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the kite runner-第126章

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 disappeared。  I see this may turn out to be enjoyable after all;  he said; snickering。  But there are things traitors like you don t understand。 
 Like what? 
Assef s brow twitched。  Like pride in your people; your customs; your language。 Afghanistan is like a beautiful mansion littered with garbage; and someone has to take out the garbage。 
 That s what you were doing in Mazar; going door…to…door? Taking out the garbage? 
 In the west; they have an expression for that;  I said。  They call it ethnic cleansing。 
 Do they?  Assef s face brightened。  Ethnic cleansing。 I like it。 I like the sound of it。 
 All I want is the boy。 
 Ethnic cleansing;  Assef murmured; tasting the words。
 I want the boy;  I said again。 Sohrab s eyes flicked to me。 They were slaughter sheep s eyes。 They even had the mascara……I remembered how; on the day of Eid of qorban; the mullah in our backyard used to apply mascara to the eyes of the sheep and feed it a cube of sugar before slicing its throat。 I thought I saw pleading in Sohrab s eyes。
 Tell me why;  Assef said。 He pinched Sohrab s earlobe between his teeth。 Let go。 Sweat beads rolled down his brow。
 That s my business。 
 What do you want to do with him?  he said。 Then a coy smile。  Or to him。 
 That s disgusting;  I said。
 How would you know? Have you tried it? 
 I want to take him to a better place。 
 Tell me why。 
 That s my business;  I said。 I didn t know what had emboldened me to be so curt; maybe the fact that I thought I was going to die anyway。
 I wonder;  Assef said。  I wonder why you ve e all this way; Amir; e all this way for a Hazara? Why are you here? Why are you really here? 
 I have my reasons;  I said。
 Very well then;  Assef said; sneering。 He shoved Sohrab in the back; pushed him right into the table。 Sohrab s hips struck the table; knocking it upside down and spilling the grapes。 He fell on them; face first; and stained his shirt purple with grape juice。 The
table s legs; crossing through the ring of brass balls; were now pointing to the ceiling。
 Take him; then;  Assef said。 I helped Sohrab to his feet; swat ted the bits of crushed grape that had stuck to his pants like bar nacles to a pier。
 Go; take him;  Assef said; pointing to the door。
I took Sohrab s hand。 It was small; the skin dry and calloused。 His fingers moved; laced themselves with mine。 I saw Sohrab in that Polaroid again; the way his arm was wrapped around Hassan s leg; his head resting against his father s hip。 They d both been smiling。 The bells jingled as we crossed the room。
We made it as far as the door。
 Of course;  Assef said behind us;  I didn t say you could take him for free。 
I turned。  What do you want? 
 You have to earn him。 
 What do you want? 
 We have some unfinished business; you and I;  Assef said。  You remember; don t you? 
He needn t have worried。 I would never forget the day after Daoud Khan overthrew the king。 My entire adult life; whenever I heard Daoud Khan s name; what I saw was Hassan with his sling shot pointed at Assef s face; Hassan saying that they d have to start calling him One…Eyed Assef。 instead of Assef Goshkhor。 I remember how envious I d been of Hassan s bravery。 Assef had backed down; promised that in the end he d get us both。 He d kept that promise with Hassan。 Now it was my turn。
 All right;  I said; not knowing what else there was to say。 I wasn t about to beg; that would have only sweetened the moment for him。
Assef called the guards back into the room。  I want you to listen to me;  he said to them。  In a moment; I m going to close the door。 Then he and I are going to
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