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白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)-第5章

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  A woman fell into a rack of paperback books at the front of the store。 A heavyset man emerged from the raised cubicle in the far corner and moved warily toward her; head tilted to get a clearer sightline。 A checkout girl said; 〃Leon; parsley;〃 and he answered as he approached the fallen woman; 〃Seventy…nine。〃 His breast pocket was crammed with felt…tip pens。
  〃So then you cook at the rooming house;〃 Babette said。
  〃My room is zoned for a hot plate。 I'm happy there。 I read the TV listings; I read the ads in Ufologist Today。 I want to immerse myself in American magic and dread。 My seminar is going well。 The students are bright and responsive。 They ask questions and I answer them。 They jot down notes as I speak。 It's quite a surprise in my life。〃
  He picked up our bottle of extra…strength pain reliever and sniffed along the rim of the child…proof cap。 He smelled our honeydew melons; our bottles of club soda and ginger ale。 Babette went down the frozen food aisle; an area my doctor had advised me to stay out of。
  〃Your wife's hair is a living wonder;〃 Murray said; looking closely into my face as if to municate a deepening respect for me based on this new information。
  〃Yes; it is;〃 I said。
  〃She has important hair。〃
  〃I think I know what you mean。〃
  〃I hope you appreciate that woman。〃
  〃Because a woman like that doesn't just happen。〃
  〃I know it。〃
  〃She must be good with children。 More than that; I'll bet she's great to have around in a family tragedy。 She'd be the type to take control; show strength and affirmation。〃
  〃Actually she falls apart。 She fell apart when her mother died。〃
  〃Who wouldn't?〃
  〃She fell apart when Steffie called from camp with a broken bone in her hand。 We had to drive all night。 I found myself on a lumber pany road。 Babette weeping。〃
  〃Her daughter; far away; among strangers; in pain。 Who wouldn't?〃
  〃Not her daughter。 My daughter。〃
  〃Not even her own daughter。〃
  〃Extraordinary。 I have to love it。〃
  The three of us left together; trying to maneuver our shopping carts between the paperback books scattered across the entrance。 Murray wheeled one of our carts into the parking lot and then helped us heave and push all our double…bagged merchandise into the back of the station wagon。 Cars entered and exited。 The policewoman in her zippered minicab scouted the area for red flags on the parking meters。 We added Murray's single lightweight bag of white items to our load and headed across Elm in the direction of his rooming house。 It seemed to me that Babette and I; in the mass and variety of our purchases; in the sheer plenitude those crowded bags suggested; the weight and size and number; the familiar package designs and vivid lettering; the giant sizes; the family bargain packs with Day…Glo sale stickers; in the sense of replenishment we felt; the sense of well…being; the security and contentment these products brought to some snug home in our souls—it seemed we had achieved a fullness of being that is not known to people who need less; expect less; who plan their lives around lonely walks in the evening。
  Murray took Babette's hand on leaving。
  〃I'd ask you to visit my room but it's too small for two people unless they're prepared to be intimate。〃
  Murray is able to produce a look that is sneaky and frank at the same time。 It is a look that gives equal credence to disaster and lecherous success。 He says that in the old days of his urban entanglements he believed there was only one way to seduce a woman; with clear and open desire。 He took pains to avoid self…depreciation; self…mockery; ambiguity; irony; subtlety; vulnerability; a civilized world…weariness and a tragic sense of history— the very things; he says; that are most natural to him。 Of these he has allowed only one element; vulnerability; to insert itself gradually into his program of straightforward lust。 He is trying to develop a vulnerability that women will find attractive。 He works at it consciously; like a man in a gym with weights and a mirror。 But his efforts so far have produced only this half sneaky look; sheepish and wheedling。
  He thanked us for the lift。 We watched him walk toward the lopsided porch; propped with cinder blocks; where a man in a rocker stared into space。
  Heinrich's hairline is beginning to recede。 I wonder about this。 Did his mother consume some kind of gene…piercing substance when she was pregnant? Am I at fault somehow? Have I raised him; unwittingly; in the vicinity of a chemical dump site; in the path of air currents that carry industrial wastes capable of producing scalp degeneration; glorious sunsets? (People say the sunsets around here were not nearly so stunning thirty or forty years ago。) Man's guilt in history and in the tides of his own blood has been plicated by technology; the daily seeping falsehearted death。
  The boy is fourteen; often evasive and moody; at other times disturbingly pliant。 I have a sense that his ready yielding to our wishes and demands is a private weapon of reproach。 Babette is afraid he will end up in a barricaded room; spraying hundreds of rounds of automatic fire across an empty mall before the SWAT teams e for him with their heavy…barreled weapons; their bullhorns and body armor。
  〃It's going to rain tonight。〃
  〃It's raining now;〃 I said。
  〃The radio said tonight。〃
  I drove him to school on his first day back after a sore throat and fever。 A woman in a yellow slicker held up traffic to let some children cross。 I pictured her in a soup mercial taking off her oilskin hat as she entered the cheerful kitchen where her husband stood over a pot of smoky lobster bisque; a smallish man with six weeks to live。
  〃Look at the windshield;〃 I said。 〃Is that rain or isn't it?〃
  〃I'm only telling you what they said。〃
  〃Just because it's on the radio doesn't mean we have to suspend belief in the evidence of our senses。〃
  〃Our senses? Our senses are wrong a lot more often than they're right。 This has been proved in the laboratory。 Don't you know about all those theorems that say nothing is what it seems? There's no past; present or future outside our own mind。 The so…called laws of motion are a big hoax。 Even sound can trick the mind。 Just because you don't hear a sound doesn't mean it's not out there。 Dogs can hear it。 Other animals。 And I'm sure there are sounds even dogs can't hear。 But they exist in the air; in waves。 Maybe they never stop。 High; high; high…pitched。 ing from somewhere。〃
  〃Is it raining;〃 I said; 〃or isn't it?〃
  〃I wouldn't want to have to say。〃
  〃What if someone held a gun to your head?〃
  〃Who; you?〃
  〃Someone。 A man in a trenchcoat and smoky glasses。 He holds a gun to your head and says; 'Is it raining or isn't it? All you have to do is tell the truth and I'll put away my gun and take the next flight out of here。'〃
  〃What truth does he want? Does he want the truth of someone traveling at almost the speed of light in another galaxy? Does he want the truth of someone in orbit around a neutron star? Maybe if these people could see us through a telescope we might look like we were two feet tw
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