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白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)-第77章

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te step。 With each separate step; I became aware of processes; ponents; things relating to other things。 Water fell to earth in drops。 I saw things new。
  There was an aluminum awning over the office door。 On the door itself were little plastic letters arranged in slots to spell out a message。 The message was: NU MISH BOOT ZUP KO。
  Gibberish but high…quality gibberish。 I made my way along the wall; looking through the windows。 My plan was this。 Stand at the edges of windows with my back to the wall; swivel my head to look peripherally into rooms。 Some windows were bare; some had blinds or dusty shades。 I could make out the rough outlines of chairs or beds in the dark rooms。 Trucks rumbled overhead。 In the next to last unit; there was the scantest flicker of light。 I stood at the edge of the window; listening。 I swiveled my head; looked into the room out of the corner of my right eye。 A figure sat in a low armchair looking up at the flickering light。 I sensed I was part of a network of structures and channels。 I knew the precise nature of events。 I was moving closer to things in their actual state as I approached a violence; a smashing intensity。 Water fell in drops; surfaces gleamed。
  It occurred to me that I did not have to knock。 The door would be open。 I gripped the knob; eased the door open; slipped into the room。 Stealth。 It was easy。 Everything would be easy。 I stood inside the room; sensing things; noting the room tone; the dense air。 Information rushed toward me; rushed slowly; incrementally。 The figure was male; of course; and sat sprawled in the short…legged chair。 He wore a Hawaiian shirt and Budweiser shorts。 Plastic sandals dangled from his feet。 The dumpy chair; the rumpled bed; the industrial carpet; the shabby dresser; the sad green walls and ceiling cracks。 The TV floating in the air; in a metal brace; pointing down at him。
  He spoke first; without taking his eyes from the flickering screen。
  〃Are you heartsick or soulsick?〃
  I stood against the door。
  〃You're Mink;〃 I said。
  In time he looked at me; looked at the large friendly figure with the slumped shoulders and forgettable face。
  〃What kind of name is Willie Mink?〃 I said。
  〃It's a first name and a last name。 Same as anybody。〃
  Did he speak with an accent? His face was odd; concave; forehead and chin jutting。 He was watching TV without the sound。
  〃Some of these sure…footed bighorns have been equipped with radio transmitters;〃 he said。
  I could feel the pressure and density of things。 So much was happening。 I sensed molecules active in my brain; moving along neural pathways。
  〃You're here for some Dylar; of course。〃
  〃Of course。 What else?〃
  〃What else? Rid the fear。〃
  〃Rid the fear。 Clear the grid。〃
  〃Clear the grid。 That's why they e to me。〃
  This was my plan。 Enter unannounced; gain his confidence; wait for an unguarded moment; take out the Zumwalt; shoot him three times in the viscera for maximum slowness of agony; put the gun in his hand to suggest a lonely man's suicide; write semi…coherent things on the mirror; leave Stover's car in Treadwell's garage。
  〃By ing in here; you agree to a certain behavior;〃 Mink said。
  〃What behavior?〃
  〃Room behavior。 The point of rooms is that they're inside。 No one should go into a room unless he understands this。 People behave one way in rooms; another way in streets; parks and airports。 To enter a room is to agree to a certain kind of behavior。 It follows that this would be the kind of behavior that takes place in rooms。 This is the standard; as opposed to parking lots and beaches。 It is the point of rooms。 No one should enter a room not knowing the point。 There is an unwritten agreement between the person who enters a room and the person whose room had been entered; as opposed to open…air theaters; outdoor pools。 The purpose of a room derives from the special nature of a room。 A room is inside。 This is what people in rooms have to agree on; as differentiated from lawns; meadows; fields; orchards。〃
  I agreed pletely。 It made perfect sense。 What was I here for if not to define; fix in my sights; take aim at? I heard a noise; faint; monotonous; white。
  〃To begin your project sweater;〃 he said; 〃first ask yourself what type sleeve will meet your needs。〃
  His nose was flat; his skin the color of a Planter's peanut。 What is the geography of a spoon…shaped face? Was he Melanesian; Polynesian; Indonesian; Nepalese; Surinamese; Dutch…Chinese? Was he a posite? How many people came here for Dylar? Where was Surinam? How was my plan progressing?
  I studied the palm…studded print of his loose shirt; the Budweiser pattern repeated on the surface of his Bermuda shorts。 The shorts were too big。 The eyes were half closed。 The hair was long and spiky…。 He was sprawled in the attitude of a stranded air traveler; someone long since defeated by the stale waiting; the airport babble。 I began to feel sorry for Babette。 This had been her last hope for refuge and serenity; this weary pulse of a man; a mon pusher now; spiky…haired; going mad in a dead motel。
  Auditory scraps; tatters; whirling specks。 A heightened reality。 A denseness that was also a transparency。 Surfaces gleamed。 Water struck the roof in spherical masses; globules; splashing drams。 Close to a violence; close to a death。
  〃The pet under stress may need a prescription diet;〃 he said。
  Of course he hadn't always been like this。 He'd been a project manager; dynamic; hard…driving。 Even now I could see in his face and eyes the faltering remains of an enterprising shrewdness and intelligence。 He reached into his pocket; took a handful of white tablets; tossed them in the direction of his mouth。 Some entered; some flew past。 The saucer…shaped pills。 The end of fear。
  〃Where are you from originally; if I can call you Willie?〃
  He lapsed into thought; trying to recall。 I wanted to put him at ease; get him to talk about himself; about Dylar。 Part and parcel of my plan。 My plan was this。 Swivel my head to look into rooms; put him at his ease; wait for an unguarded moment; blast him in the gut three times for maximum efficiency of pain; take his Dylar; get off at the river road; shut the garage door; walk home in the rain and the fog。
  〃I wasn't always as you see me now。〃
  〃That's exactly what I was thinking。〃
  〃I was doing important work。 I envied myself。 I was literally embarked。 Death without fear is an everyday thing。 You can live with it。 I learned English watching American TV。 I had American sex the first time in Port…O…San; Texas。 Everything they said was true。 I wish I could remember。〃
  〃You're saying there is no death as we know it without the element of fear。 People would adjust to it; accept its inevitability。〃
  〃Dylar failed; reluctantly。 But it will definitely e。 Maybe now; maybe never。 The heat from your hand will actually make the gold…leafing stick to the wax paper。〃
  〃There will eventually be an effective medication; you're saying。 A remedy for fear。〃
  〃Followed by a greater death。 More effective; productwise。 This is what the scientists don't understand; scrubbing their smocks with Woolite。 Not that I have anything perso
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