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r own names and to follow annes wishes with regard to the others。 over the years; the identity of the people who helped the family in the secret annex has bee mon knowledge。 in this edition; the helpers are now referred to by their real names; as they so justly deserve to be。 all other persons are named in accordance with the pseudonyms in the critical edition。 the institute for war documentation has arbitrarily assigned initials to those persons wishing to remain anonymous。

the real names of the other people hiding in the secret annex are:

the van pels family

(from osnabriick; germany):

auguste van pels (born september 9; 1890)

hermann van pels (born march 31; 1889)

peter van pels (born november 8; 1926)

called by anne; in her manuscript: petronella; hans and alfred van daan; and in the book: petronella; hermann and peter van daan。



fritz pfeffer

(born april 30; 1889; in giessen; germany):

called by anne; in her manuscript and in the book: alfred dussel。

the reader may wish to bear in mind that much of this edition is based on the b version of annes diary; which she wrote when she was around fifteen years old。

occasionally; anne went back and mented on a passage she had written earlier。

these ments are clearly marked in this edition。 naturally; annes spelling and linguistic errors have been corrected。 otherwise; the text has basically been left as she wrote it; since any attempts at editing and clarification would be inappropriate in a historical document。

i hope i will be able to confide everything to you; as i have never been able to confide in anyone; and i hope you will be a great source of fort and support。


June; 1942

june 12; 1942

i hope i will be able to confide everything to you; as i have never been able to confide in anyone; and i hope you will be a great source of fort and support。

ment added by anne on september 28; 1942: so far you truly have been a areat source of fort to me; and so has kitty; whom i now write to regularly。

this way of keeping a diary is much nicer; and now i can hardly wait for those moments when im able to write in you。 oh; im so alad i brought you along!

sunday; june 14; 1942

ill begin from the moment i got you; the moment i saw you lying on the table among my other birthday presents。 (i went along when you were bought; but that doesnt count。)

on friday; june 12; i was awake at six oclock; which isnt surprising; since it was my birthday。 but im not allowed to get up at that hour; so i had to control my curiosity until quarter to seven。 when i couldnt wait any longer; i went to the dining room; where moortje (the cat) weled me by rubbing against my legs。

a little after seven i went to daddy and mama and then to the living room to open my presents; and you were the first thing i saw; maybe one of my nicest presents。

then a bouquet of roses; some peonies and a potted plant。 from daddy and mama i got a blue blouse; a game; a bottle of grape juice; which to my mind tastes a bit like wine (after all; wine is made from grapes); a puzzle; a jar of cold cream; 2。50 guilders and a gift certificate for two books。 i got another book as well; camera obscura (but margot already has it; so i exchanged mine for something else); a platter of homemade cookies (which i made myself; of course; since ive bee quite an expert at baking cookies); lots of candy and a strawberry tart from mother。 and a letter from grammy; right on time; but of course that was just a coincidence。

then hanneli came to pick me up; and we went to school。 during recess i passed out cookies to my teachers and my class; and then it was time to get back to work。 i didnt arrive home until five; since i went to gym with the rest of the class。 (im not allowed to take part because my shoulders and hips tend to get dislocated。) as it was my birthday; i got to decide which game my classmates would play; and i chose volleyball。 afterward they all danced around me in a circle and sang 〃happy birthday。鈥

when i got home; sanne ledermann was already there。 ilse wagner; hanneli goslar and jacqueline van maarsen came home with me after gym; since were in the same class。 hanneli and sanne used to be my two best friends。 people who saw us together used to say; 〃there goes anne; hanne and sanne。〃 i only met jacqueline van maarsen when i started at the jewish lyceum; and now shes my best friend。 ilse is hannelis best friend; and sanne goes to another school and has friends there。

they gave me a beautiful book; dutch sasas and lesends; but they gave me volume ii by mistake; so i exchanged two other books for volume i。 aunt helene brought me a puzzle; aunt stephanie a darling brooch and aunt leny a terrific book: daisy goes to the mountains。

this morning i lay in the bathtub thinking how wonderful it would be if i had a dog

like rin tin tin。 id call him rin tin tin too; and id take him to school with me; where he could stay in the janitors room or by the bicycle racks when the weather was good。

monday; june 15; 1942

i had my birthday party on sunday afternoon。 the rin tin tin movie was a big hit with my classmates。 i got two brooches; a bookmark and two books。 ill start by saying a few things about my school and my class; beginning with the students。

betty bloemendaal looks kind of poor; and i think she probably is。 she lives on some obscure street in west amsterdam; and none of us know where it is。 she does very well at school; but thats because she works so hard; not because shes so smart。

shes pretty quiet。

jacqueline van maarsen is supposedly my best friend; but ive never had a real friend。

at first i thought jacque would be one; but i was badly mistaken。

d。q。* '* initials have been assigned at random to those persons who prefer to remain anonymous。' is a very nervous girl whos always forgetting things; so the teachers keep assigning her extra homework as punishment。 shes very kind; especially to g。z。

e。s。 talks so much it isnt funny。 shes always touching your hair or fiddling with your buttons when she asks you something。 they say she cant stand me; but i dont care; since i dont like her much either。

henny mets is a nice girl with a cheerful disposition; except that she talks in a loud voice and is really childish when were playing outdoors。 unfortunately; henny has a girlfriend named beppy whos a bad influence on her because shes dirty and vulgar。

j。r。 … i could write a whole book about her。 j。 is a detestable; sneaky; stuck…up; two…faced gossip who thinks shes so grown…up。 shes really got jacque under her spell; and thats a shame。 j。 is easily offended; bursts into tears at the slightest thing and; to top it all off; is a terrible show…off。 miss j。 always has to be right。 shes very rich; and has a closet full of the most adorable dresses that are way too old for her。 she thinks shes gorgeous; but shes not。 j。 and i cant stand each other。

ilse wagner is a nice girl with a cheerful disposition; but shes extremely finicky and can spend hours moaning and groaning about something。 ilse likes me a lot。 shes very smart; but lazy。

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