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  (a woman): Good…afternoon。 May I have your tickets?
  Sumi (daughter): Dad; do you have the tickets?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Yes; here they are。
  (a woman): Thank you; Sir。 You'll sit at 29A and 29B。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Thank you very much。
  Sumi (daughter): Yes; thanks a lot。
  (a woman): You are very wele。 Have a nice trip!
  (Mr。 Park and Sumi go to take the seats。)
  Mr。 Park (Father): These are great seats。 We are close to the window and the bathroom。
  Sumi (daughter): Dad; can I sit by the window?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Of course you can。
  Sumi (daughter): Thanks; I want to see soft me air。
  Mr。 Park (Father): That's a good idea。 You can also see Los Angeles form the air later。
  Sumi (daughter): Hi; that's a good idea; too。 Dad; how long you thought fly to LA?
  Mr。 Park (Father): I think it takes ten hours。
  Sumi (daughter): Ten hours? That is really long time!
  Mr。 Park (Father): Yes; it is。 But you can watch two free movies。
  Sumi (daughter): Two free movies? That's great! Two movies take four hours; so we willonly have to wait six more hours。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 7: Arriving in Los Angeles
  (Mr。 Park and Sumi finished their flight and arrive in Los Angeles。)
  Mr。 Park (Father): Sumi; how is the flight?
  Sumi (daughter): It was long and boring; but the movies were fun。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Really? I don't know because I was sleep most of the time。
  Sumi (daughter): Where do we go now?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Now we have to go through emigration。
  Sumi (daughter): Emigration? What's that?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Emigration is where they  check your passport。 Don't worry。 It's  veryeasy!
  Sumi (daughter): Okay! I won't worry if we can go through emigration together。
  (Sumi and Mr。 Park go to emigration together。)
  (A man): Hello; may I please see your passports?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Yes; here they are。
  (A man): Is she your daughter?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Yes; she is。
  (A man): What would you do in American?
  Mr。 Park (Father): We're going to see Los Angeles and San Francisco。
  Sumi (daughter): And the Grant Canyon。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Oh; yes; and the Grant Canyon。
  (A man): And where were you be stay in?
  Mr。 Park (Father): My sister lives in LA。 We will be stay at her house。
  (A man): All right。 I'll hope have a nice trip。
  Sumi (daughter): Thanks。
  Mr。 Park (Father): No; Sumi。 You should say; 'Thank you; Sir。' It's more polite。
  Sumi (daughter): Oh; I'm sorry! Thank you; Sir。
  (A man): You are very wele。
  (Mr。 Park and Sumi go out of the emigration。 And meet Mr。 Park sister; Mrs。 Kam。)
  Mrs。 Kam: Jiangyork; it's so good to see you。 And Sumi; you're so big! How old are younow?
  Sumi: I am fifteen years old。 I was only eleven years old the last time I saw you。
  Mrs。  Kam:  Well;  you  have  grown  a  lot。  You  are  now  a  young  woman。  Jiangyork;  youmust be tired。 Let's go to my house。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Yes; I am very tired。 Let's go to your house now。千万别学英语初学版 2B
  Situation 8: At Mrs。 Kim's House_x_i_                                            e_ _g_u_a_n_g_l_i_a_n_                                                                                                                       g_ _0_6_…_1_0_…_1_0_;
  (All three of them get in Mrs。 Kim's car and drive to her house。)
  Su…mi: Auntie; your house's very close to the airport。
  Mr。 Park: Yes; it only takes (took) twenty minutes to drive from the airport to your house。
  Mrs。  Kim:  Yes;  it  is  very  convenient  to  live  close  the  airport。  Let's  go  inside  and  getsomething to eat。
  Su…mi: That's sounds great。 I'm really hungry。
  (All three of them go into Mrs。 Kim's house。)
  Mrs。 Kim: What would you like to eat?
  Mr。 Park: I would like some Kimchi chige and rice。
  Su…mi: No; Dad; we are in America。 We should eat American food。
  Mrs。  Kim:  She  is  right。  You  can  eat  rice  and  Kimchi  every  day  in  Korea。  How  abouteating some pizza?
  Mr。 Park: But we can eat pizza every day in Korea; too。
  Mrs。 Kim: I know。 But American pizza is different from Korean pizza。 Why don't you tryit?
  Su…mi: Yeah; Dad。 I want to try American pizza。
  Mr。 Park: All right; you win。 We'll try American pizza。
  Su…mi: Thanks; Dad。
  Mrs。  Kim:  Jimmy  will  be  ing  home  soon。  So  we  should  order  two  large  pizzas。Jimmy eats a lot。
  Mr。 Park: Who is Jimmy?
  Su…mi: Jimmy is the American name of your cousin; Jin…sok。
  Mr。 Park: Jin…sok is a good name。 Why does he need an American name?
  Mrs。 Kim: He doesn't need one; but he want it one。
  Su…mi: Dad; I want an American name; too。
  Mr。 Park: No。 Your name is Su…mi。 I gave you that name and you will use it。
  Mrs。 Kim: What about Sue? Sue is a good American name。 And it sounds the same as thefirst half of Su…mi。
  Su…mi: Yeah; Dad。 What about Sue?
  Mr。 Park: Sue is okay; but when we go back to Korea; you're Su…mi again。
  Su…mi: Okay。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 9: Walking in Los Angeles
  (Mr。 Park and Su…mi decide to go for a walk near Mrs。 Kim's house。)
  Mrs。 Kim: Are you tired?
  Mr。 Park: No; I feel fine。 What about you; Sue?
  Su…mi (Sue): No; I'm not tired。 Why do you ask?
  Mrs。 Kim:  Well; in front of our house; there are many  nice  stores。 I thought you mightwant to take a walk and see some of them。
  Mr。 Park: Okay; That sounds fun。 Do you want to go too; Sue?
  Su…mi (Sue): Of course I want to go。 I love shopping。
  Mr。 Park: Well; I can't promise you whether you can buy  anything or not。 So we won'treally be shopping。
  Su…mi (Sue): That's all right。 I like window…shopping; too。
  Mr。 Park: Okay; let's go。 We'll e back in about thirty minutes。
  Mrs。 Kim: Thirty minutes? All right。 See you then。
  (Mr。 Park and Su…mi go out of the house and go down the street to where there are manystores。)
  Mr。 Park: Hey; there is a store that sells food and drinks。
  Su…mi (Sue): Can we go in? I am thirsty。
  Mr。 Park: Yes; I am thirsty; too。
  (Mr。 Park and Su…mi go into the store; but they cannot find the milk。 Mr。 Park asks theman working at the store 〃where it is?')
  Mr。 Park: Excuse me; but where is the 'milk'?
  (a man): I am sorry。 What are you looking for?
  Mr。 Park: Milk。 I want to know where the 'milk' is?
  (a man): I am very sorry; but I can't understand。
  Su…mi (Sue): We are looking for some milk。
  (a man): Oh; milk! Thank you。 It is in the back of the store; next to the cheese and eggs。
  Mr。 Park: Wow; Sue。 Your pronunciation is very good。 That is the different between theold and the new generation。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 10: Seeing Los Angeles
  (Jimmy es home。 And he; Mr。 Park; Su…mi and Mrs。 Kim all finished eating the pizza。Then they decide to see Los Angeles。)
  Jimmy: If you want to see LA; just ask me。
  Mr。 Park: Of course we want to see Los Angeles; but how 
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