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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第75章

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ang out。

it was not the clear; true sound it should be; for somehow the bulk of kerrigor took the sound in and warped it鈥攂ut it had an effect。

kerrigor slid back; and was diminished; till he was little more than twice sabriel鈥檚 height。

but he was not subject to sabriel鈥檚 will。

saraneth had not bound him; and kibeth had only forced him back。

sabriel rang the bells again; concentrating on the difficult counterpoint between them; forcing all her will into their magic。 kerrigor would fall under her domination; he would walk where she willed 。 。 。

and for a second; he did。 not into death; for she lacked the power; but into his original body; inside the broken sarcophagus。 even as the chime of the bells faded; kerrigor changed。

fiery eyes and mouth ran into each other like molten wax; and his shadow…stuff folded into a narrow column of smoke; roaring up into the ceiling。 it hovered among the rafters for a moment; then descended with a hideous scream; straight into the rogir…body鈥檚 open mouth。

with that scream; saraneth and kibeth cracked; shards of silver falling like broken stars;  crashing to the earth。 mahogany handles turned to dust; drifting through sabriel鈥檚 fingers like smoke。

sabriel stared at her empty hands for a second; still feeling the harsh imprint of bell…handles 。 。 。

then; without any conscious thought; there was a sword hilt in her hand as she advanced upon the sarcophagus。 but before she could see into it; rogir stood up and looked at her鈥攍ooked with the burning fire…pit eyes of kerrigor。

鈥渁n inconvenience;鈥潯e said; with a voice that was only marginally more human。 鈥渋 should have remembered you were a troublesome brat。鈥

sabriel lunged at him; sword blowing white sparks as it struck; punching through his chest to project out the other side。 but kerrigor only laughed; and reached down till he held the blade with both hands; knuckles pallid against the silver…sparking steel。 sabriel tugged at the sword; but it would not e free。

鈥渘o sword can harm me;鈥潯errigor said; with a giggle like a dying man鈥檚 cough。 鈥渘ot even one made by the wallmakers。 especially not now; when i have finally assumed the last of their powers。 power that ruled before the charter;  power that made the wall。 i have it now。 i have that broken puppet; my half…brother鈥攁nd i have you; my abhorsen。 power; and blood鈥敗lood for the breaking!鈥

he reached out; and pulled the sword further into his chest; till the hilt was lodged against his skin。 sabriel tried to let go; but he was too quick; one chill hand clutching her forearm。 irresistibly; kerrigor drew her towards him。

鈥渨ill you sleep; unknowing; till the great stones are ready for your blood?鈥潯hispered kerrigor; his breath still reeking of carrion。 鈥渙r will you go waking; every step of the way?鈥

sabriel stared back; meeting his gaze for the first time。 surely; there in the hellfire of his eyes; she could see the faintest spark of blazing white? she unclenched her left fist; and felt the silver ring slip down her finger。 was it expanding? 鈥渨hat would you have; abhorsen?鈥潯ontinued kerrigor; his mouth peeling back; skin already breaking at the corners; the spirit within corroding even this magically preserved flesh。

鈥測our lover crawls towards us鈥攁 pathetic sight鈥攂ut i shall have the next kiss 。 。 。鈥

the ring was hanging in sabriel鈥檚 hand; hidden behind her back。 it had grown larger鈥攂ut she  could still feel the metal expanding 。 。 。

kerrigor鈥檚 blistered lips moved towards hers; and still the ring moved in her hand。 his breath was overpowering; reeking of blood; but she had long gone beyond throwing up。 she turned her head aside at the last second; and felt; dry; corpse…like flesh slide across her cheek。

鈥渁 sisterly kiss;鈥潯huckled kerrigor。 鈥渁 kiss for an uncle who has known you since birth鈥攐r slightly before鈥攂ut it is not enough 。 。 。鈥

again; his words were not just words。 sabriel felt a force grip her head; and move it back to face him; while her mouth was wedged apart; as if in passionate expectation。

but her left arm was free。

kerrigor鈥檚 head bent forward; his face looming larger and larger鈥攖hen silver flashed between them; and the ring was around his neck。

sabriel felt the pulsion snap off; and she leant back; trying to hurl herself away。 but kerrigor didn鈥檛 let go of her arm。 he seemed surprised; but not anxious。 his right hand went up to touch the band; fingernails falling as he did so; bone already pushing through at the fingertips。

鈥渨hat is this? some relic of 。 。 。鈥

the ring constricted; cutting through the pulpy  flesh of his neck; revealing the solid darkness within。 that too was pressed; forced inwards; pulsating as it tried to escape。 two flaming eyes looked down in disbelief。

鈥渋mpossible;鈥潯roaked kerrigor。 snarling; he pushed sabriel away; throwing her to the floor。

in the same motion he drew the sword from his chest; the blade slowly ing free with a sound like a rasp on hardwood。

swiftly as a snake; arm and sword went out; striking through sabriel; through armor and flesh and deep into the wooden floor beyond。

pain exploded; and sabriel screamed; body convulsing around the blade in one awful reflexive curve。

kerrigor left her there; impaled like a bug in a collection; and advanced upon touchstone。

sabriel; through eyes fogged with pain; saw kerrigor look down and rip a long; jagged splinter from one of the pews。

鈥渞ogir;鈥潯ouchstone said。 鈥渞ogir 。 。 。鈥

the splinter came down with a strangled shriek of rage。 sabriel closed her eyes and looked away; slipping into a world of her own; a world of pain。

she knew she should do something about the blood pouring out of her stomach; but now鈥敗 ith touchstone dead鈥攕he just lay where she was; and let it bleed。

then sabriel realized she hadn鈥檛 felt touchstone die。

she looked again。 the splinter had broken on his armored coat。 kerrigor was reaching out for another splinter鈥攂ut the silver ring had slipped down to his shoulders now; shredding the flesh away as it fell; like an apple corer punching the dead spirit out of the rotting corpse。

kerrigor struggled and shrieked; but the ring bound his arms。 capering madly; he threw himself from side to side; seeking to cast off the silver band that held him鈥攐nly causing yet more flesh to fall away; till no flesh remained; nothing but a raging column of darkness; constrained by a silver ring。

then the column collapsed upon itself like a demolished building; to bee a mound of rippling shadow; the silver ring shining like a ribbon。 a gleaming red eye shone amidst the silver鈥攂ut that was only the ruby; grown to match the metal。

there were charter marks on the ring again; but sabriel couldn鈥檛 read them。 her eyes wouldn鈥檛 focus; and it was too dark。 the moonlight  seemed to have gone。 still; she knew what must be done。 saraneth鈥攈er hand crept to the bandolier; but the sixth bell wasn鈥檛 there鈥攐r the seventh; or the third。 careless of me; thought sabriel; careless鈥敗ut i must plete the binding。 her hand fell on belgaer for a moment; and almost drew it鈥攂ut no; that would be release 。 
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