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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第47章

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鈥渨hy are you so rude to touchstone?鈥

mogget hissed and the fur bristled on his back。

鈥渋 am accurate; not rude;鈥潯e snapped; turning his back to them with studied scorn。 鈥渁nd he deserves it。鈥

鈥渋鈥檓 sick of this!鈥潯nnounced sabriel。 鈥渢ouchstone; what does mogget know that i don鈥檛?鈥

touchstone was silent; knuckles white on the tiller; eyes focused on the distant horizon; as if he could already see the towers of belisaere。

鈥測ou鈥檒l have to tell me eventually;鈥潯aid sabriel; a touch of the prefect entering her voice。

鈥渋t can鈥檛 be that bad; surely?鈥

touchstone wet his lips; hesitated; then spoke。

鈥渋t was stupidity on my part; not evil; milady。

two hundred years ago; when the last queen reigned 。 。 。 i think 。 。 。 i know that i am partly responsible for the failing of the kingdom; the end of the royal line。鈥

鈥渨hat!鈥潯xclaimed sabriel。 鈥渉ow could you be?鈥

鈥渋 am;鈥潯ontinued touchstone miserably; his hands shaking so much the tiller moved; giving the boat a crazy zigzag wake。 鈥渢here was a 。 。 。

that is 。 。 。鈥

he paused; took a deep breath; sat up a little straighter; and continued; as if reporting to a senior officer。

鈥渋 don鈥檛 know how much i can tell you; because it involves the great charters。 where do i start? with the queen; i guess。 she had four children。 her oldest son; rogir; was a childhood playmate of mine。 he was always the leader; in all our games。 he had the ideas鈥攚e followed them。 later; when we were growing up; his ideas became stranger; less nice。 we grew apart。 i went into the guard; he pursued his own interests。 now i know that those interests must have included free magic and necromancy鈥敗 never suspected it then。 i should have; i know; but he was secretive; and often away。

鈥渢owards the end 。 。 。 i mean a few months before it happened 。 。 。 well; rogir had been away for several years。 he came back; just before the midwinter festival。 i was glad to see him; for he seemed to be more like he was as a  child。 he鈥檇 lost interest in the bizarrities that had attracted him。 we spent more time together again; hawking; riding; drinking; dancing。

鈥渢hen; late one afternoon鈥攐ne cold; crisp afternoon; near sunset鈥攊 was on duty; guarding the queen and her ladies。 they were playing cranaque。 rogir came to her; and asked her to e with him down to the place where the great stones are 。 。 。 hey; i can say it!鈥

鈥測es;鈥潯nterrupted mogget。 he looked tired; like an alley cat that has suffered one kick too many。 鈥渢he sea washes all things clear; for a time。

we can speak of the great charters; at least for a little while。 i had forgotten it was so。鈥

鈥済o on;鈥潯aid sabriel; excitedly。 鈥渓et鈥檚 take advantage of it while we can。 the great stones would be the stones and mortar of the rhyme鈥敗he third and fifth great charter?鈥

鈥測es;鈥潯eplied touchstone; remotely; as if reciting a lesson; 鈥渨ith the wall。 the people; or whatever they were who made the great charters; put three in bloodlines and two in physical constructions: the wall and the great stones。 all the lesser stones draw their power from one or the other。

鈥渢he great stones 。 。 。 rogir came and said  there was something amiss there; something the queen must look into。 he was her son; but she did not take great account of his wisdom; or believe him when he spoke of trouble with the stones。 she was a charter mage and felt nothing wrong。 besides; she was winning at cranaque; so she told him to wait till morning。 rogir turned to me; asked me to intercede; and; charter help me; i did。 i believed rogir。 i trusted him and my belief convinced the queen。 finally; she agreed。

by that time; the sun had set。 with rogir; myself; three guards and two ladies…in…waiting; we went down; down into the reservoir where the great stones are。鈥

touchstone鈥檚 voice faded to a whisper as he continued; and grew hoarse。

鈥渢here was terrible wrong down there; but it was rogir鈥檚 doing; not his discovery。 there are six great stones and two were just being broken; broken with the blood of his own sisters; sacrificed by his free magic minions as we approached。 i saw their last seconds; the faint hope in their clouding eyes; as the queen鈥檚 barge came floating across the water。 i felt the shock of the stones breaking and i remember rogir; stepping up behind the queen; a saw…edged   dagger striking so swiftly across her throat。 he had a cup; a golden cup; one of the queen鈥檚 own; to catch the blood; but i was too slow; too slow 。 。 。鈥

鈥渟o the story you told me at holehallow wasn鈥檛 true;鈥潯abriel whispered; as touchstone鈥檚 voice cracked and faded; and the tears rolled down his face。 鈥渢he queen didn鈥檛 survive 。 。 。鈥

鈥渘o;鈥潯umbled touchstone。 鈥渂ut i didn鈥檛 mean to lie。 it was all jumbled up in my head。鈥

鈥渨hat did happen?鈥

鈥渢he other two guards were rogir鈥檚 men;鈥

touchstone continued; his voice wet with tears; muffled with sorrow。 鈥渢hey attacked me; but vlare鈥攐ne of the ladies…in…waiting鈥攖hrew herself across them。 i went mad; battle…mad; berserk。 i killed both guards。 rogir had jumped from the barge and was wading to the stones; holding the cup。 his four sorcerers were waiting; dark…cowled; around the third stone; the next to be broken。 i couldn鈥檛 reach him in time; i knew。 i threw my sword。 it flew straight and true; taking him just above the heart。 he screamed; the echo going on and on and he turned back towards me! transfixed by my sword; but still walking; holding that vile cup of blood up; as if offering me a drink。

鈥溾榶ou may tear this body;鈥櫋e said; as he walked。 鈥榬ip it; like some poor…made costume。

but i cannot die。鈥櫋♀渉e came within an arm鈥檚 length of me; and i could only look into his face; look at the evil that lay so close behind those familiar features 。 。 。

then there was blinding white light; the sound of bells鈥攂ells like yours; sabriel鈥攁nd voices; harsh voices 。 。 。 rogir flinching back; the cup dropped; blood floating on the water like oil。 i turned; saw guardsmen on the stairs; a burning; twisting column of white fire; a man with sword and bells 。 。 。 then i fainted; or was knocked unconscious。 when i came to; i was in holehallow; seeing your face。 i don鈥檛 know how i got there; who put me there 。 。 。 i still only remember in shreds and patches。鈥

鈥測ou should have told me;鈥潯abriel said; trying to put as much passion in her voice as she could。 鈥渂ut perhaps it had to wait for the sea鈥檚 freeing of that binding spell。 tell me; the man with the sword and bells; was it the abhorsen?鈥

鈥渋 don鈥檛 know;鈥潯eplied touchstone。 鈥減robably。鈥

鈥渁lmost definitely; i would say;鈥潯dded sabriel。

she looked at mogget; thinking of that column of twisting fire。 鈥測ou were there too; weren鈥檛 you; mogget? unbound; in your other form。鈥

鈥測es; i was there;鈥潯aid the cat。 鈥渨ith the abhorsen of that time。 a very powerful charter mage; and a master of the bells; but a little too good…hearted to deal with treachery。 i had terrible trouble getting him to belisaere; and in the end; we were not timely enough to save the queen or her daug
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