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the kite runner-第59章

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 had a passing singing voice would sing until the sun rose; the mosquitoes stopped buzzing; and clapping hands grew sore。
 You were happier there; Baba。 It was more like home;  I said。
 Peshawar was good for me。 Not good for you。 
 You work so hard here。 
 It s not so bad now;  he said; meaning since he had bee the day manager at the gas station。 But I d seen the way he winced and rubbed his wrists on damp days。 The way sweat erupted on his forehead as he reached for his bottle of antacids after meals。  Besides; I didn t bring us here for me; did I? 
I reached across the table and put my hand on his。 My student hand; clean and soft; on his laborer s hand; grubby and calloused。 I thought of all the trucks; train sets; and bikes he d bought me in Kabul。 Now America。 One last gift for Amir。
Just one month after we arrived in the U。S。; Baba found a job off Washington Boulevard as an assistant at a gas station owned by an Afghan acquaintance……he d started looking for work the same week we arrived。 Six days a week; Baba pulled twelve…hour shifts pumping gas; running the register; changing oil; and washing windshields。 I d bring him lunch sometimes and find him looking for a pack of cigarettes on the shelves; a customer waiting on the other side of the oil…stained counter; Baba s face drawn and pale under the bright fluorescent lights。 The electronic bell over the door would ding…dong when I walked in; and Baba would look over his shoulder; wave; and smile; his eyes watering from fatigue。
The same day he was hired; Baba and I went to our eligibility officer in San Jose; Mrs。 Dobbins。 She was an overweight black woman with twinkling eyes and a dimpled smile。 She d told me once that she sang in church; and I believed her……
she had a voice that made me think of warm milk and honey。 Baba dropped the stack of food stamps on her desk。  Thank you but I don t want;  Baba said。  I work always。 In Afghanistan I work; in America I work。 Thank you very much; Mrs。 Dobbins; but I don t like it free money。 
Mrs。 Dobbins blinked。 Picked up the food stamps; looked from me to Baba like we were pulling a prank; or  slipping her a trick  as Hassan used to say。  Fifteen years I been doin  this job and nobody s ever done this;  she said。 And that was how Baba ended those humiliating food stamp moments at the cash register and alleviated one of his greatest fears: that an Afghan would see him buying food with charity money。 Baba walked out of the welfare office like a man cured of a tumor。
THAT SUMMER OF 1983; I graduated from high school at the age of twenty; by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day。 I remember losing Baba in the swarm of families; flashing cameras; and blue gowns。 I found him near the twenty…yard line; hands shoved in his pockets; camera dangling on his chest。 He disappeared and reappeared behind the people moving between us: squealing blue…clad girls hugging; crying; boys high…fiving their fathers; each other。 Baba s beard was graying; his hair thinning at the temples; and hadn t he been taller in Kabul? He was wearing his brown suit……his only suit; the same one he wore to Afghan weddings and funerals……and the red tie I had bought for his fiftieth birthday that year。 Then he saw me and waved。 Smiled。 He motioned for me to wear my mortarboard; and took a picture of me with the school s clock tower in the background。 I smiled for him……in a way; this was his day more than mine。 He walked to me; curled his arm around my neck; and gave my brow a single kiss。  I am moftakhir; Amir;  he said。 Proud。 His eyes gleamed when he said that an
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