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  Charles: Oh; right。 Well; personally; I only use Netscape。 It's the best and besides I don'tlike using anything from Microsoft。
  Kristina: Charles; let's start at the beginning。 What on earth does 〃surfing the web〃 mean?
  Charles: I forgot。 You really are a beginner。 〃Surfing the web〃 means exploring the worldwild web。
  Kristina: That's nice。 And what; may I ask; is the world wide web?
  Charles: That's just like saying the internet。
  Kristina: Okay; that's not so difficult to understand。
  Charles: No; it isn't。 You'll understand all this in no time。
  Kristina: I sure hope so。 Not knowing about the internet makes me feel so premodern。
  Charles: Well; the internet will have you feeling postmodern。
  Kristina: At this point; I'd be happy with just plain modern。
  Charles: I think we can do that。 Here; let's go to my homepage。
  Kristina: Um; I don't want to sound dumb; but what's the homepage。
  Charles: Don't worry about it and don't ask so many questions。 Just listen; watch and learn;soon you will undertand everything。
  Kristina: Is it really that easy?
  Charles: Yes; I'm telling you。 All you have to do is be able to read and push buttons。 Thereis nothing more to it。
  Kristina: That much I think even I can do。
  Charles: I'm sure you can。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 23 Mike and Bill Arrive
  (Just as Charles and Kristina are finishing their internet session; Mike and Bill arrive atthe door。)
  Mike: Hi; you guys。 Are you busy because we can go somewhere else?
  Charles: No; we were just finishing。
  Kristina: Yeah; I have to get home for dinner anyway。
  Mike: Okay; but I don't want to rush you。
  Charles: No rush。 We're leaving。 Bye。
  Kristina: See you later; Mike; Bill。
  (Charles and Kristina leave。)
  Mike: Okay; they're gone now。 Tell me more。
  Bill: There's nothing to tell。 I just think I'm in love。
  Mike: Love? That's ridiculous。 You don't even know her。
  Bill: So what? Don't you believe in love at first sight?
  Mike: Yes; as a matter of fact; I do。 But you don't and you never have。
  Bill: But I do now; people can change; you know?
  Mike: I know。 I guess I'm just surprised to be hearing this from you; the one who changegirlfriend every week。
  Bill:  Hey;  don't  tell  her  that;  okay?  I  mean;  we  just  met  and  I  don't  want her  to  get  thewrong the idea。
  Mike: You mean the right idea; don't you?
  Bill: e on; Mike。 I'm asking you for a favor here。
  Mike:  Bill;  you  know you  don't  have  to  worry  about  me。  I  may  tease you  but  I'm yourfriend。 I'll tell her nothing but good thing about you。
  Bill: I know I could trust you。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 24 Mike Meets Mimi
  (Bill decides to introduce Mike to his new girlfriend; Mimi。)
  Bill: Mike; today's the day I want you to meet Mimi。
  Mike: Great; but who is Mimi?
  Bill: Mimi is my new girlfriend; you know that。
  Mike: No; you told me her name is Margaret。
  Bill: Well; it is; but her friends all call her Mimi。
  Mike: Wow; you really are in love。
  Bill: What? Because I call her Mimi?
  Mike: Forget it。 Let's go meet her。
  (Mike and Bill go outside where Mimi is waiting for them。 Bill and Mimi forget Mike isthere。)
  Bill: Hi; sweetheart。
  Mimi: Hi; honey。
  (Mike makes a sour face。)
  Mike: Excuse me; but are you going to introduce me?
  Bill: Oh; sorry。 Mimi; this is Mike。
  Mimi: It's so nice to meet you。 Bill has told me so much about you。
  Mike: That was fast considering you two just met a couple of days ago。 I guess there's notmuch to tell about me。
  Mimi: Oh; stop。 Anyway; my name is Margaret; but you can call me Mimi。
  Mike: Thank you。 My name is Mike; you can call me Mike。
  Bill: Stop joking around; Mike。 He's a really nice guy once you get to know him。
  Mimi: I'm sure he is。
  Bill: Let's go get some icecream。 It's hot as hell out here and we can talk in there。
  Mimi: That's a great idea。
  Mike: Sarcastically。 Yeah; you're a genius。千万别学英语普及版 1A
  Tape 1 A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a StudentTape 2 A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tape 1 A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 1 Waking Up
  (It is Monday morning。 Robert's Mom es into his room and wakes him up。)
  Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert; wake up。 It's seven o'clock。
  Robert (Son): Oh; Mom。 Can't I sleep a little longer?
  Robert's Mom (Mother): No; you have to catch the bus at seven forty…five。
  Robert (Son): Okay; I'll get up。
  Robert's  Mom  (Mother):  That's  a  good  boy。  I'll  get  breakfast  ready  while  you  take  ashower。
  Robert (Son): Is anyone in the bathroom?
  Robert's Mom (Mother): No; you can shower right now。
  Robert (Son): Great! What's for breakfast?
  Robert's  Mom  (Mother):  I  haven't  decided  yet。  You  just  take  your  shower;  brush  yourteeth and hair。 And I'll take care of the food。
  Robert (Son): All right。 I'll e downstairs in fifteen minutes。
  Robert's Mom (Mother): Ten minutes would be better。
  Robert (Son): I'll hurry; but I can't promise。
  Robert's Mom (Mother): But you might miss the bus if you wait too long。
  Robert (Son): You are right; Mom。 I'll be down in ten minutes。
  Robert's Mom (Mother): That's a good boy。 Hurry up!
  Robert (Son): Hey; Mom。 Can you make waffles for breakfast?
  Robert's Mom (Mother): I can't promise。 But if you hurry; I might make them。
  Robert (Son): For waffles; I'll always hurry。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 2 Breakfast
  (ing downstairs and sitting at the table。)
  Robert (Son): Mom; breakfast smells great。 What is it?
  Robert's Mom (Mother): It's waffles。 Just like you wanted。
  Robert (Son): Thanks; Mom。 You're the best!
  Robert's Mom (Mother): Yes; but only when I make what you want to eat。
  Robert (Son): Mom; you know that's not true。
  Robert's  Mom (Mother): I know。 I was only joking。 I also made you some sausage andorange juice。
  Robert (Son): Perfect! How did you know sausage and waffles were my favorite?
  Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert; I'm your mother。 I know everything about you。
  Robert (Son): Not everything。
  Robert's Mom (Mother): Oh; really? What don't I know?
  Robert (Son): Well; you don't know I'm on the basketball team at school。
  Robert's Mom (Mother): The what?
  Robert (Son): The basketball team。 I'm on the team and I'm playing forward。
  Robert's Mom (Mother): Does you father know about this?
  Robert (Son): No。 And he doesn't have to know。 If you don't tell him ?
  Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert; you know I have to tell him。 He is your father。
  Robert (Son): Yeah; but Mom; you know he won't understand。
  Robert's Mom (Mother): Yes; he will。 You 
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