 he immediately reported this to pim; who went to the private office; tuned the radio to a german station and locked the door。 then they both went back upstairs。 in such cases our orders are not to wash ourselves or run any water; to be quiet; to be dressed by eight and not to go to the bathroom;〃 and as usual we followed these to the letter。 we were all glad wed slept so well and hadnt heard anything。 for a while we were indignant because no one from the office came upstairs the entire morning; mr。 kleiman left us on tenterhooks until eleven…thirty。 he told that the burglars had forced the outside door and the warehouse door with a crowbar; but when they didnt find anything worth stealing; they tried their luck on the next floor。 they stole two cashboxes containing 40 guilders; blank checkbooks and; worst of all; coupons for 330 pounds of sugar; our entire allotment。 it wont be easy to wangle new ones。

mr。 kugler thinks this burglar belongs to the same gang as the one who made an unsuccessful attempt six weeks ago to open all three doors (the warehouse door and the two outside doors)。

the burglary caused another stir; but the annex seems to thrive on excitement。

naturally; we were glad the cash register and the typewriters had been safely tucked away in our clothes closet。

yours; anne 

ps。 landing in sicily。 another step closer to the 。 。 。 !

monday; july 19;1943

dearest kitty;

north amsterdam was very heavily bombed on sunday。 there was apparently a great deal of destruction。 entire streets are in ruins; and it will take a while for them to dig out all the bodies。 so far there have been two hundred dead and countless wounded;

the hospitals are bursting at the seams。 weve been told of children searching forlornly in the smoldering ruins for their dead parents。 it still makes me shiver to think of the dull; distant drone that signified the approaching destruction。

friday; july 23; 1943

bep is currently able to get hold of notebooks; especially journals and ledgers; useful for my bookkeeping sister! other kinds are for sale as well; but dont ask what theyre like or how long theyll last。 at the moment  theyre all labeled 〃no coupons

needed!〃 like everything else you can purchase without ration stamps; theyre i totally worthless。 they consist of twelve sheets of gray i paper with narrow lines that slant across the page。 margot is thinking about taking a course in calligraphy; ive advised her to go ahead and do it。 mother wont let me because of my eyes; but i think thats silly。 whether i do i that or something else; it all es down to the same i thing。

since youve never been through a war; kitty; and since you know very little about life in hiding; in spite of my letters; let me tell you; just for fun; what we each want to do first when were able to go outside again。

margot and mr。 van daan wish; above all else; to have a hot bath; filled to the brim; which they can lie in for more than half an hour。 mrs。 van daan would like a cake; dussel can think of nothing but seeing his charlotte; and mother is dying for a cup of real coffee。 father would like to visit mr。 voskuijl; peter would go downtown; and as for me; id be so overjoyed i wouldnt know where to begin。

most of all i long to have a home of our own; to be able to move around freely and have someone help me with my homework again; at last。 in other words; to go back to school!

bep has offered to get us some fruit; at so…called bargain prices: grapes 2。50 guilders a pound; gooseberries 70 cents a pound; one peach 50 cents; melons 75 cents a pound。 no wonder the papers write every evening in big; fat letters: 〃keep prices down!鈥

monday; july 26; 1943

dear kitty;

yesterday was a very tumultuous day; and were still all wound up。 actually; you may wonder if theres ever a day that passes without some kind of excitement。

the first warning siren went off in the morning while we were at breakfast; but we paid no attention; because it only meant that the planes were crossing the coast。 i had a terrible headache; so i lay down for an hour after breakfast and then went to the office at around two。

at two…thirty margot had finished her office work and was just gathering her things together when the sirens began wailing again。 so she and i trooped back upstairs。

none too soon; it seems; for less than five minutes later the guns were booming so loudly that we went and stood in the hall。 the house shook and the bombs kept

falling。 i was clutching my 〃escape bag;〃 more because i wanted to have something to hold on to than because i wanted to run away。 i know we cant leave here; but if we had to; being seen on the streets would be just as dangerous as getting caught in an air raid。 after half an hour the drone of engines faded and the house began to hum with activity again。 peter emerged from his lookout post in the front attic; dussel remained in the front office; mrs。 van d。 felt safest in the private office; mr。 van daan had been watching from the loft; and those of us on the landing spread out to watch the columns of smoke rising from the harbor。 before long the smell of fire was everywhere; and outside it looked as if the city were enveloped in a thick fog。

a big fire like that is not a pleasant sight; but fortunately for us it was all over; and we went back to our various chores。 just as we were starting dinner: another air…raid alarm。 the food was good; but i lost my appetite the moment i heard the siren。

nothing happened; however; and forty…five minutes later the all clear was sounded。

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