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d permanently sealed。

With the Veritechs' remaining operating time drastically restricted; there was nothing to do but try to find a detour。 A small town lay nearby; and the team members agreed to check it out as a first step。

But first they had to be sure the aircraft were safe。 They parked the fighters in a part of the tunnel that was undamaged; near the entrance; then donned Cyclone armor。 The team used the power…assisted metal suits to move boulders and wall in the VTs for safekeeping。

It was a strange sight…seven…plus…feet…tall gleaming giants lifting huge stones; in teams when the weight was extreme; but often alone; tossing them like medicine balls。 After the task was pleted; the team shed their armor so they wouldn't attract any attention from possible Invid patrols or from informers。 They set off toward the town。

The one thing the team hadn't brought was extreme cold…climate clothing; they hadn't counted on being forced to go so high into the mountains。 As the Cyclones sped along; with Lunk's APC bringing up the rear; Rand shivered; 〃I can't s…stand it。 I'm so cold!〃

〃All the more reason for us to get out of here before the real winter weather hits;〃 Scott shot back。

The town lay in a valley at the confluence of a number of different mountain tracks and streams that might promise a path through。 Two other roads from the lowlands ended there; reinforcing Lancer's contention that it was probably a jumping…off point。

Once they were down out of the heights they were more fortable。 The town itself; named Deguello according to a hand…lettered sign on weather…silvered wood at its outskirts; was more prosperous than Rand would have expected。 Apparently there was some hidden resource。 A hidden prewar supply depot; perhaps? His Forager instincts came to the fore。

The town was like a lot of others Rand and the rest had seen; a type Scott was getting to know。 Stucco; tiled roofs; wrought…iron window bars; whitewash that had long since faded。 Cracked plaster; drainage ditches that were mostly clogged。 Still; somehow; there were some crops and meat and wares under the tattered awnings of the market stalls。 Deguello was better off than many other places the team had seen。

It was evident that medical attention was available; but none too sophisticated。 Most clothing was patched and frayed。 This was a typical post…Invid settlement where virtually nothing was discarded; it was repaired; reused; recycled; cannibalized; or traded for something else。 The day of the use…and…discard consumer society was nothing but a galling memory。

There were normal; struggling people trying to keep their lives together and trying to function in a normal way; side by side with seedy types。 The townspeople eyed the newers and their Cycs with cold interest。 Rook automatically noted the weapons she saw: knives and chains and conventional firearms; prewar military and hunting arms; some police and homemade…type stuff。 She didn't notice any energy guns; which meant the team would have a tremendous edge if they ran into trouble。

Let's hope there's no trouble; though; she thought。 They look like they've been through enough。

Just like everybody else on Earth。

As the group pulled into the town's main plaza; a man stirred and lowered his smeared plastic cocktail glass; looking them over; adjusting his much…worn wraparound shades。 The grungy kerchief tied around his head and his thick black beard made him look like a pirate。 He was wearing ratty brown shoes with no socks; threadbare khaki pants; and a grimy camouflage shirt; of the same fabric as his headband。

Scott dismounted first。 Everyone knew that the plan was to look the town over and get some kind of handle on the local situation。 They parked their cyclones and the APC without concern; in this postwar world; anyone with a vehicle had the sense to boobytrap it; and their nonchalance would be the most eloquent kind of proof that it would be wise not to meddle with the gleaming mecha。

Annie was pressing the idea that they all go shopping at the market。 Scott was about to approve her expedition…it was as good a way to misdirect any watchers' attention as anything else he could e up with…when the man who had seen their arrival approached。

〃Well; howdy there; folks。〃 He kept his distance; as it was wise to do in greeting new people。 Still; Scott could smell the odor from his body and from his mouth of broken yellow…and…black teeth。

The days of cosmetic dentistry and TV…hyped; brandname personal hygiene were all over; and the beaten…down Human race was showing it。 But people could be divided between those who still made the effort; with homemade soaps and pig…bristle toothbrushes; and those who had simply reverted to a medieval way of life and thought。

〃Thinkin' about takin' a trip?〃 the man said。 Lunk; looking on; wondered if Scott intended to try to convince people that the team just happened to be up here on a pleasure jaunt。 Or perhaps gathering daisies。

〃Them mountains is crawlin' with Invid; y'know。〃 Scott and Rand looked at him and said nothing。 〃Yeah; there's an Invid fortress smack…dab in the middle of that range; not even a rat could get through。 But there is a map that'll show you a secret route。 And it'll only cost you…〃

He pulled an ancient pocket calculator。 It was a solarpowered model that had been more of a novelty than a work tool before the wars; but was very dear in these days when batteries were scarce。

He squinted at their Cyclones; keying buttons。 The calculator beeped with a final sum which he showed them。 〃…this much!〃

Scott recoiled from the figure; payable in gold。 〃But we haven't got that kind of money!〃

The man looked the Cycs over。 〃Well; there're those in this town who've been known to do some barterin' and tradin'。 Them fancy machines might do…〃

〃Forget it;〃 Rand said flatly。

The man was about to argue; but stopped when he saw the look in the Forager's eye。 〃Have it your way; m'friend。 But all the high…tone highway hardware in the world ain't gonna do you no good if you're stuck here。 And I'll tell you one thing: Paradise is waitin' fer you; right on the other side of them mountains。〃

He turned to go; 〃Look around; see if I'm not telling you the straight gospel。 If'n you change your minds; you can find me right over there; most any time。〃

〃Without that map; we'll never get through the mountains! We're stranded here!〃 Annie said; close to tears。

〃Within arm's reach of the Invid;〃 Scott added。 〃Rand; you shouldn't have been so quick to refuse to bargain。〃

Rand made a sour face。 〃It's lucky for you you've got a Forager along; Lieutenant Bernard。 You think somebody with a map that valuable would be lounging around in the street; looking like that?〃

〃Rand's right;〃 Rook added。 〃Maybe there's a map; but it's not very likely that that pig has it。 Why d'you think he was so anxious to cut a deal right away; before some other con artist could get to us?〃

〃It's a pretty good bet that this friendly little munity is crawling with every kind of sharpie there is;〃 Rand said。 〃The way I see it; our best bet is to split up; take a look around; and try to get the feel of the place。〃

Scott nodded in agreement。 〃All
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