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白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)-第6章

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through a telescope we might look like we were two feet two inches tall and it might be raining yesterday instead of today。〃
  〃He's holding the gun to your head。 He wants your truth。〃
  〃What good is my truth? My truth means nothing。 What if this guy with the gun es from a planet in a whole different solar system? What we call rain he calls soap。 What we call apples he calls rain。 So what am I supposed to tell him?〃
  〃His name is Frank J。 Smalley and he es from St。 Louis。〃
  〃He wants to know if it's raining now; at this very minute?〃
  〃Here and now。 That's right。〃
  〃Is there such a thing as now? 'Now' es and goes as soon as you say it。 How can I say it's raining now if your so…called 'now' bees 'then' as soon as I say it?〃
  〃You said there was no past; present; or future。〃
  〃Only in our verbs。 That's the only place we find it。〃
  〃Rain is a noun。 Is there rain here; in this precise locality; at whatever time within the next two minutes that you choose to respond to the question?〃
  〃If you want to talk about this precise locality while you're in a vehicle that's obviously moving; then I think that's the trouble with this discussion。〃
  〃Just give me an answer; okay; Heinrich?〃
  〃The best I could do is make a guess。〃
  〃Either it's raining or it isn't;〃 I said。
  〃Exactly。 That's my whole point。 You'd be guessing。 Six of one; half dozen of the other。〃
  〃But you see it's raining。〃
  〃You see the sun moving across the sky。 But is the sun moving across the sky or is the earth turning?〃
  〃I don't accept the analogy。〃
  〃You're so sure that's rain。 How do you know it's not sulfuric acid from factories across the river? How do you know it's not fallout from a war in China? You want an answer here and now。 Can you prove; here and now; that this stuff is rain? How do I know that what you call rain is really rain? What is rain anyway?〃
  〃It's the stuff that falls from the sky and gets you what is called wet。〃
  〃I'm not wet。 Are you wet?〃
  〃All right;〃 I said。 〃Very good。〃
  〃No; seriously; are you wet?〃
  〃First…rate;〃 I told him。 〃A victory for uncertainty; randomness and chaos。 Science's finest hour。〃
  〃Be sarcastic。〃
  〃The sophists and the hairsplitters enjoy their finest hour。〃
  〃Go ahead; be sarcastic; I don't care。〃
  Heinrich's mother lives in an ashram now。 She has taken the name Mother Devi and runs the business end of things。 The ashram is located on the outskirts of the former copper…smelting town of Tubb; Montana; now called Dharamsalapur。 The usual rumors abound of sexual freedom; sexual slavery; drugs; nudity; mind control; poor hygiene; tax evasion; monkey…worship; torture; prolonged and hideous death。
  I watched him walk through the downpour to the school entrance。 He moved with deliberate slowness; taking off his camouflage cap ten yards from the doorway。 At such moments I find I love him with an animal desperation; a need to take him under my coat and crush him to my chest; keep him there; protect him。 He seems to bring a danger to him。 It collects in the air; follows him from room to room。 Babette bakes his favorite cookies。 We watch him at his desk; an unpainted table covered with books and magazines。 He works well into the night; plotting chess moves in a game he plays by mail with a convicted killer in the penitentiary。
  It was warm and bright the next day and students on the Hill sat on lawns and in dorm windows; playing their tapes; sunbathing。 The air was a reverie of wistful summer things; the last languorous day; a chance to go bare…limbed once more; smell the mown clover。 I went into the Arts Duplex; our newest building; a winged affair with a facade of anodized aluminum; sea…green; cloud…catching。 On the lower level was the movie theater; a sloped and dark…carpeted space with two hundred plush seats。 I sat in shallow light at the end of the first row and waited for my seniors to arrive。
  They were all Hitler majors; members of the only class I still taught; Advanced Nazism; three hours a week; restricted to qualified seniors; a course of study designed to cultivate historical perspective; theoretical rigor and mature insight into the continuing mass appeal of fascist tyranny; with special emphasis on parades; rallies and uniforms; three credits; written reports。
  Every semester I arranged for a screening of background footage。 This consisted of propaganda films; scenes shot at party congresses; outtakes from mystical epics featuring parades of gymnasts and mountaineers—a collection I'd edited into an impressionistic eighty…minute documentary。 Crowd scenes predominated。 Close…up jostled shots of thousands of people outside a stadium after a Goebbels speech; people surging; massing; bursting through the traffic。 Halls hung with swastika banners; with mortuary wreaths and death's…head insignia。 Ranks of thousands of flagbearers arrayed before columns of frozen light; a hundred and thirty antiaircraft searchlights aimed straight up—a scene that resembled a geometric longing; the formal notation of some powerful mass desire。 There was no narrative voice。 Only chants; songs; arias; speeches; cries; cheers; accusations; shrieks。
  I got to my feet and took up a position at the front of the theater; middle aisle; facing the entranceway。
  They came in out of the sun in their poplin walk shorts and limited…edition T…shirts; in their easy…care knits; their polo styling and rugby stripes。 I watched them take their seats; noting the subdued and reverent air; the uncertain anticipation。 Some had notebooks and pencil lights; some carried lecture material in bright binders。 There were whispers; rustling paper; the knocking sound of seats dropping as one by one the students settled in。 I leaned against the front of the apron; waiting for the last few to enter; for someone to seal the doors against our voluptuous summer day。
  Soon there was a hush。 It was time for me to deliver the introductory remarks。 I let the silence deepen for a moment; then cleared my arms from the folds of the academic robe in order to gesture freely。
  When the showing ended; someone asked about the plot to kill Hitler。 The discussion moved to plots in general。 I found myself saying to the assembled heads; 〃All plots tend to move deathward。 This is the nature of plots。 Political plots; terrorist plots; lovers' plots; narrative plots; plots that are part of children's games。 We edge nearer death every time we plot。 It is like a contract that all must sign; the plotters as well as those who are the targets of the plot。〃
  Is this true? Why did I say it? What does it mean?
  Two nights a week Babette goes to the Congregational church at the other end of town and lectures to adults in the basement on correct posture。 Basically she is teaching them how to stand; sit and walk。 Most of her students are old。 It isn't clear to me why they want to improve their posture。 We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following rules of good grooming。 Sometimes I go with my wife to the church basement and watch her stand; turn; assume various heroic poses; gesture gracefully。 She makes references to yoga; kendo; trance…
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