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白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)-第35章

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world。 He was forcing the next world to seep into my consciousness; stupendous events that seemed matter…of…fact to him; self…evident; reasonable; imminent; true。 I did not feel Armageddon in my bones but I worried about all those people who did; who were ready for it; wishing hard; making phone calls and bank withdrawals。 If enough people want it to happen; will it happen? How many people are enough people? Why are we talking to each other from this aboriginal crouch?
  He handed me a pamphlet called 〃Twenty mon Mistakes About the End of the World。〃 I struggled out of the squatting posture; feeling dizziness and back…pain。 At the front of the hall a woman was saying something about exposure to toxic agents。 Her small voice was almost lost in the shuffling roar of the barracks; the kind of low…level rumble that humans routinely make in large enclosed places。 Denise had put down her reference work and was giving me a hard…eyed look。 It was the look she usually saved for her father and his latest loss of foothold。
  〃What's wrong?〃 I said to her。
  〃Didn't you hear what the voice said?〃
  〃That's right;〃 she said sharply。
  〃What's that got to do with us?〃
  〃Not us;〃 she said。 〃You。〃
  〃Why me?〃
  〃Aren't you the one who got out of the car to fill the gas tank?〃
  〃Where was the airborne event when I did that?〃
  〃Just ahead of us。 Don't you remember? You got back in the car and we went a little ways and then there it was in all those lights。〃
  〃You're saying when I got out of the car; the cloud may have been close enough to rain all over me。〃
  〃It's not your fault;〃 she said impatiently; 〃but you were practically right in it for about two and a half minutes。〃
  I made my way up front。 Two lines were forming。 A to M and N to Z。 At the end of each line was a folding table with a microputer on it。 Technicians milled about; men and women with lapel badges and color…coded armbands。 I stood behind the life…jacket…wearing family。 They looked bright; happy and well…drilled。 The thick orange vests did not seem especially out of place even though we were on more or less dry land; well above sea level; many miles from the nearest ominous body of water。 Stark upheavals bring out every sort of quaint aberration by the very suddenness of their ing。 Dashes of color and idiosyncrasy marked the scene from beginning to end。
  The lines were not long。 When I reached the A…to…M desk; the man seated there typed out data on his keyboard。 My name; age; medical history; so on。 He was a gaunt young man who seemed suspicious of conversation that strayed outside certain unspecified guidelines。 Over the left sleeve on his khaki jacket he wore a green armband bearing the word SIMUVAC。
  I related the circumstances of my presumed exposure。
  〃How long were you out there?〃
  'Two and a half minutes;〃 I said。 〃Is that considered long or short?〃
  〃Anything that puts you in contact with actual emissions means we have a situation。〃
  〃Why didn't the drifting cloud disperse in all that wind and rain?〃
  〃This is not your everyday cirrus。 This is a high…definition event。 It is packed with dense concentrations of byproduct。 You could almost toss a hook in there and tow it out to sea; which I'm exaggerating to make a point。〃
  〃What about people in the car? I had to open the door to get out and get back in。〃
  〃There are known degrees of exposure。 I'd say their situation is they're minimal risks。 It's the two and a half minutes standing right in it that makes me wince。 Actual skin and orifice contact。 This is Nyodene D。 A whole new generation of toxic waste。 What we call state of the art。 One part per million million can send a rat into a permanent state。〃
  He regarded me with the grimly superior air of a bat veteran。 Obviously he didn't think much of people whose placent and overprotected lives did not allow for encounters with brain…dead rats。 I wanted this man on my side。 He had access to data。 I was prepared to be servile and fawning if it would keep him from dropping casually shattering remarks about my degree of exposure and chances for survival。
  〃That's quite an armband you've got there。 What does SIMUVAC mean? Sounds important。〃
  〃Short for simulated evacuation。 A new state program they're still battling over funds for。〃
  〃But this evacuation isn't simulated。 It's real。〃
  〃We know that。 But we thought we could use it as a model。〃
  〃A form of practice? Are you saying you saw a chance to use the real event in order to rehearse the simulation?〃
  〃We took it right into the streets。〃
  〃How is it going?〃 I said。
  'The insertion curve isn't as smooth as we would like。 There's a probability excess。 Plus which we don't have our victims laid out where we'd want them if this was an actual simulation。 In other words we're forced to take our victims as we find them。 We didn't get a jump on puter traffic。 Suddenly it just spilled out; three…dimensionally; all over the landscape。 You have to make allowances for the fact that everything we see tonight is real。 There's a lot of polishing we still have to do。 But that's what this exercise is all about。〃
  〃What about the puters? Is that real data you're running through the system or is it just practice stuff?〃
  〃You watch;〃 he said。
  He spent a fair amount of time tapping on the keys and then studying coded responses on the data screen—a considerably longer time; it seemed to me; than he'd devoted to the people who'd preceded me in line。 In fact I began to feel that others were watching me。 I stood with my arms folded; trying to create a picture of an impassive man; someone in line at a hardware store waiting for the girl at the register to ring up his heavy…duty rope。 It seemed the only way to neutralize events; to counteract the passage of puterized dots that registered my life and death。 Look at no one; reveal nothing; remain still。 The genius of the primitive mind is that it can render human helplessness in noble and beautiful ways。
  〃You're generating big numbers;〃 he said; peering at the screen。
  〃I was out there only two and a half minutes。 That's how many seconds?〃
  〃It's not just you were out there so many seconds。 It's your whole data profile。 I tapped into your history。 I'm getting bracketed numbers with pulsing stars。〃
  〃What does that mean?〃
  〃You'd rather not know。〃
  He made a silencing gesture as if something of particular morbid interest was appearing on the screen。 I wondered what he meant when he said he'd tapped into my history。 Where was it located exactly? Some state or federal agency; some insurance pany or credit firm or medical clearinghouse? What history was he referring to? I'd told him some basic things。 Height; weight; childhood diseases。 What else did he know? Did he know about my wives; my involvement with Hitler; my dreams and fears?
  He had a skinny neck and jug…handle ears to go with his starved skull—the innocent prewar look of a rural murderer。
  〃Am I going to die?〃
  〃Not as such;〃 he said。
  〃What do you mean?〃
  〃Not in so many words。〃
  〃How many words does it take?〃
  〃It's not a question of words。 It's a ques
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