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the kite runner-第48章

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g this kind of pain。
Baba came right out and asked。  Did you steal that money? Did you steal Amir s watch; Hassan? 
Hassan s reply was a single word; delivered in a thin; raspy voice:  Yes。 
I flinched; like I d been slapped。 My heart sank and I almost blurted out the truth。 Then I understood: This was Hassan s final sacrifice for me。 If he d said no; Baba would have believed him because we all knew Hassan never lied。 And if Baba believed him; then I d be the accused; I would have to explain and I would be revealed for what I really was。 Baba would never; ever forgive me。 And that led to another understanding: Hassan knew He knew I d seen everything in that alley; that I d stood there and done nothing。 He knew I had betrayed him and yet he was rescuing me once again; maybe for the last time。 I loved him in that moment; loved him more than I d ever loved anyone; and I wanted to tell them all that I was the snake in the grass; the monster in the lake。 I wasn t worthy of this sacrifice; I was a liar; a cheat; and a thief。 And I would have told; except that a part of me was glad。 Glad that this would all be over with soon。 Baba would dismiss them; there would be some pain; but life would move on。 I wanted that; to move on; to forget; to start with a clean slate。 I wanted to be able to breathe again。
Except Baba stunned me by saying;  I forgive you。 
Forgive? But theft was the one unforgivable sin; the mon denominator of all sins。 When you kill a man; you steal a life。 You steal his wife s right to a husband; rob his children of a father。 When you tell a lie; you steal someone s right to the truth。 When you cheat; you steal the right to fairness。 There is no act more wretched than stealing。 Hadn t Baba sat me on his lap and said those words to me? Then how could he just forgive Hassan? And if Baba could forgive that; then why couldn t he forgive me for not being the son he d always wanted? Why…… We are leaving; Agha sahib;  Ali said。
 What?  Baba said; the color draining from his face。
 We can t live here anymore;  Ali said。
 But I forgive him; Ali; didn t you hear?  said Baba。
 Life here is impossible for us now; Agha sahib。 We re leaving。  Ali drew Hassan to him; curled his arm around his son s shoulder。 It was a protective gesture and I knew whom Ali was protecting him from。 Ali glanced my way and in his cold; unforgiving look; I saw that Hassan had told him。 He had told him everything; about what Assef and his friends had done to him; about the kite; about me。 Strangely; I was glad that someone knew me for who I really was; I was tired of pretending。
 I don t care about the money or the watch;  Baba said; his arms open; palms up。  I don t understand why you re doing this。。。 what do you mean  impossible ? 
 I m sorry; Agha sahib; but our bags are already packed。 We have made our decision。 
Baba stood up; a sheen of grief across his face。  Ali; haven t I provided well for you? Haven t I been good to you and Hassan? You re the brother I never had; Ali; you know that。 Please don t do this。 
 Don t make this even more difficult than it already is; Agha sahib;  Ali said。 His mouth twitched and; for a moment; I thought I saw a grimace。 That was when I understood the depth of the pain I had caused; the blackness of the grief I had brought onto everyone; that not even Ali s paralyzed face could mask his sorrow。 I forced myself to look at Hassan; but his head was downcast; his shoulders slumped; his finger twirling a loose string on the hem of his shirt。
Baba was pleading now。  At least tell me why。 I need to know! 
Ali didn t tell Baba; just as he didn t protest 
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