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The remnants of the Army of the Southern Cross rose to fight; were thrown back in defeat; regrouped; tried again against any sane hope; and were shattered beyond repair。

Still there were those who refused to surrender; as the aliens established themselves and began their pacification of the planet。 One of these was a young aviator reservist named Lancer who had just begun to explore his love with a woman named Carla when the hordes from the stars struck。

Even as the Invid established their network of quislings; informers; and assassination squads; Lancer and a few others were plotting for a final attempt to strike at the heart of the Invid beachhead。

But the raid was a final disaster。 Wounded; attempting to get back to her; Lancer had crash…landed his Veritech less than a mile from her door。 Somehow; Carla had gotten him to what was left of her home。

By then; most of the people still alive were those willing to submit to the Invid。 Some even served them…hunted down their enemies and offered them up to the triumphant invaders。

Lancer had barely e to in Carla's bed when the sounds of the hue and cry drifted up from the streets。 Rifle butts were bashing at doors; hounds bayed。

In time; the manhunt came to Carla's house。


If you hold it against me that I was a little theatrical in what I did; and you don't care to consider The Scarlet Pimpernel or Zorro; be kind enough to keep in mind what I acplished; and let the record speak for itself。
Of if not; either walk on by or step out back。
Remark attributed to Lancer

That time seemed so remote; Carla thought; and yet it remained so crystal…clear in her mind。

Lancer had a fine record as a military officer; but he had left the Southern Cross sometime before the Invid attack because he had been unable to fight the urge he felt to be a performer。 His soft; intimate way with some songs; his brassy; crowd…pleasing style with others; made him a natural; but there was another side to his art。

An interest in theater had led him to investigate the Japanese traditions of No; Bunraku; Bugaku; and especially Kabuki。 He found that he loved to perform clownish Saruwaka antics more than he liked any Aragoto swaggering heroic lead; and in somewhat the same way; the martial juggling/acrobatics of the Hoka possessed him。

And he came; in time; almost against his will; to a fascination with the revered craft of the Onna…gata…the tradition of female roles portrayed by specializing male actors…and the gentle Wagoto style of acting。

Lancer found a strange understanding of himself through the Musume; the ingenue role; and dramatic masters encouraged him to study the art。 In the West there was still; in many quarters; a horror at the blurring of gender lines。 But in the Kabuki his talent was applauded; by men and women both; for its triumph of art over stereotype; and for its submersion of self in role。

Lancer returned to the Americas with new thoughts in his head。 He began to revive the type of gender…blending pop music figure that had disappeared with the outbreak of the Global Civil War。

When he met Carla; she seemed immediately to understand everything。 Carla became his co…conspirator; his lover; his confidant; his fianc閑。 She became a mainstay of his life; showing her affection for his Musume persona; joining him in a world where conventions and Western narrowness had no hold。

Everything was fine until the Invid came。 While Earth passed into the flames; a young reserve aviator named Lancer lay listening to the tread of Shock Trooper mecha and the sound of rifle butts and hobnailed boots breaking down doors in the alley outside。

Carla was already nearly as adept at some parts of his craft as he。 〃There's only one way you can survive; and that's as Yellow Dancer;〃 she said; even as she was setting out makeup。

When the Invid manhunters came in they found only two frightened women。 Their insistent search turned up nothing…Lancer's VT armor having been left behind…and they went away grumbling; the Shock Trooper's optical sensor indicating nothing as the hulking war machine turned to go。

Carla leaned to kiss her lover longingly。 〃You're Yellow Dancer now。 You must be; every moment; or we're dead。〃

In retrospect; it seemed a happy time but sitting at the table in the Club Inca; Carla knew that it had been filled with fear and travail。 By foot and ox cart and stolen bike and a half…dozen other means that they took as the occasion arose; she and Yellow Dancer moved toward some hoped…for safety。 Yellow even began singing for their supper; when the opportunity came up。 Not only did Yellow Dancer's persona submerge Lancer's; Yellow and Carla came to meld; in a way。

Then there came a day in a huge rail terminal; both of them clutching forged documents from the Resistance that would get them to a possible place of safety。 The region they were in was somewhat neutral; and Carla's lover was Lancer once more。 Dark thoughts seemed to have overtaken him once his male persona reasserted itself; the halcyon days of the escape were over; and aliens strode the Earth; exterminating Human beings at will。

And as the bullet train began moving; Lancer leapt from it。 The doors shut and secured automatically behind him。 He crouched; staring at the surface of the train platform so that he wouldn't have to meet her gaze。 Lancer had to let the train take Carla to safety so that he could join the Resistance in the fight against the Invid。

Carla was gone from the sad little bridal party table by the time Yellow Dancer finished her encore set。 Yellow went downstairs to her makeshift dressing room。 What point would there have been in seeing Carla alone? The Invid kept the two apart; no less today than on that day in the rail station。

When Yellow Dancer opened the door; Carla sat waiting。

Yellow Dancer and Lancer surged and vied in a single mind。 Carla seemed small and frail; sitting with her hands in her lap; facing the door; waiting only for Yellow's return。 〃After three years;〃 she whispered。 〃You've e back for me at last!〃

Tears ran down her cheeks as she watched Yellow sit down。 〃Time stopped having any meaning for me; do you know what that feels like? What happened to you? I've felt…my life has been so empty!〃

What Yellow might have said will never be known; at that moment the door slammed open and Annie rushed in。 〃Lancer! Oops; didn't mean to interrupt; but…I'm in love!〃

〃That's all right; Annie;〃 Lancer replied; but his eyes were on Carla。

In love; Carla thought。 Lancer was looking at her now; not Yellow Dancer。 〃I…I was in love with someone once;〃 Carla told Annie haltingly; wondering if she sounded deranged。

Annie appeared not to notice Carla's despair。 〃Fall in love again; okay? Then you'll be just as happy as l am!〃

Annie gripped Lancer's hand。 〃Eddie and his folks are getting a map; an honest one; that'll tell them how to get through the mountains to Paradise。 And they're taking me along! They're gonna be my family!〃

It dawned on her that neither Yellow Dancer nor Carla seemed very happy for her。 She jumped off the couch and resettled her E。T。 cap。 〃I just couldn't leave without saying good…bye。 Um; well; my dreamboat
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