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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第8章

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鈥渨e escorted him in and he met with the general manding the garrison。 i don鈥檛 know what they agreed; but i imagine it was for abhorsen to bind the dead and; in return; he was to be granted citizenship of ancelstierre and freedom to cross the wall。 he certainly had the two  passports after that。 in any case; he spent the next few months carving the wind flutes you can see among the wire 。 。 。鈥

鈥渁h!鈥潯xclaimed sabriel。 鈥渋 wondered what they were。 wind flutes。 that explains a lot。鈥

鈥渋鈥檓 glad you understand;鈥潯aid the colonel。 鈥渋 still don鈥檛。 for one thing; they make no sound no matter how hard the wind blows through them。 they have charter symbols on them i had never seen before he carved them; and have never seen again anywhere else。 but when he started placing them 。 。 。 one a night 。 。 。 the dead just gradually disappeared; and no new ones rose。鈥

they reached the far end of the parade ground; where another scarlet sign stood next to a munication trench; proclaiming: 鈥減erimeter garrison hq。 call and wait for sentry。鈥

a telephone handset and a bell…chain proclaimed the usual dichotomy of the perimeter。

colonel horyse picked up the handset; wound the handle; listened for a moment; then replaced it。 frowning; he pulled the bell…chain three times in quick succession。

鈥渁nyway;鈥潯e continued; as they waited for  the sentry。 鈥渨hatever it was; it worked。 so we are deeply indebted to abhorsen; and that makes his daughter an honored guest。鈥

鈥渋 may be less honored and more reviled as a messenger of ill omen;鈥潯aid sabriel quietly。 she hesitated; for it was hard to talk about abhorsen without tears ing to her eyes; then continued quickly; to get it over and done with。 鈥渢he reason i am going into the old kingdom is to 。 。 。

to look for my father。 something has happened to him。鈥

鈥渋 had hoped there was another reason for you to carry his sword;鈥潯aid horyse。 he moved the skis into the crook of his left arm; freeing his right; to return the salute of the two sentries who were running at the double up the munication trench; hobnails clacking on the wooden slats。

鈥渢here is worse; i think;鈥潯dded sabriel; taking a deep breath to stop her voice from breaking into sobs。 鈥渉e is trapped in death 。 。 。 or 。 。 。 or he may even be dead。 and his bindings will be broken。鈥

鈥渢he wind flutes?鈥潯sked horyse; grounding the end of the skis; his salute dying out halfway to his head。 鈥渁ll the dead here?鈥

鈥渢he flutes play a song only heard in death;鈥

replied sabriel; 鈥渃ontinuing a binding laid down by abhorsen。 but the bound are tied to him; and the flutes will have no power if 。 。 。 they will have no power if abhorsen is now among the dead。

they will bind no more。鈥

w w w。 xiao shuotxt。 co m

chapter III

鈥渋 am not one to blame a messenger for her tidings;鈥潯aid horyse; as he handed a cup of tea over to sabriel; who was sitting on what looked like the only fortable chair in the dugout which was the colonel鈥檚 headquarters; 鈥渂ut you bring the worst news i have heard for many years。鈥

鈥渁t least i am a living messenger 。 。 。 and a friendly one;鈥潯abriel said quietly。 she hadn鈥檛 really thought beyond her own concern for her father。 now; she was beginning to expand her knowledge of him; to understand that he was more than just her father; that he was many different things to different people。 her simple image of him鈥攔elaxing in the armchair of her study at wyverley college; chatting about her schoolwork; ancelstierre technology; charter magic and necromancy鈥攚as a limited view; like a painting that only captured one dimension of the man。

鈥渉ow long do we have until abhorsen鈥檚 bindings are broken?鈥潯sked horyse; breaking into sabriel鈥檚 remembrance of her father。 the image she had of her father reaching for a teacup in her study disappeared; banished by real tea slopping over in her enamel mug and burning her fingers。

鈥渙h! excuse me。 i wasn鈥檛 thinking 。 。 。 how long till what?鈥

鈥渢he binding of the dead;鈥潯he colonel reiterated; patiently。 鈥渉ow long till the bindings fail; and the dead are free?鈥

sabriel thought back to her father鈥檚 lessons; and the ancient grimoire she鈥檇 spent every holiday slowly memorizing。 the book of the dead it was called and parts of it still made her shudder。

it looked innocuous enough; bound in green leather; with tarnished silver clasps。 but if you looked closely; both leather and silver were etched with charter marks。 marks of binding and blinding; closing and imprisonment。 only a trained necromancer could open that book 。 。 。

and only an uncorrupted charter mage could  close it。 her father had brought it with him on his visits; and always took it away again at the end。

鈥渋t depends;鈥潯he said slowly; forcing herself to consider the question objectively; without letting emotion interfere。 she tried to recall the pages that showed the carving of the wind flutes; the chapters on music and the nature of sound in the binding of the dead。 鈥渋f father 。 。 。 if abhorsen is 。 。 。 truly dead; the wind flutes will simply fall apart under the light of the next full moon。 if he is trapped before the ninth gate; the binding will continue until the full moon after he passes beyond; or a particularly strong spirit breaks the weakened bonds。鈥

鈥渟o the moon will tell; in time;鈥潯aid horyse。

鈥渨e have fourteen days till it is full。鈥

鈥渋t is possible i could bind the dead anew;鈥

sabriel said cautiously。 鈥渋 mean; i haven鈥檛 done it on this sort of scale。 but i know how。 the only thing is; if father isn鈥檛 。 。 。 isn鈥檛 beyond the ninth gate; then i need to help him as soon as i can。 and before i can do that; i must get to his house and gather a few things 。 。 。 check some references。鈥

鈥渉ow far is this house beyond the wall?鈥潯sked  horyse; a calculating look on his face。

鈥渋 don鈥檛 know;鈥潯eplied sabriel。


鈥渋 don鈥檛 know。 i haven鈥檛 been there since i was about four。 i think it鈥檚 supposed to be a secret。

father had many enemies; not just among the dead。 petty necromancers; free magic sorcerers; witches鈥斺

鈥測ou don鈥檛 seem disturbed by your lack of directions;鈥潯nterrupted the colonel dryly。 for the first time; a hint of doubt; even fatherly condescension; had crept into his voice; as if sabriel鈥檚 youth undermined the respect due to her as both a charter mage and necromancer。

鈥渇ather taught me to how to call a guide who will give me directions;鈥潯eplied sabriel coolly。

鈥渁nd i know it鈥檚 less than four days鈥櫋ravel away。鈥

that silenced horyse; at least for the moment。

he nodded and; standing cautiously; so his head didn鈥檛 hit the exposed beams of the dugout; he walked over to a steel filing cabinet that was rusting from the dark brown mud that oozed between the pale planks of the revetment。

opening the cabinet with a practiced heave of considerable force; he found a mimeographed  map and rolled it out on the table。

鈥渨e鈥檝e never been able to get our hands on a genuine old kingdom map。 your father had one; but he was the only person who coul
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