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    An old man is waiting for you。一位老人正在等你。    
    Here is a present for you。 送给你一件礼物。    
    I write to my penfriend once a month。我每月一次给我的笔友写信。    
    Take this medicine three times a day。这药一天吃三次。    
    My uncle gave me a thousand pounds last time。上次我叔叔给了我1000英镑。    
    A Mr Black rang you up just now。一个名叫布莱克的人刚才给你打过电话。    
    A Li is looking for you。 一位姓李的人在找你。    
    A Miss Chen borrowed money from me。一位姓陈的女士借过我的钱。    
    ⑥在月份、星期及morning; afternoon; evening; night等名词前有修饰语时,一律用a(an)。例如:    
    on a cold morning在一个很冷的早上    
    in a sunny Sunday 在一个晴朗的星期天    
    in a hot month 在一个很热的月份    
    on a terrible night 在一个可怕的夜晚    
    The boy wants to be an engineer when he grows up。这个男孩长大后想当工程师。    
    Are you a doctor or a nurse? 你是医生还是护士?    
    Is your grandfather interested in a foreign language?你爷爷对外语感兴趣吗?    
    ⑧用在“such a(an)…”、“quite a(an) …”、“many a(an) … ”、“rather a(an) …”与“so+形容词+单数名词”的结构中。例如:    
    It is such a tall tree。 这棵树很高。    
    Many a man comes to work on the farm。    
    She is rather a painter。 她真是个画家。    
    What a cold day it was yesterday!昨天真是一个大冷天!    
    What an interesting picture it is!这是一幅多么有趣的画!    
    What a difficult problem! 多难的题啊!    
    a few 一些,少数几个 a bit 一点儿    
    a lot(of) 许多,大量 a little 一点儿a piece of 一片/块……have a cold 得感冒    
    have a meal 吃顿饭 have a rest 休息一下    
    have a good time 过得愉快;玩得高兴have a swim 游泳have a walk 散步

第三章 冠词四、零冠词

    China 中国      John 约翰      Australia 澳大利亚    
    No。1。Middle School 第一中学National Day国庆节    
    The radio is on her desk。 收音机在她书桌上。    
    Are there any birds in that tree?那棵树上有鸟儿吗?    
    Some young pioneers are working on the farm。一些少先队员正在农场劳动。    
    My uncle and aunt are both doctors。我的叔叔和婶婶都是医生。    
    My mother likes cakes。 我妈妈喜欢吃蛋糕。    
    Horses are useful animals。 马是有用的动物。    
    Uncle Wang 王叔叔    Mr Green 格林先生Miss Li 李小姐   Chairman Hu 胡主席    
    Dr Smith史密斯博士    Professor Chen 陈教授    
    It’s   very hot in summer。 夏季天气很热。    
    This kind of flowers comes out in February。这种花在二月份开放。    
    We usually have class meetings on Wednesday。我们通常在周三开班会。    
    We have Chinese; maths; English; and other subjects at school。    
    I have lunch at a quarter to twelve every day。我每天11:45吃午饭。    
    Children love to play football。 孩子们热爱踢足球。    
    Do you usually come to Guangzhou by plane or by train? 你通常是乘飞机还是乘火车来广州?    
    We are going to the zoo on foot tomorrow。我们打算明天步行去动物园。    
    How do you like going there by bike?你觉得骑自行车去那儿怎样?    
    The girl enjoys music very much。这个小姑娘非常热爱音乐。    
    Please put sugar into it。 请往里面加糖。    
    Milk is necessary for children。牛奶是儿童所必需的(食品)。    
    father and son 父与子  hand in hand 手拉手    
    day and night 日夜  face to face 面对面    
    sun and moon 日月  side and side 肩并肩    
    go to work 去上班  go to school 去上学on time 按时;准时at home 在家    
    go to college上大学go to church去教堂(做礼拜)by bike 骑自行车    
    on foot 步行in bed 在睡觉   in front of 在……前面at table 进餐    
    in future 今后on earth 究竟     in hospital 住院    
    五、 习惯用语中使用冠词和不使用冠词的差异与辨析    
    ① in front of 在……的前面(外部)    
    in the front of在……的前面(内部)     
     { Don’t  put the chair in front of me。别把椅子放在我的前面。    
    Lin Tao sits in the front of his classroom。林涛坐在教室的前面。    
    ② at table 在进餐    
    at the table 在餐桌旁     
     { Look!The Whites are at table。看!怀特一家人正在吃饭。    
    They usually have a rest at the table after meals。饭后他们在桌子旁边休息一会儿。    
    ③ go to school 去上学    
    go to the school 去学校     
     { The boy doesn’t  like to go to school in his father’s  car。    
    He hurried off to go to the school。他匆匆忙忙离开去那个学校了。    
    ④ in hospital 住院    
    in the hospital 在医院里     
     { It’s   said that his father has been ill in hospital for several months。    
    My parents both work in the hospital。我父母双方都在医院里工作。    
    ⑤ in future (从今以后的)将来    
    in the future (较为遥远的)将来     
    { You should be careful with your pronunciation。从今以后你应该注意发音。    
    We’ll go to the moon by spaceship in the future。 我们将来将乘宇宙飞船去月球。     
    ⑥ next week 下一周    
    the next week 第二周(过去或将来某个时间之后)     
    { A famous doctor will give us a talk next week。     
    The singer left Yunnan the next week。第二周那个歌手离开了云南。     
    ⑦ on earth 究竟    
    on the earth 在地球上     
    { What on earth are you looking for?你究竟在找什么?    
    Elephants are the biggest animals on the earth。大象是世界上最大的动物。     
    ⑧ in bed 在睡觉    
    in the bed 在床上     
    { It’s   12。o’clock at night now。 And my father has been in bed。    
    We are playing cards in the bed now。我们现在正在床上玩牌。     
    ⑨ go to church 去做礼拜    
    go to the church 去教堂     
    { The old lady goes to church every week。这位老太太每周都去做礼拜。    
    The thief went to the church to steal oil。这个小偷曾去教堂偷过油。     
    ⑩ take place 发生    
    take the place of 代替     
    { What took place last night? 昨晚发生了什么
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