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the kite runner-第85章

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h the breeze; to the crickets chirping in the yard。 And I could almost feel the emptiness in Soraya s womb; like it was a living; breathing thing。 It had seeped into our marriage; that emptiness; into our laughs; and our lovemaking。 And late at night; in the darkness of our room;
I d feel it rising from Soraya and settling between us。 Sleeping between us。 Like a newborn child。
_June 2001_
I lowered the phone into the cradle and stared at it for a long time。 It wasn t until Aflatoon startled me with a bark that I realized how quiet the room had bee。 Soraya had muted the television。
 You look pale; Amir;  she said from the couch; the same one her parents had given us as a housewarming gift for our first apartment。 She d been tying on it with Aflatoon s head nestled on her chest; her legs buried under the worn pillows。 She was halfwatching a PBS special on the plight of wolves in Minnesota; half…correcting essays from her summer…school class……she d been teaching at the same school now for six years。 She sat up; and Aflatoon leapt down from the couch。 It was the general who had given our cocker spaniel his name; Farsi for  Plato;  because; he said; if you looked hard enough and long enough into the dog s filmy black eyes; you d swear he was thinking wise thoughts。
There was a sliver of fat; just a hint of it; beneath Soraya s chin now The past ten years had padded the curves of her hips some; and bed into her coal black hair a few streaks of cinder gray。 But she still had the face of a Grand Ball princess; with her bird…in…flight eyebrows and nose; elegantly curved like a letter from ancient Arabic writings。
 You took pale;  Soraya repeated; placing the stack of papers on the table。
 I have to go to Pakistan。 
She stood up now。  Pakistan? 
 Rahim Khan is very sick。  A fist clenched inside me with those words。
 Kaka s old business partner?  She d never met Rahim Khan; but I had told her about him。 I nodded。
 Oh;  she said。  I m so sorry; Amir。 
 We used to be close;  I said。  When I was a kid; he was the first grown…up I ever thought of as a friend。  I pictured him and Baba drinking tea in Baba s study; then smoking near the window; a sweetbrier…scented breeze blowing from the garden and bending the twin columns of smoke。
 I remember you telling me that;  Soraya said。 She paused。  How long will you be gone? 
 I don t know。 He wants to see me。 
 Is it。。。 
 Yes; it s safe。 I ll be all right; Soraya。  It was the question she d wanted to ask all along……fifteen years of marriage had turned us into mind readers。  I m going to go for a walk。 
 Should I go with you? 
 Nay; I d rather be alone。 
I DROVE TO GOLDEN GATE PARK and walked along Spreckels Lake on the northern edge of the park。 It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon; the sun sparkled on the water where dozens of miniature boats sailed; propelled by a crisp San Francisco breeze。 I sat on a park bench; watched a man toss a football to his son; telling him to not sidearm the ball; to throw over the shoulder。 I glanced up and saw a pair of kites; red with long blue tails。 They floated high above the trees on the west end of the park; over the windmills。
I thought about a ment Rahim Khan had made just before we hung up。 Made it in passing; almost as an afterthought。 I closed my eyes and saw him at the other end of the scratchy longdistance line; saw him with his lips slightly parted; head tilted to one side。 And again; something in his bottomless black eyes hinted at an unspoken secret between us。 Except now I knew he knew。 My suspicions had been right all those years。 He knew about Assef; the kite; 
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