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s。 A bolt of blazing light broke from the dark vastness overhead; to create an enormous Protoculture bonfire。

The Regis spoke and her 〃children〃; half the Invid race; listened; there was so much to tell them。 With the incredible profusion of Flowers of Life that the Earth had provided; the Regis's children had increased in number; and the newly quickened drone zygotes must be instructed in their destiny。 From within the huge globe; her will reached forth to manipulate the leaping Protoculture flames。 〃The living creatures of this world have evolved into a truly amazing variety of types and subtypes。〃

Images formed in the flames: spider; platypus; swan; rat; Human female。 〃Many of these are highly specialized; but extremely successful。 Others are generalized and adaptable and many of those; too; are successful。

〃Earth is the place the Flower of Life has chosen; and that is a fact that brooks no argument。 And so it is the place where the Invid; too; shall live forevermore。 For this; we must find the ultimate life…form suitable to our existence here and assume that form。〃

All across her planetary domain; the Invid stopped to listen。 A few could remember the days long ago on Optera; before Zor; when the Invid lived contented and joyous lives。 Other; younger Invid had access to those days; too; through the racial memory that was a part of the Regis's power。

On Optera; by ingesting the Flowers of Life; the Invid had experimented with self…transformation; and with explorations in auto…evolution that were part experiment; part religious rite。 And; with the power of the Protoculture and its Shapings; they strove to peer beyond the present and the visible; into the secrets of the universe…into transcendent planes of existence。

Those days were gone; though they would e again when the Flowers covered the New Optera…Earth。 For the moment though; evolution would be determined and enacted by the Regis。

〃In order to select the ultimate form; the form we will assume for our life here; we are utilizing Genesis Pits for our experiments in bioengineering; as we did on Praxis。〃

More shadows formed in the otherworldly bonfire。

〃We have cloned creatures from all significant eras of this planet's history and are studying them for useful traits at locations all across the globe。 We will also study their interaction with the once…dominant species; Homo sapiens。〃

Her disembodied voice rose; ringing like an anthem; stirring Invid on every rung of her species' developmental ladder; from the crudest amoeboid drone gamete to her most evolved Enforcer。

〃Long ago; the Invid made the great mistake of believing alien lies; of believing in trust; of taking part in…〃 Her voice faltered a little; this final sin had been the Regis's alone。

〃In love。〃

And the love Zor had drawn from her had been mirrored by her male mate; the Regent; as psychotic hatred and loathing。 This had caused the Regent to fling himself…purposely and perversely…down and down a de…evolutionary path to monstrousness and mindlessness; to utter amorphous primeval wrath。 But the other half of the Invid species; his children; worshipped him nonetheless。

The Regis steeled herself。 Her mind…voice rang out again。

〃But we have paid for those failures for an age! For an age of wandering; warfare; death; and privation! And once we have discovered the Ultimate Form appropriate to this planet; we shall assume that form; and we will secure our endless new supply of the Flower of Life。 Our race will bee the supreme power it was meant to be!〃

But she shielded from her universe of children the misgiving that was never far from her thoughts。 Here on Earth…the planet the Flower itself had chosen…the once…dominant life form was cast in the image of Zor。

And again the Regis felt herself fractured in a thousand ways; yet drawn in one direction。 What affliction is more accursed than love?

Rand bent over the handlebars of his Cylone bat cycle as Annie yelled; her face pressed close so he could hear her over the mecha's roar; the passage of the wind; and the dampening effect of his Robotech armor。

〃Look; there's Scott; at ten o'clock!〃

Rand had already seen the hovering blue…and…white Alpha settling for a VTOL setdown。 There weren't many useful…size clearings in the thick forest in this region。 Certainly; there was nothing like a suitable airstrip for a conventional fighter craft within a hundred miles or more。

The designers who had given the fighter Vertical Takeoff and Landing capability of course knew how important that would be in a tactical situation in a conventional war。 But Rand sometimes wondered if they had foreseen how helpful the VTOL would be to a pack of exhausted guerrillas who were Earth's last mitted fighting unit。

〃I see 'im;〃 Rand yelled back to Annie; rather than pointing out that he had been tracking Scott both by eye and on the Cyc's display screen。 Rand didn't like to admit it; but he had developed a soft spot in his heart for the winsome; infuriating bundle of adolescent energy who had insisted on being a part of the team。

Annie had insisted on ing along with him on point; too。 She was determined to do her share; take her risks; be considered an adult part of the team。 Rand saw that a lot of her self…esteem was riding on the oute and grumblingly admitted that he wouldn't mind some pany。 Scott and the rest had given in; perhaps for the same reason that they never questioned the pint…size redhead's outrageous claim that she was all of sixteen。

You could either accept Annie for her feisty self or risk shattering the brave persona she had forged; with little help or support; to make her way in a dangerous; despair…making world。

Now she banged Rand's armor。 〃Turn there; turn there!〃

〃Pillion…seat driver;〃 Rand growled; but he turned down the game path; the cycle rolling slowly; homing in on Scott's signal。 〃We're about ten minutes ahead of the others; Scott。〃

Scott's voice came back over the tactical net。 〃Good。 Still no sign of the Invid; but we can run a sweep of the area before the others get here。〃

None of them saw it or registered it on their instruments; but in the dim forest darkness; massive ultratech shapes moved…two…legged; insectlike walking battleships。

Just like armored monsters from a madman's nightmare。


Oh; great! We been shanghaied aboard Charon's Ark!
Remark attributed to Annie LaBelle by Scott Bernard

Following the path their scout team had taken; Lancer; Rook; and Lunk rode down the long; dangerous road toward Reflex Point。 Lancer was riding his Cyclone in the lead; wearing full techno…armor; the masculine; warlike side of his divided personality clearly present。 He was sure and confident; Rook Bartley thought to herself; a practiced mecha rider and a deadly warrior。

Rook; also in full Robotech panoply; had just caught up on her red…and…white Cyc; having made sure that the team wasn't being followed and it was safe to leave the rear guard。 She let Lancer hold the lead; glancing over to make sure all was well with Lunk。

Things always seemed to be well with the big; burly ex…soldier when he was on the road; riding in his beloved all…terrain truck。 Taking one look at Lun
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