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now that im rereading my diary after a year and a half; im surprised at my childish innocence。 deep down i know i could never be that innocent again; however much id like to be。 i can understand the mood chanaes and the ments about margot; mother and father as if id written them only yesterday; but i cant imagine writina so openly about other matters。 it embarrasses me areatly to read the panes dealina with subjects that i remembered as beina nicer than they actually were。 my descriptions are so indelicate。 but enouah of that。

i can also understand my homesickness and yearning for moortje。 the whole time ive been here ive longed unconsciously and at times consciously for trust; love and

physical affection。 this longing may change in intensity; but its always there。

thursday; november 5; 1942

dear kitty;

the british have finally scored a few successes in africa and stalingrad hasnt fallen yet; so the men are happy and we had coffee and tea this morning。 for the rest; nothing special to report。

this week ive been reading a lot and doing little work。 thats the way things ought to be。 thats surely the road to success。

mother and i are getting along better lately; but were never close。 fathers not very open about his feelings; but hes the same sweetheart hes always been。 we lit the stove a few days ago and the entire room is still filled with smoke。 i prefer central heating; and im probably not the only one。 margots a stinker (theres no other word for it); a constant source of irritation; morning; noon and night。

anne frank

saturday; november 7; 1942

dearest kitty;

mothers nerves are very much on edge; and that doesnt bode well for me。 is it just a coincidence that father and mother never scold margot and always blame me for everything? last night; for example; margot was reading a book with beautiful illustrations; she got up and put the book aside for later。 i wasnt doing anything; so i picked it up and began looking at the pictures。 margot carne back; saw 〃her〃 book in my hands; knitted her brow and angrily demanded the book back。 i wanted to look through it some more。 margot got madder by the minute; and mother butted in:

〃margot was reading that book; give it back to her。鈥

father came in; and without even knowing what was going on; saw that margot was being wronged and lashed out at me: 〃id like to see what youd do if margot was looking at one of your books!鈥

i promptly gave in; put the book down and; according to them; left the room in a huff。〃 i was neither huffy nor cross; but merely sad。

it wasnt right of father to pass judgment without knowing what the issue was。 i would have given the book to margot myself; and a lot sooner; if father and mother hadnt intervened and rushed to take margots part; as if she were suffering some great injustice。

of course; mother took margots side; they always take each others sides。 im so used to it that ive bee pletely indifferent to mothers rebukes and margots moodiness。 i love them; but only because theyre mother and margot。 i dont give a darn about them as people。 as far as im concerned; they can go jump in a lake。 its different with father。 when i see him being partial to margot; approving margots every action; praising her; hugging her; i feel a gnawing ache inside; because im crazy about him。 i model myself after father; and theres no one in the world i love more。

he doesnt realize that he treats margot differently than he does me: margot just happens to be the smartest; the kindest; the prettiest and the best。 but i have a right to be taken seriously too。 ive always been the clown and mischief maker of the family; ive always had to pay double for my sins: once with scoldings and then again with my own sense of despair。 im no longer satisfied with the meaningless affection or the supposedly serious talks。 i long for something from father that hes incapable of giving。 im not jealous of margot; i never have been。 im not envious of her brains or her beauty。 its just that id like to feel that father really loves me; not because im his child; but because im me; anne。

i cling to father because my contempt of mother is growing daily and its only through him that im able to retain the last ounce of family feeling i have left。 he doesnt understand that i sometimes need to vent my feelings for mother。 he doesnt want to talk about it; and he avoids any discussion involving mothers failings。 and yet mother; with all her shortings; is tougher for me to deal with。 i dont know how i should act。 i cant very well confront her with her carelessness; her sarcasm and her hard…heartedness; yet i cant continue to take the blame for everything。

im the opposite of mother; so of course we clash。 i dont mean to judge her; i dont have that right。 im simply looking at her as a mother。 shes not a mother to me  i have to mother myself。 ive cut myself adrift from them。 im charting my own course; and well see where it leads me。 i have no choice; because i can picture what a mother and a wife should be and cant seem to find anything of the sort in the woman im supposed to call 〃mother。鈥

i tell myself time and again to overlook mothers bad example。 i only want to see her good points; and to look inside myself for whats lacking in her。 but it doesnt work; and the worst part is that father and mother dont realize their own inadequacies and how much i blame them for letting me down。 are there any parents who can make

their children pletely happy?

sometimes i think god is trying to test me; both now and in the future。 ill have to bee a good person on my own; without anyone to serve as a model or advise me; but itll make me stronger in the end。

who else but me is ever going to read these letters? who else but me can i turn to for fort? im frequently in need of consolation; i often feel weak; and more often than not; i fail to meet expectations。 i know this; and every day i resolve to do better。

they arent consistent in their treatment of me。 one day they say that annes a sensible girl and entitled to know everything; and the next that annes a silly goose who doesnt know a thing and yet imagines shes learned all she needs to know from books! im no longer the baby and spoiled little darling whose every deed can be laughed at。 i have my own ideas; plans and ideals; but am unable to articulate them yet。

oh well。 so much es into my head at night when im alone; or during the day when im obliged to put up with people i cant abide or who invariably misinterpret my intentions。 thats why i always wind up ing back to my diary  i start there and end there because kittys always patient。 i promise her that; despite everything; ill keep going; that ill find my own way and choke back my tears。 i only wish i could see some results or; just once; receive encouragement from someone who loves me。

dont condemn me; but think of me as a person who sometimes reaches the bursting point!

yours; anne 

monday; november 9;1942

dearest kitty;

yesterday was peters birthday; his sixteenth。 i was upstairs by eight; and peter and i looked at his presents。 he received a game of monopoly; a razor and a cigarette lighter。 not that he smokes so much; not at all; it ju
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