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ulgar desires and earthly passions。 He is a proud soul  he is a man by himself! You are right  he is worth us all; and we avow it to you!〃
  〃Aramis;〃 said Athos; 〃are you jesting?〃
  〃No; no; dear friend; I state only what we all know。 You are right; it is not you alone this matter concerns; but my lord and his unworthy servant; myself。〃
  〃Well; then; what do you require besides the general conditions before recited?〃
  〃I require; my lord; that Normandy should be given to Madame de Longueville; with five hundred thousand francs and full absolution。 I require that his majesty should deign to be godfather to the child she has just borne; and that my lord; after having been present at the christening; should go to proffer his homage to our Holy Father the Pope。〃
  〃That is; you wish me to lay aside my ministerial functions; to quit France and be an exile。〃
  〃I wish his eminence to bee pope on the first opportunity; allowing me then the right of demanding full indulgences for myself and my friends。〃
  Mazarin made a grimace which was quite indescribable; and then turned to D'Artagnan。
  〃And you; sir?〃 he said。
  〃I; my lord;〃 answered the Gascon; 〃I differ from Monsieur d'Herblay entirely as to the last point; though I agree with him on the first。 Far from wishing my lord to quit Paris; I hope he will stay there and continue to be prime minister; as he is a great statesman。 I shall try also to help him to down the Fronde; but on one condition  that he sometimes remembers the king's faithful servants and gives the first vacant pany of musketeers to a man that I could name。 And you; Monsieur du Vallon  〃
  〃Yes; you; sir! Speak; if you please;〃 said Mazarin。
  〃As for me;〃 answered Porthos; 〃I wish my lord cardinal; in order to do honor to my house; which gives him an asylum; would in remembrance of this adventure erect my estate into a barony; with a promise to confer that order on one of my particular friends; whenever his majesty next creates peers。〃
  〃You know; sir; that before receiving the order one must submit proofs。〃
  〃My friends will submit them。 Besides; should it be necessary; monseigneur will show him how that formality may be avoided。〃
  Mazarin bit his lips; the blow was direct and he replied rather dryly:
  〃All this appears to me to be ill conceived; disjointed; gentlemen; for if I satisfy some I shall displease others。 If I stay in Paris I cannot go to Rome; if I became pope I could not continue to be prime minister; and it is only by continuing prime minister that I can make Monsieur d'Artagnan a captain and Monsieur du Vallon a baron。〃
  〃True〃〃 said Aramis; 〃so; as I am in a minority; I withdraw my proposition; so far as it relates to the voyage to Rome and monseigneur's resignation。〃
  〃I am to remain minister; then?〃 said Mazarin。
  〃You remain minister; that is understood;〃 said D'Artagnan; 〃France needs you。〃
  〃And I desist from my pretensions;〃 said Aramis。 〃His eminence will continue to be prime minister and her majesty's favorite; if he will grant to me and my friends what we demand for France and for ourselves。〃
  〃Occupy yourselves with your own affairs; gentlemen; and let France settle matters as she will with me;〃 resumed Mazarin。
  〃Ho! ho!〃 replied Aramis。 〃The Frondeurs will have a treaty and your eminence must sign it before us; promising at the same time to obtain the queen's consent to it。〃
  〃I can answer only for myself;〃 said Mazarin。 〃I cannot answer for the queen。 Suppose her majesty refuses?〃
  〃Oh!〃 said D'Artagnan; 〃monseigneur knows very well that her majesty refuses him nothing。〃
  〃Here; monseigneur;〃 said Aramis; 〃is the treaty proposed by the deputation of Frondeurs。 Will your eminence please read and examine?〃
  〃I am acquainted with it。〃
  〃Sign it; then。〃
  〃Reflect; gentlemen; that a signature given under circumstances like the present might be regarded as extorted by violence。〃
  〃Monseigneur will be at hand to testify that it was freely given。〃
  〃Suppose I refuse?〃
  〃Then;〃 said D'Artagnan; 〃your eminence must expect the consequences of a refusal。〃
  〃Would you dare to touch a cardinal?〃
  〃You have dared; my lord; to imprison her majesty's musketeers。〃
  〃The queen will revenge me; gentlemen。〃
  〃I do not think so; although inclination might lead her to do so; but we shall take your eminence to Paris; and the Parisians will defend us。〃
  〃How uneasy they must be at this moment at Rueil and Saint Germain;〃 said Aramis。 〃How they must be asking; ‘Where is the cardinal?' ‘What has bee of the minister?' ‘Where has the favorite gone?' How they must be looking for monseigneur in all corners! What ments must be made; and if the Fronde knows that monseigneur has disappeared; how the Fronde must triumph!〃
  〃It is frightful;〃 murmured Mazarin。
  〃Sign the treaty; then; monseigneur;〃 said Aramis。
  〃Suppose the queen should refuse to ratify it?〃
  〃Ah! nonsense!〃 cried D'Artagnan; 〃I can manage so that her majesty will receive me well; I know an excellent method。〃
  〃I shall take her majesty the letter in which you tell her that the finances are exhausted。〃
  〃And then?〃 asked Mazarin; turning pale。
  〃When I see her majesty embarrassed; I shall conduct her to Rueil; make her enter the orangery and show her a certain spring which turns a box。〃
  〃Enough; sir;〃 muttered the cardinal; 〃you have said enough; where is the treaty?〃
  〃Here it is;〃 replied Aramis。 〃Sign; my lord;〃 and he gave him a pen。
  Mazarin arose; walked some moments; thoughtful; but not dejected。
  〃And when I have signed;〃 he said; 〃what is to be my guarantee?〃
  〃My word of honor; sir;〃 said Athos。
  Mazarin started; turned toward the te de la Fere; and looking for an instant at that grand and honest countenance; took the pen。
  〃It is sufficient; count;〃 he said; and signed the treaty。
  〃And now; Monsieur d'Artagnan;〃 he said; 〃prepare to set off for Saint Germain and take a letter from me to the queen。〃
  Shows how with Threat and Pen more is effected than by the Sword
  D'Artagnan knew his part well; he was aware that opportunity has a forelock only for him who will take it and he was not a man to let it go by him without seizing it。 He soon arranged a prompt and certain manner of traveling; by sending relays of horses to Chantilly; so that he might be in Paris in five or six hours。 But before setting out he reflected that for a lad of intelligence and experience he was in a singular predicament; since he was proceeding toward uncertainty and leaving certainty behind him。
  〃In fact;〃 he said; as he was about to mount and start on his dangerous mission; 〃Athos; for generosity; is a hero of romance; Porthos has an excellent disposition; but is easily influenced; Aramis has a hieroglyphic countenance; always illegible。 What will e out of those three elements when I am no longer present to bine them? The deliverance of the cardinal; perhaps。 Now; the deliverance of the cardinal would be the ruin of our hopes; and our hopes are thus far the only repense we have for labors in parison with which those of Hercules were pygmean。〃
  He went to
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