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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第20章

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sabriel thought about the way it slept on the windowsill of the prefect鈥檚 room; and then found herself thinking about the school in general; and what her friends would be doing。 her eyelids drooped as she imagined an etiquette class; and the mistress droning on about silver salvers 。 。 。

a sharp clang woke her with yet another start; sending further stabs of pain through tired muscles。

the charter sending had tapped the bronze wheel with the poker from the fireplace。 it was obviously impatient for sabriel to have her wash。

鈥渨ater鈥檚 getting cold;鈥潯xplained mogget; leaping up to the bed again。 鈥渁nd they鈥檒l be serving dinner in half an hour。鈥

鈥渢hey?鈥潯sked sabriel; sitting up and reaching forward to grab slippers and towel; preparatory to sidling out of bed and into them。

鈥渢hem;鈥潯aid mogget; butting his head in the direction of the sending; who had stepped back from the basin and was now holding out a bar of soap。

sabriel shuffled over to the basin; the towel wrapped firmly around her; and gingerly touched the water。 it was delightfully hot; but  before she could do anything with it; the sending stepped forward; whisked the towel off her and upended the whole basin over her head。

sabriel shrieked; but; again before she could do anything else; the sending had put back the basin; turned the wheel for more hot water and was soaping her down; paying particular attention to her head; as if it wanted to get soap in sabriel鈥檚 eyes; or suspected an infestation of nits。

鈥渨hat are you doing!鈥潯abriel protested; as the strangely cool hands of the sending scrubbed at her back and then; quite without interest; at her breasts and stomach。 鈥渟top it! i鈥檓 quite old enough to wash myself; thank you!鈥

but miss prionte鈥檚 techniques for dealing with domestic servants didn鈥檛 seem to work on domestic sendings。 it kept scrubbing; occasionally tipping hot water over sabriel。

鈥渉ow do i stop it?鈥潯he spluttered to mogget; as still more water cascaded over her head and the sending started to scrub lower regions。

鈥測ou can鈥檛;鈥潯eplied mogget; who seemed quite amused by the spectacle。 鈥渢his one鈥檚 particularly recalcitrant。鈥

鈥渨hat do you 。 。 。 ow! 。 。 。 stop that! what do you mean; this one?鈥

鈥渢here鈥檚 lots about the place;鈥潯aid mogget。

鈥渆very abhorsen seems to have made their own。

probably because they get like this one after a few hundred years。 privileged family retainers; who always think they know best。 practically human; in the worst possible way。鈥

the sending paused in its scrubbing just long enough to flick some water at mogget; who jumped the wrong way and yowled as it hit him。

just before another great basin…load of water hit sabriel; she saw the cat shoot under the bed; his tail dividing the bedspread。

鈥渢hat鈥檚 enough; thank you!鈥潯he pronounced; as the last drench of water drained out through a grille in the tiled area。 the sending had probably finished anyway; thought sabriel; as it stopped washing and started to towel her dry。

she snatched the towel back from it and tried to finish the job herself; but the sending counterattacked by bing her hair; causing another minor tussle。 eventually; between the two of them; sabriel shrugged on the underdress and surcoat; and submitted to a manicure and vigorous hair…brushing。

she was admiring the tiny; repeated silver key motif on the black surcoat in the mirror that  backed one of the window…shutters; when a gong sounded somewhere else in the house and the servant…sending opened the door。 a split second later; mogget raced through; with a cry that sabriel thought was 鈥渄inner!鈥潯he followed; rather more sedately; the sending closing the door behind her。

dinner was in the main hall of the house。 a long; stately room that took up half the ground floor; it was dominated by the floor to ceiling stained…glass window at the western end。 the window showed a scene from the building of the wall and; like many other things around the house; was heavily laden with charter magic。

perhaps there was no real glass in it at all; sabriel mused; as she watched the light of the evening sun play in and around the toiling figures that were building the wall。 as with the sendings; if you looked closely enough you could see tiny charter marks making up the patterns。

it was hard to see through the window; but judging from the sun; it was almost dusk。 sabriel realized she must have slept for a full day; or possibly even two。

a table nearly as long as the hall stretched away from her鈥攁 brightly polished table of  some light and lustrous timber; heavily laden with silver salt cellars; candelabra and rather fantastic…looking decanters and covered dishes。

but only two places were fully set; with a plethora of knives; forks; spoons and other instruments; which sabriel only recognized from obscure drawings in her etiquette textbook。

she鈥檇 never seen a real golden straw for sucking the innards out of a pomegranate before; for example。

one place was before a high…backed chair at the head of the table and the other was to the left of this; in front of a cushioned stool。 sabriel wondered which was hers; till mogget jumped up on the stool and said; 鈥渆 on! they won鈥檛 serve till you鈥檙e seated。鈥

鈥渢hey鈥潯ere more sendings。 half a dozen in all; including the cream…dressed tyrant of the bedroom。 they were all basically the same; human in shape; but cowled or veiled。 only their hands were visible; and these were almost transparent; as if charter marks had been lightly etched on prosthetic hands carved from moonstone。

the sendings stood grouped around a door鈥攖he kitchen door; for sabriel saw fires beyond them; and smelled the tang of cooking鈥敗 nd stared at her。 it was rather unnerving; not to meet any eyes。

鈥測es; that鈥檚 her;鈥潯ogget said caustically。

鈥測our new mistress。 now let鈥檚 have dinner。鈥

none of the sendings moved; till sabriel stepped forward。 they stepped forward; too; and all dropped to one knee; or whatever supported them beneath the floor…length robes。 each held out their pale right hand; charter marks running bright trails around their palms and fingers。

sabriel stared for a moment; but it was clear they offered their services; or loyalty; and expected her to do something in return。 she walked to them and gently pressed each upthrust hand in turn; feeling the charter…spells that made them whole。 mogget had spoken truly; for some of the spells were old; far older than sabriel could guess。

鈥渋 thank you;鈥潯he said slowly。 鈥渙n behalf of my father; and for the kindness you have shown me。鈥

this seemed to be appropriate; or enough to be going on with。 the sendings stood; bowed and went about their business。 the one in the cream habit pulled out sabriel鈥檚 chair and placed her napkin as she sat。 it was of crisp black linen;  dusted with tiny silver keys; a miracle of needlework。

mogget; sabriel noticed; had a plain white napkin; with evidence of old stains。

鈥渋鈥檝e had to eat in the kitchen for the last two weeks;鈥潯ogget said sourly; as two sendings approached from the kitchen; bearing plates that signaled their arri
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