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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第58章

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rre。 obviously; somewhere close to the wall。 the clayr will have located it by now; because kerrigor must have gone to it when he emerged into life。 right; do you want to do the spell; or shall i?鈥

they had reached the third gate。 he didn鈥檛 wait for her answer; but immediately spoke the words。 sabriel felt strange hearing them; rather than speaking them鈥攃uriously distant; like a far…off observer。

steps rose before them; cutting through the waterfall and the mist。 abhorsen took them two at a time; showing surprising energy。 sabriel followed as best she could。 she felt tiredness in her bones now; a weariness beyond exhausted muscles。

鈥渞eady to run?鈥潯sked abhorsen。 he took her  elbow as they left the steps and went into the parted mists; a curiously formal gesture that reminded her of when she was a little girl; demanding to be properly escorted when they took a picnic basket out on one of her father鈥檚 corporeal school visitations。

they ran before the wave; with hands inside the bells; faster and faster; till sabriel thought her legs would seize up and she鈥檇 tumble head over heels; around and around and around; finally clattering to a halt in a tangle of sword and bells。

but she made it somehow; abhorsen chanting the spell that would open the base of the second gate; so they could ascend through the whirlpool。

鈥渁s i was saying;鈥潯bhorsen continued; taking these steps two at a time as well; speaking as swiftly as he climbed。 鈥渒errigor could never be properly dealt with till an abhorsen found the body。 all of us pushed him back at various times; as far back as the seventh gate; but that was merely postponing the problem。 he grew stronger all the time; as lesser charter stones were broken; and the kingdom deteriorated鈥敗nd we grew weaker。鈥

鈥渨ho鈥檚 we?鈥潯sked sabriel。 all this information was ing too quickly; particularly when given at the run。

鈥渢he great charter bloodlines;鈥潯eplied abhorsen。 鈥渨hich to all intents and purposes means abhorsens and the clayr; since the royal line is all but extinct。 and there is; of course; the relict of the wallmakers; a sort of construct left over after they put their powers in the wall and the great stones。鈥

he left the rim of the whirlpool; and strode confidently out into the second precinct; sabriel close at his heels。 unlike her earlier halting; probing advance; abhorsen practically jogged along; obviously following a familiar route。

how he could tell; without landmarks or any obvious signs; sabriel had no idea。 perhaps; when she had spent thirty…odd years traversing death; she would find it as easy。

鈥渟o;鈥潯ontinued abhorsen。 鈥渨e finally have the chance to finish kerrigor once and for all。

the clayr will direct you to his body; you will destroy it; and then banish kerrigor鈥檚 spirit form鈥攚hich will be severely weakened。 after that; you can get the surviving royal prince out of his suspended state; and with the aid of the  wallmaker relict; repair the great charter stones 。 。 。鈥

鈥渢he surviving royal prince;鈥潯sked sabriel; with a feeling of unlooked…for knowledge rising in her。 鈥渉e wasn鈥檛 。 。 。 ah 。 。 。 suspended as a figurehead in holehallow; was he 。 。 。 and his spirit in death?鈥

鈥渁 bastard son; actually; and possibly crazy;鈥

abhorsen said; without really listening。 鈥渂ut he has the blood。 what? oh; yes; yes he is 。 。 。 you said was 。 。 。 you mean鈥斺

鈥測es;鈥潯aid sabriel; unhappily。 鈥渉e calls himself touchstone。 and he鈥檚 waiting in the reservoir。

near the stones。 with mogget。鈥

abhorsen paused for the first time; clearly taken aback。

鈥渁ll our plans go astray; it seems;鈥潯e said somberly; sighing。 鈥渒errigor lured me to the reservoir to use my blood to break a great stone; but i managed to protect myself; so he contented himself with trapping me in death。

he thought you would be lured to my body; and he could use your blood鈥攂ut i was not trapped as securely as he thought; and planned a reverse。

but now; if the prince is there; he has another source of blood to break the great charter鈥斺

鈥渉e鈥檚 in the diamond of protection;鈥潯abriel said; suddenly feeling afraid for touchstone。

鈥渢hat may not suffice;鈥潯eplied abhorsen grimly。 鈥渒errigor grows stronger every day he spends in life; taking the strength from living folk; and feeding off the broken stones。 he will soon be able to break even the strongest charter magic defenses。 he may be strong enough now。

but tell me of the prince鈥檚 panion。 who is mogget?鈥

鈥渕ogget?鈥潯epeated sabriel; surprised again。

鈥渂ut i met him at our house! he鈥檚 a free magic鈥攕omething鈥攚earing the shape of a white cat; with a red collar that carries a miniature saraneth。鈥

鈥渕ogget;鈥潯aid abhorsen; as if trying to get his mouth around an unpalatable morsel。 鈥渢hat is the wallmaker relict; or their last creation; or their child鈥攏o one knows; possibly not even him。 i wonder why he took the shape of a cat? he was always a sort of albino dwarf…boy to me; and he practically never left the house。 i suppose he may be some sort of protection for the prince。 we must hurry。鈥

鈥渋 thought we were!鈥潯napped sabriel; as he started off again。 she didn鈥檛 mean to be bad…  tempered; but this was not her idea of a heartfelt reunion between father and daughter。 he hardly seemed to notice her; except as a repository for numerous revelations and as an agent to deal with kerrigor。

abhorsen suddenly stopped; and gathered her into a quick; one…armed embrace。 his grip felt strong; but sabriel felt another reality there; as if his arm was a shadow; temporarily born of light; but doomed to fade at nightfall。

鈥渋 have not been an ideal parent; i know;鈥

abhorsen said quietly。 鈥渘one of us ever are。

when we bee the abhorsen; we lose much else。 responsibility to many people rides roughshod over personal responsibilities; difficulties and enemies crush out softness; our horizons narrow。 you are my daughter; and i have always loved you。 but now; i live again for only a short time鈥攁 hundred hundred heartbeats; no more鈥敗nd i must win a battle against a terrible enemy。

our parts now鈥攚hich perforce we must play鈥敗re not father and daughter; but one old abhorsen; making way for the new。 but behind this; there is always my love。鈥

鈥渁 hundred hundred heartbeats 。 。 。鈥潯hispered sabriel; tears falling down her face。 she  gently pushed herself out of his embrace; and they started forward together; towards the first gate; the first precinct; life鈥攁nd then; the reservoir。


chapter xxiii

锝炲皬锛滆t xt锛嬶紜澶╋紴鍫
touchstone could see the dead now; and had no difficulty hearing them。 they were chanting and clapping; decayed hands meeting together in a steady; slow rhythm that put all the hair on the back of his head on edge。

a ghastly noise; hard sounds of bone on bone; or the liquid thumpings of deposed; jellying flesh。 the chanting was even worse; for very few of them had functioning mouths。

touchstone had never seen or heard a shipwreck鈥敗ow he knew the sound of a thousand sailors drowning; all at once; in a quiet sea。

the lines of
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