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白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)-第79章

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d undoubtedly posed with Babette; his shaggy member dangling like a ruminant's。
  〃Fusillade;〃 I whispered。
  He tried to wriggle behind the bowl; both arms over his head; his legs tight together。 I loomed in the doorway; conscious of looming; seeing myself from Mink's viewpoint; magnified; threatening。 It was time to tell him who I was。 This was part of my plan。 My plan was this。 Tell him who I am; let him know the reason for his slow and agonizing death。 I revealed my name; explained my relationship with the woman in the ski mask。
  He put his hands over his crotch; tried to fit himself under the toilet tank; behind the bowl。 The intensity of the noise in the room was the same at all frequencies。 Sound all around。 I took out the Zumwalt。 Great and nameless emotions thudded on my chest。 I knew who 1 was in the network of meanings。 Water fell to earth in drops; causing surfaces to gleam。 I saw things new。
  Mink took one hand from his crotch; grabbed more tablets from his pocket; hurled them toward his open mouth。 His face appeared at the end of the white room; a white buzz; the inner surface of a sphere。 He sat up; tearing open his shirt pocket to find more pills。 His fear was beautiful。 He said to me; 〃Did you ever wonder why; out of thirty…two teeth; these four cause so much trouble? I'll be back with the answer in a minute。〃
  I fired the gun; the weapon; the pistol; the firearm; the automatic。 The sound snowballed in the white room; adding on reflected waves。 I watched blood squirt from the victim's midsection。 A delicate arc。 I marveled at the rich color; sensed the color…causing action of nonnucleated cells。 The flow diminished to a trickle; spread across the tile floor。 I saw beyond words。 I knew what red was; saw it in terms of dominant wavelength; luminance; purity。 Mink's pain was beautiful; intense。
  I fired a second shot just to fire it; relive the experience; hear the sonic waves layering through the room; feel the jolt travel up my arm。 The bullet struck him just inside the right hipbone。 A claret stain appeared on his shorts and shirt。 I paused to notice him。 He sat wedged between the toilet bowl and wall; one sandal missing; eyes totally white。 I tried to see myself from Mink's viewpoint。 Looming; dominant; gaining life…power; storing up life…credit。 But he was too far gone to have a viewpoint。
  It was going well。 I was pleased to see how well it was going。 The trucks rumbled overhead。 The shower curtain smelled of mildewed vinyl。 A richness; a smashing intensity。 I approached the sitting figure; careful not to step in blood; leave revealing prints。 I took out my handkerchief; wiped the weapon clean; placed it in Mink's hand; cautiously removing the handkerchief; painstakingly wrapping his bony fingers; one by one; around the stock; delicately working his index finger through the trigger guard。 He was foaming; a little; at the mouth。 I stepped back to survey the remains of the shattering moment; the scene of squalid violence and lonely death at the shadowy fringes of society。 This was my plan。 Step back; regard the squalor; make sure things were correctly placed。
  Mink's eyes dropped out of his skull。 They gleamed; briefly。 He raised his hand and pulled the trigger; shooting me in the wrist。
  The world collapsed inward; all those vivid textures and connections buried in mounds of ordinary stuff。 I was disappointed。 Hurt; stunned and disappointed。 What had happened to the higher plane of energy in which I'd carried out my scheme? The pain was searing。 Blood covered my forearm; wrist and hand。 I staggered back; moaning; watching blood drip from the tips of my fingers。 I was。 troubled and confused。 Colored dots appeared at the edge of my field of vision。 Familiar little dancing specks。 The extra dimensions; the super perceptions; were reduced to visual clutter; a whirling miscellany; meaningless。
  〃And this could represent the leading edge of some warmer air;〃 Mink said。
  I looked at him。 Alive。 His lap a puddle of blood。 With the restoration of the normal order of matter and sensation; I felt I was seeing him for the first time as a person。 The old human muddles and quirks were set flowing again。 passion; remorse; mercy。 But before I could help Mink; I had to do some basic repair work on myself。 Once again I took out my handkerchief; managed with my right hand and my teeth to tie it firmly just above the bullet hole in my left wrist; or between the wound and the heart。 Then I sucked at the wound briefly; not knowing quite why; and spat out the resulting blood and pulp。 The bullet had made a shallow penetration and deflected away。 Using my good hand; I grabbed Mink by his bare foot and dragged him across the blood…dappled tile; the gun still clutched in his fist。 There was something redemptive here。 Dragging him foot…first across the tile; across the medicated carpet; through the door and into the night。 Something large and grand and scenic。 Is it better to mit evil and attempt to balance it with an exalted act than to live a resolutely neutral life? I know I felt virtuous; I felt blood…stained and stately; dragging the badly wounded man through the dark and empty street。
  The rain had stopped。 I was shocked at the amount of blood we were leaving behind。 His; mainly。 The sidewalk was striped。 An interesting cultural deposit。 He reached up feebly; dropped more Dylar down his throat。 The gun hand dragged。
  We reached the car。 Mink kicked free; involuntarily; his body flopping and spinning; a little fishlike。 He made spent and gasping noises; short of oxygen。 I decided to attempt mouth…to…mouth。 I leaned over him; used my thumb and index finger to clothes…pin his nose and then tried to work my face down into his。 The awkwardness and grim intimacy of the act made it seem all the more dignified under the circumstances。 All the larger; more generous。 I kept trying to reach his mouth in order to breathe powerful gusts of air into his lungs。 My lips were gathered; ready to funnel。 His eyes followed me down。 Perhaps he thought he was about to be kissed。 I savored the irony。
  His mouth was awash in regurgitated Dylar foam; half chewed tablets; flyspeck shards of polymer。 I felt large and selfless; above resentment。 This was the key to selflessness; or so it seemed to me as I knelt over the wounded man; exhaling rhythmically in the littered street beneath the roadway。 Get past disgust。 Forgive the foul body。 Embrace it whole。 After some minutes of this; I felt him e around; take regular breaths。 I continued to hover just above him; our mouths almost touching。
  〃Who shot me?〃 he said。
  〃You did。〃
  〃Who shot you?〃
  〃You did。 The gun is in your hand。〃
  〃What was the point I was trying to make?〃
  〃You were out of control。 You weren't responsible。 I forgive you。〃
  〃Who are you; literally?〃
  〃A passerby。 A friend。 It doesn't matter。〃
  〃Some millipedes have eyes; some do not。〃
  With much effort; many false starts; I got him into the back of the car; where he stretched out moaning。 It was no longer possible to tell whether the blood on my hands and clothes was his or mine。 My humanity soared。 I started up the car。 The pain in my arm was a throb; 
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