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    (正)I’m  not so careful as my brother。(误)I’m  not so more careful as my brother。    
    This tree is twice as short as that one。这棵树比那棵树矮两倍。    
    My scores are three times as many as yours。我的比分是你的三倍。    
    This road is four times as wide as that one。这条马路的宽度是那条的四倍。    
    My English is not half as good as yours。我的英语不如你的一半好。    
    This town is half as big as ours。这个城镇有我们的城镇一半大。    
    The rivers in the north aren’t  half as many as those in the south。 北方的河流不如南方的一半多。    
    English is as important a subject as maths。英语和数学是同样重要的一门学科。    
    Uncle Wang is as good a man as my father。王叔叔是与我父亲同样好的一个人。    
    This is as famous a school as ours。这是一所与我们学校同样著名的学校。    
    This computer is as good as it is cheap。这台电脑质量又好又便宜。    
    The boy is as strong as he is brave。这个男孩又健壮又勇敢。    
    The city of Suzhou is as beautiful as it is clean。苏州城既美丽又干净。     
    2。形容词的比较等级的构成 略    
    Your mother looks healthier than before。你妈妈看上去比以前健康了。    
    I’m  less interested in basketball than you。我对篮球的兴趣不如你大。    
    ①more and more……(越来越……)。例如:    
    The park is getting more and more beautiful。这个公园变得越来越美了。    
    China had become stronger and stronger。中国已变得越来越强大了。    
    ②the more……the……(越……就越……)。例如:    
    The more books we read; the cleverer we will become。 我们读的书越多,就会变得越聪明。    
    The more trees; the better。 树越多越好。    
    The sooner; the better。 越早越好。    
    The more exercise we take; the healthier we are。我们越锻炼,身体就越健康。    
    ③“the+比较级+of the two……(两个中较……的一个)”。例如:    
    I’d  like to go to the farther of the two places。两个地方相比较,我愿意去更远的一个。    
    She is the fatter of the two girls。她是那两个女孩中较胖的一个。    
    ④“比较级+than any other+单数名词(比其他任何……都……)”。例如:    
    Li lei is taller than any other boy in his class。     
    The population of China is larger than any other’s   in the world。     
    3)。形容词的比较级前还可以用much;a lot; far; even; still; a little; no; any等表示程度的词来修饰。例如:    
    I feel a little better than yesterday。我感觉比昨天好一点儿了。    
    The job is far more difficult than before。这工作比以前要难得多。    
    This is the cleanest place of the city。这是这个城市最清洁的地方。    
    Hu Yun is the fastest of all the girls in our class。胡云是我们女生中跑得最快的。    
    2)。表示“最……之一”,用“one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词”。例如:    
    The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest buildings in the world。中国的长城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。    
    This is one of the most interesting books that Ive ever read。这是我读过的最有趣的书之一。    
    注意。 形容词的最高级前面必须加定冠词the,但当形容词最高级前面有物主代词修饰时,则不加the。 例如:    
    (正)This is my best friend。    
    (误)This is my the(the my) best friend。    
    (正)Today is the happiest day of my life。    
    (误)Today is happiest day of my life。

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