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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第16章

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ed the last remaining gap in the sky。

so much for no cloud; sabriel thought; as she looked towards what she guessed was still north; searching for the red star; uallus。 her teeth were chattering and would not be stilled; and a shiver that had started with her ice…cold feet was  repeating itself through every limb。 if she didn鈥檛 keep moving; she鈥檇 simply freeze where she stood鈥攑articularly as the wind was rising once more 。 。 。

sabriel laughed quietly; almost hysterically; and turned her face to feel the breeze。 it was an easterly; gaining strength with the minute。

colder; yes; but it also cleared the cloud; sweeping it to the west鈥攁nd there; in the first cleared broom…stroke of the wind; was uallus gleaming red。 sabriel smiled; stared at it; took stock of the little she could see around her; and started off again; following the star; a whispering voice constant in the back of her mind。

do not tarry; do not stop; no matter what happens。

the smile lasted as sabriel found the road and; with a good cover of snow in each gutter; she skied; making good time。

by the time sabriel found the mile marker and the charter stone behind it; no trace of the smile could be seen on her pale face。 it was snowing again; snowing sideways as the wind grew more frenzied; taking the snowflakes and whipping them into her eyes; now the only exposed portion of her entire body。 her boots were soaked  too; despite the mutton fat she鈥檇 rubbed into them。 her feet; face and hands were freezing; and she was exhausted。 she鈥檇 dutifully eaten a little every hour; but now; simply couldn鈥檛 open her frozen jaws。

for a short time; at the intact charter stone that rose proudly behind the smaller milemarker; sabriel had made herself warm; invoking a charter…spell for heat。 but she鈥檇 grown too tired to maintain it without the assistance of the stone; and the spell dissipated almost as soon as she walked on。 only the mother…spirit鈥檚 warning kept her going。 that; and the sensation that she was being followed。

it was only a feeling; and in her tired; chilled state; sabriel wondered if it was just imagination。

but she wasn鈥檛 in any state to face up to anything that might not be imagined; so she forced herself to go on。

do not tarry; do not stop; no matter what happens。

the path from the charter stone was better made than the one that climbed cloven crest; but steeper。 the pathmakers here had to cut through a dense; greyish rock; which did not erode like granite; and they had built hundreds  of wide; low steps; carved with intricate patterns。

whether these meant something; sabriel didn鈥檛 know。 they weren鈥檛 charter marks; or symbols of any language that she knew; and she was too tired to speculate。 she concentrated on one step at a time; using her hands to push down on her aching thighs; coughing and gasping; head down to avoid the flying snow。

the path grew steeper still and sabriel could see the cliff…face ahead; a huge; black; vertical mass; a much darker backdrop to the swirling snow than the clouded sky; palely backlit by the moon。 but she didn鈥檛 seem to get any closer as the path switchbacked to and fro; rising further and further up from the valley below。

then; suddenly; sabriel was there。 the path turned again and her little will…o鈥櫋璽he…wisp light reflected back from a wall; a wall that stretched for miles to either side; and for hundreds of yards upwards。 clearly; these were the long cliffs; and the path had ended。

almost sobbing with relief; sabriel pushed herself forward to the very base of the cliff; and the little light rose above her head to disclose grey; lichen…veined rock。 but even with that light; there was no sign of a door鈥攏othing but  jagged; impervious rock; going up and out of her tiny circle of illumination。 there was no path and nowhere else to go。

wearily; sabriel knelt in a patch of snow and rubbed her hands together vigorously; trying to restore circulation; before drawing mosrael from the bandolier。 mosrael; the waker。 sabriel stilled it carefully and concentrated her senses; feeling for anything dead that might be near and should not be woken。 there was nothing close; but once again sabriel felt something behind her; something following her; far down on the path。 something dead; something reeking of power。 she tried to judge how distant the thing was; before forcing it from her thoughts。

whatever it might be; it was too far away to hear even mosrael鈥檚 raucous voice。 sabriel stood up; and rang the bell。

it made a sound like tens of parrots screeching; a noise that burst into the air and wove itself into the wind; echoing from the cliffs; multiplying into the scream of a thousand birds。

sabriel stilled the bell at once and put it away; but the echoes raced across the valley; and she knew the thing behind her had heard。 she felt it fix its attention on where she was and she felt  it quicken its pace; like watching the muscles on a racehorse going from the walk to a gallop。 it was ing up the steps at least four or five at a time。 she felt the rush of it in her head and the fear rising in her at equal pace; but she still went to the path and looked down; drawing her sword as she did so。

there; between gusts of snow; she saw a figure leaping from step to step; impossible leaps; that ate up the distance between them with horrible appetite。 it was manlike; more than man…high; and flames ran like burning oil on water where it trod。 sabriel cried out as she saw it; and felt the dead spirit within。 the book of the dead opened to fearful pages in her memory; and descriptions of evil poured into her head。 it was a mordicant that hunted her鈥攁 thing that could pass at will through life and death; its body of bog…clay and human blood molded and infused with free magic by a necromancer; and a dead spirit placed inside as its guiding force。

sabriel had banished a mordicant once; but that had been forty miles from the wall; in ancelstierre; and it had been weak; already fading。

this one was strong; fiery; new…born。 it would kill her; she suddenly knew; and subjugate   her spirit。 all her plans and dreams; her hopes and courage; fell out of her to be replaced by pure; unthinking panic。 she turned to one side; then the other; like a rabbit running from a dog; but the only way down was the path and the mordicant was only a hundred yards below; closing with every blink; with every falling snowflake。 flames were spewing from its mouth; and it thrust its pointed head back and howled as it ran; a howl like the last shout of someone falling to their death; underlaid with the squeal of fingernails on glass。

sabriel; a scream somehow stuck and choking in her throat; turned to the cliff; hammering on it with the pommel of her sword。

鈥渙pen! open!鈥潯he screamed; as charter marks raced through her brain鈥攂ut not the right ones for forcing a door; a spell she鈥檇 learned in the second form。 she knew it like she knew her times tables; but the charter marks just wouldn鈥檛 e; and why was twelve times twelve sticking in her head when she wanted charter marks 。 。 。

the echoes from mosrael faded; and in that silence; the pommel struck on something that thudded hollowly; rathe
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