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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第53章

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 step; till the first pains subsided to a dull ache。 it was much worse than the lesser stones; broken at cloven crest and nestowe。

鈥渨hat is it?鈥潯hispered touchstone。

鈥渁h 。 。 。 the broken stones;鈥潯abriel muttered。

she took a deep breath; willing the pain and disfort away。 鈥渋 can stand it。 be careful when you get in。鈥

she drew her sword; and took her candle back from touchstone; who prepared to enter the water。 even forewarned; she saw him flinch as his feet touched the bottom; and sweat broke out in lines on his forehead; mirroring the ripples that spread from his entry。

sabriel expected mogget to jump up on her shoulder; given his apparent dislike for touchstone; but he surprised her; leaping to the man。 touchstone was clearly startled too; but recovered well。 mogget draped himself around the back of touchstone鈥檚 neck; and mewed softly。

鈥渒eep to the edges; if you can。 the corruption鈥敗he break鈥攚ill have even more unpleasant effects near the center。鈥

sabriel raised her sword in assent and led off; following the left wall; trying to break the surface tension of the water as little as possible。 but the quiet slosh…slosh of their wading seemed very loud; echoing and spreading up and out through the cistern; adding to the only other noise鈥攖he regular dripping of water; plopping loudly from the roof; or more sedately sliding down the columns。

she couldn鈥檛 sense any dead; but she wasn鈥檛 sure how much that was due to the broken stones。 they made her head hurt; like a constant; too…loud noise; her stomach cramped; her mouth was full of the acrid taste of bile。

they had just reached the north…western corner; directly under one of the light shafts; when the light suddenly dimmed; and the reservoir grew dark in an instant; save for the tiny; soft glow of the candles。

鈥渁 cloud;鈥潯hispered touchstone。 鈥渋t will pass。鈥

they held their breath; looking up; up to the tiny outline of light above; and were rewarded  when sunlight came pouring back down。

relieved; they began to wade again; following the long west…east wall。 but it was short…lived relief。 another cloud crossed the sun; somewhere in that fresh air so high above them; and darkness returned。 more clouds followed; till there were only brief moments of light interspersed by long stretches of total dark。

the reservoir seemed colder without the sun; even a sun diluted by passage down long shafts through the earth。 sabriel felt the cold now; acpanied by the sudden; irrational fear that they had stayed too long; and would emerge to a night full of waiting; life…hungry dead。

touchstone felt the chill too; made more bitter by his memories of two hundred years past; when he鈥檇 waded in this same water; and seen the queen and her two daughters sacrificed and the great stones broken。 there had been blood on the water then; and he still saw it鈥攁 single frozen moment of time that would not get out of his head。

despite these fears; it was the darkness that helped them。 sabriel saw a glow; a faint luminescence off to her right; somewhere towards the center。 shielding her eyes from the candle鈥檚  glare; she pointed it out to touchstone。

鈥渢here鈥檚 something there;鈥潯e agreed; his voice so low sabriel barely heard it。 鈥渂ut it鈥檚 at least forty paces towards the center。鈥

sabriel didn鈥檛 answer。 she鈥檇 felt something from that faint light; something like the slight sensation across the back of her neck that came when her father鈥檚 sending visited her at school。

leaving the wall; she pushed out through the water; a v…line of ripples behind her。 touchstone looked again; then followed; fighting the nausea that rose in him; ing in waves like repeated doses of an emetic。 he was dizzy too; and could no longer properly feel his feet。

they went about thirty paces out; the pain and the nausea growing steadily worse。 then sabriel suddenly stopped; touchstone lifting his sword and candle; eyes searching for an attack。 but there was no enemy present。 the luminous light came from a diamond of protection; the four cardinal marks glowing under the water; lines of force sparkling between them。

in the middle of the diamond; a man…shaped figure stood; empty hands outstretched; as if he had once held weapons。 frost rimed his clothes and face; obscuring his features; and ice girdled  the water around his middle。 but sabriel had no doubt about who it was。

鈥渇ather;鈥潯he whispered; the whisper echoing across the dark water; to join the faint sounds of the ever…present dripping。

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chapter xxi

鈥渢he diamond is plete;鈥潯aid touchstone。 鈥渨e won鈥檛 be able to move him。鈥

鈥測es。 i know;鈥潯eplied sabriel。 the relief that had soared inside her at the sight of her father was ebbing; giving way to the sickness caused by the broken stones。 鈥渋 think 。 。 。 i think i鈥檒l have to go into death from here; and fetch his spirit back。鈥

鈥渨hat!鈥潯xclaimed touchstone。 then; quieter; as the echoes rang; 鈥渉ere?鈥

鈥渋f we cast our own diamond of protection 。 。 。鈥

sabriel continued; thinking aloud。 鈥渁 large one; around both of us and father鈥檚 diamond鈥攖hat will keep most danger at bay。鈥

鈥渕ost danger;鈥潯ouchstone said grimly; looking around; trying to peer past the tight confines of their candle鈥檚 little globe of light。

鈥渋t will also trap us here鈥攅ven if we can cast it; so close to the broken stones。 i know that i couldn鈥檛 do it alone; at this point。鈥

鈥渨e should be able to bine our strengths。

then; if you and mogget keep watch while i am in death; we should manage。鈥

鈥渨hat do you think; mogget?鈥潯sked touchstone; turning his head; so his cheek brushed against the little animal on his shoulder。

鈥渋 have my own troubles;鈥潯rumbled mogget。

鈥渁nd i think this is probably a trap。 but since we鈥檙e here; and the鈥攁bhorsen emeritus; shall we say; does seem to be alive; i suppose there鈥檚 nothing else to be done。鈥

鈥渋 don鈥檛 like it;鈥潯hispered touchstone。

just standing this close to the broken stones took most of his strength。 for sabriel to enter death seemed madness; tempting fate。 who knew what might be lurking in death; close by the easy portal made by the broken stones? for that matter; who knew what was lurking in or around the reservoir? sabriel didn鈥檛 answer。 she moved closer to her father鈥檚 diamond of protection; studying the cardinal marks under the water。 touchstone  followed reluctantly; forcing his legs to move in short steps; minimizing the splash and ripple of his wake。

sabriel snuffed out her candle; thrust it through her belt; then held out her open palm。

鈥減ut your sword away and give me your hand;鈥潯he said; in a tone that did not invite conversation or argument。 touchstone hesitated鈥敗is left hand held only a candle; and he didn鈥檛 want both his swords scabbarded鈥攖hen he plied。 her hand was cold; colder than the water。 instinctively; he gripped a little tighter; to give her some of his warmth。

鈥渕ogget鈥攌eep watch;鈥潯abriel instructed。

she closed her eyes; and began to visualize the east mark; the first of the four cardinal 
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