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白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)-第43章

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ned their horoscopes in the tabloids up front; from the whispers of elderly women with talcumed faces; from the steady rattle of cars going over a loose manhole cover just outside the entrance。 Gliding feet。 I heard them clearly; a sad numb shuffle in every aisle。
  〃How are the girls?〃 Murray said。
  〃Back in school?〃
  〃Now that the scare is over。〃
  〃Yes。 Steffie no longer wears her protective mask。〃
  〃I want to buy some New York cuts;〃 he said; gesturing toward the butcher。
  The phrase seemed familiar; but what did it mean?
  〃Unpackaged meat; fresh bread;〃 he went on。 〃Exotic fruits; rare cheeses。 Products from twenty countries。 It's like being at some crossroads of the ancient world; a Persian bazaar or boom town on the Tigris。 How are you; Jack?〃
  What did he mean; how are you?
  〃Poor Cotsakis; lost in the surf;〃 I said。 〃That enormous man。〃
  〃That's the one。〃
  〃I don't know what to say。〃
  〃He was big all right。〃
  〃Enormously so。〃
  〃I don't know what to say either。 Except better him than me。〃
  〃He must have weighed three hundred pounds。〃
  〃Oh; easily。〃
  〃What do you think; two ninety; three hundred?〃
  〃Three hundred easily。〃
  〃Dead。 A big man like that。〃; 〃What can we say?〃
  〃I thought I was big。〃
  〃He was on another level。 You're big on your level。〃
  〃Not that I knew him。 I didn't know him at all。〃
  〃It's better not knowing them when they die。 It's better them than us。〃
  〃To be so enormous。 Then to die。〃
  〃To be lost without a trace。 To be swept away。〃
  〃I can picture him so clearly。〃
  〃It's strange in a way; isn't it;〃 he said; 〃that we can picture the dead。〃
  I took Wilder along the fruit bins。 The fruit was gleaming and wet; hard…edged。 There was a self…conscious quality about it。 It looked carefully observed; like four…color fruit in a guide to photography。 We veered right at the plastic jugs of spring water and headed for the checkout。 I liked being with Wilder。 The world was a series of fleeting gratifications。 He took what he could; then immediately forgot it in the rush of a subsequent pleasure。 It was this forgetfulness I envied and admired。
  The woman at the terminal asked him a number of questions; providing her own replies in a babyish voice。
  Some of the houses in town were showing signs of neglect。 The park benches needed repair; the broken streets needed resurfacing。 Signs of the times。 But the supermarket did not change; except for the better。 It was well…stocked; musical and bright。 This was the key; it seemed to us。 Everything was fine; would continue to be fine; would eventually get even better as long as the supermarket did not slip。
  Early that evening I drove Babette to her class in posture。 We stopped on the parkway overpass and got out to look at the sunset。 Ever since the airborne toxic event; the sunsets had bee almost unbearably beautiful。 Not that there was a measurable connection。 If the special character of Nyodene Derivative (added to the everyday drift of effluents; pollutants; contaminants and deliriants) had caused this aesthetic leap from already brilliant sunsets to broad towering ruddled visionary skyscapes; tinged with dread; no one had been able to prove it。
  〃What else can we believe?〃 Babette said。 〃How else can we explain?〃
  〃I don't know。〃
  〃We're not at the edge of the ocean or desert。 We ought to have timid winter sunsets。 But look at the blazing sky。 It's so beautiful and dramatic。 Sunsets used to last five minutes。 Now they last an hour。〃
  〃Why is that?〃
  〃Why is that?〃 she said。
  This spot on the overpass offered a broad prospect west。 People had been ing here ever since the first of the new sunsets; parking their own cars; standing around in the bitter wind to chat nervously and look。 There were four cars here already; others certain to e。 The overpass had bee a scenic lookout。 The police were reluctant to enforce the parking ban。 It was one of those situations; like the Olympics for the handicapped; that make all the restrictions seem petty。
  Later I drove back to the Congregational church to pick her up。 Denise and Wilder came along for the ride。 Babette in jeans and legwarmers was a fine and stirring sight。 Legwarmers lend a note of paramilitary poise; a hint of archaic warriorhood。 When she shoveled snow; she wore a furry headband as well。 It made me think of the fifth century A。D。 Men standing around campfires speaking in subdued tones in their Turkic and Mongol dialects。 Clear skies。 The fearless exemplary death of Attila the Hun。
  〃How was class?〃 Denise said。
  〃It's going so well they want me to teach another course。〃
  〃In what?〃
  〃Jack won't believe this。〃
  〃In what?〃 I said。
  〃Eating and drinking。 It's called Eating and Drinking: Basic Parameters。 Which; I admit; is a little more stupid than it absolutely has to be。〃
  〃What could you teach?〃 Denise said。
  〃That's just it。 It's practically inexhaustible。 Eat light foods in warm weather。 Drink plenty of liquids。〃
  〃But everybody knows that。〃
  〃Knowledge changes every day。 People like to have their beliefs reinforced。 Don't lie down after eating a heavy meal。 Don't drink liquor on an empty stomach。 If you must swim; wait at least an hour after eating。 The world is more plicated for adults than it is for children。 We didn't grow up with all these shifting facts and attitudes。 One day they just started appearing。 So people need to be reassured by someone in a position of authority that a certain way to do something is the right way or the wrong way; at least for the time being。 I'm the closest they could find; that's all。〃
  A staticky piece of lint clung to the TV screen。
  In bed we lay quietly; my head between her breasts; cushioned as if against some remorseless blow。 I was determined not to tell her about the puter verdict。 I knew she would be devastated to learn that my death would almost surely precede hers。 Her body became the agency of my resolve; my silence。 Nightly I moved toward her breasts; nuzzling into that designated space like a wounded sub into its repair dock。 I drew courage from her breasts; her warm mouth; her browsing hands; from the skimming tips of her fingers on my back。 The lighter the touch; the more determined I was to keep her from knowing。 Only her own desperation could break my will。
  Once I almost asked her to put on legwarmers before we made love。 But it seemed a request more deeply rooted in pathos than in aberrant sexuality and I thought it might make her suspect that something was wrong。
  1 asked my German teacher to add half an hour to each lesson。 It seemed more urgent than ever that I learn the language。 His room was cold。 He wore foul weather gear and seemed gradually to be piling furniture against the windows。
  We sat facing each other in the gloom。 I did wonderfully well with vocabulary and rules of grammar。 I could have passed a written test easily; made top grades。 But I continued to have trouble pronouncing the words。 Dunlop did not seem to mind。 He enunciated for me over and over; scintillas of dry spit flying toward my face。
  We advan
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