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had just achieved; he succeeded in meeting his sword; which slid along his own without touching his chest。
  Mordaunt rapidly sprang back a step。
  〃Ah! you lose ground; you are turning? Well; as you please; I even gain something by it; for I no longer see that wicked smile of yours。 You have no idea what a false look you have; particularly when you are afraid。 Look at my eyes and you will see what no looking…glass has ever shown you  a frank and honorable countenance。〃
  To this flow of words; not perhaps in the best taste; but characteristic of D'Artagnan; whose principal object was to divert his opponent's attention; Mordaunt did not reply; but continuing to turn around he succeeded in changing places with D'Artagnan。
  He smiled more and more sarcastically and his smile began to make the Gascon anxious。
  〃e; e;〃 cried D'Artagnan; 〃we must finish with this;〃 and in his turn he pressed Mordaunt hard; who continued to lose ground; but evidently on purpose and without letting his sword leave the line for a moment。 However; as they were fighting in a room and had not space to go on like that forever; Mordaunt's foot at last touched the wall; against which he rested his left hand。
  〃Ah; this time you cannot lose ground; my fine friend!〃 exclaimed D'Artagnan。 〃Gentlemen; did you ever see a scorpion pinned to a wall? No。 Well; then; you shall see it now。〃
  In a second D'Artagnan had made three terrible thrusts at Mordaunt; all of which touched; but only pricked him。 The three friends looked on; panting and astonished。 At last D'Artagnan; having got up too close; stepped back to prepare a fourth thrust; but the moment when; after a fine; quick feint; he was attacking as sharply as lightning; the wall seemed to give way; Mordaunt disappeared through the opening; and D'Artagnan's blade; caught between the panels; shivered like a sword of glass。 D'Artagnan sprang back; the wall had closed again。
  Mordaunt; in fact; while defending himself; had manoeuvred so as to reach the secret door by which Cromwell had left; had felt for the knob with his left hand; pressed it and disappeared。
  The Gascon uttered a furious imprecation; which was answered by a wild laugh on the other side of the iron panel。
  〃Help me; gentlemen;〃 cried D'Artagnan; 〃we must break in this door。〃
  〃It is the devil in person!〃 said Aramis; hastening forward。
  〃He escapes us;〃 growled Porthos; pushing his huge shoulder against the hinges; but in vain。 〃'Sblood! he escapes us。〃
  〃So much the better;〃 muttered Athos。
  〃I thought as much;〃 said D'Artagnan; wasting his strength in useless efforts。 〃Zounds; I thought as much when the wretch kept moving around the room。 I thought he was up to something。〃
  〃It's a misfortune; to which his friend; the devil; treats us;〃 said Aramis。
  〃It's a piece of good fortune sent from Heaven;〃 said Athos; evidently much relieved。
  〃Really!〃 said D'Artagnan; abandoning the attempt to burst open the panel after several ineffectual attempts; 〃Athos; I cannot imagine how you can talk to us in that way。 You cannot understand the position we are in。 In this kind of game; not to kill is to let one's self be killed。 This fox of a fellow will be sending us a hundred iron…sided beasts who will pick us off like sparrows in this place。 e; e; we must be off。 If we stay here five minutes more there's an end of us。〃
  〃Yes; you are right。〃
  〃But where shall we go?〃 asked Porthos。
  〃To the hotel; to be sure; to get our baggage and horses; and from there; if it please God; to France; where; at least; I understand the architecture of the houses。〃
  So; suiting the action to the word; D'Artagnan thrust the remnant of his sword into its scabbard; picked up his hat and ran down the stairs; followed by the others。
  The Skiff 〃Lightning。〃
  D'Artagnan had judged correctly; Mordaunt felt that he had no time to lose; and he lost none。 He knew the rapidity of decision and action that characterized his enemies and resolved to act with reference to that。 This time the musketeers had an adversary who was worthy of them。
  After closing the door carefully behind him Mordaunt glided into the subterranean passage; sheathing on the way his now useless sword; and thus reached the neighboring house; where he paused to examine himself and to take breath。
  〃Good!〃 he said; 〃nothing; almost nothing  scratches; nothing more; two in the arm and one in the breast。 The wounds that I make are better than that  witness the executioner of Bethune; my uncle and King Charles。 Now; not a second to lose; for a second lost will perhaps save them。 They must die  die all together  killed at one stroke by the thunder of men in default of God's。 They must disappear; broken; scattered; annihilated。 I will run; then; till my legs no longer serve; till my heart bursts in my bosom but I will arrive before they do。〃
  Mordaunt proceeded at a rapid pace to the nearest cavalry barracks; about a quarter of a league distant。 He made that quarter of a league in four or five minutes。 Arrived at the barracks he made himself known; took the best horse in the stables; mounted and gained the high road。 A quarter of an hour later he was at Greenwich。
  〃There is the port;〃 he murmured。 〃That dark point yonder is the Isle of Dogs。 Good! I am half an hour in advance of them; an hour; perhaps。 Fool that I was! I have almost killed myself by my needless haste。 Now;〃 he added; rising in the stirrups and looking about him; 〃which; I wonder; is the Lightning?〃
  At this moment; as if in reply to his words; a man lying on a coil of cables rose and advanced a few steps toward him。 Mordaunt drew a handkerchief from his pocket; and tying a knot at each corner  the signal agreed upon  waved it in the air and the man came up to him。 He was wrapped in a large rough cape; which concealed his form and partly his face。
  〃Do you wish to go on the water; sir?〃 said the sailor。
  〃Yes; just so。 Along the Isle of Dogs。〃
  〃And perhaps you have a preference for one boat more than another。 You would like one that sails as rapidly as  〃
  〃Lightning;〃 interrupted Mordaunt。
  〃Then mine is the boat you want; sir。 I'm your man。〃
  〃I begin to think so; particularly if you have not forgotten a certain signal。〃
  〃Here it is; sir;〃 and the sailor took from his coat a handkerchief; tied at each corner。
  〃Good; quite right!〃 cried Mordaunt; springing off his horse。 〃There's not a moment to lose; now take my horse to the nearest inn and conduct me to your vessel。〃
  〃But;〃 asked the sailor; 〃where are your panions? I thought there were four of you。〃
  〃Listen to me; sir。 I'm not the man you take me for; you are in Captain Rogers's post; are you not? under orders from General Cromwell。 Mine; also; are from him!〃
  〃Indeed; sir; I recognize you; you are Captain Mordaunt。〃
  Mordaunt was startled。
  〃Oh; fear nothing;〃 said the skipper; showing his face。 〃I am a friend。〃
  〃Captain Groslow!〃 cried Mordaunt。
  〃Himself。 The general remembered that I had formerly been a naval officer and he gave me the mand of this expedition。 Is there anything new in the wind?〃
  〃I thought; perhaps
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