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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第80章

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e was。
   Let the rest of them distance themselves from her。 Let them rot at the bottom of the chasm。 She was not going to let these setbacks foil her plans。 Half the city might burn; but when the smoke cleared; House Zauvirr would sit at the top of the heap。
   Khorrl Xornbane was going to pay as well; but would her remaining troops be enough? Between her own House and those from House Melarn who had switched allegiance; she had assembled a potent army; but so many had been lost。
   That was Clan Xornbane's fault; too。 They'd let the battle around House Melarn get out of control。 It was their horrible firepots that made the stone burn; that allowed the House to fall。 It was needless destruction; brought about after needless fighting。
   Ssipriina had no doubt that the gray dwarf captain had spoken the truth。 Zammzt could very well have been behind the premature exposure of her mercenaries; but why? Which matron mother was he in league with? Which of them had something to gain by watching her plans build up; then teeter to disaster? There were so many; but she would have to determine that later。
   Ssipriina would miss Zammzt。 She needed his efficiency; his battle acumen。 She didn't have enough strategists to put in charge of the forces she'd assembled。 The ugly male would have served in that capacity nicely。 Faeryl would be a suitable replacement; but she'd not been seen since the chaos at the end of the gathering of matron mothers。 Ssipriina suspected that her daughter had perished when the estate crumbled into the bottom of the cavern。
   Foolish girl; the matron mother thought。 Good riddance。
   Sighing; Ssipriina shook herself out of her musings and swept her gaze one last time over her undersized army。 They would have to be enough。 She would lead them herself; and they would be enough。
   〃Gather yourselves;〃 the matron mother said; moving to a protected place in the middle of the milling mass of drow。 〃It's time to claim what's ours。〃
   Pharaun tried to stay near the perimeter of the city as he made his way toward the Flame and Serpent。 For one thing; he didn't relish the thought of being crushed at any moment by falling debris from above。 Though it had only happened once; he'd been far too intimately involved with it than he cared to remember。 He would avoid a repeat incident; if he could。
   Secondly; the wizard knew that navigation would be easier if he followed the wall of the chasm; rather than trying to work his way through the central section of the city。 Even then; the thick smoke caused him difficulty in flying。 He was surprised at how haze…choked the cavern had bee。 More than once; he nearly careened off a trench wall; still intact web street; or building。 Nonetheless; he still considered the challenge of navigating through that to be far safer than having to maneuver through the center of Ched Nasad; where the sound of fighting was constant。 Occasionally he heard explosions; loud pops; and howling winds in the distance as fierce magical battles raged。 Arcane forces were being unleashed on gathering troops。 There was no doubt about it…the entire city was engaged in a desperate struggle for control of the streets。
   Mostly; the reverberations of conflict reached the mage's ears from his level or below。 What had in all likelihood begun in the plaza outside of House Melarn had quickly spread; engulfing the citizens and visitors all across the city; on every level。 The wizard wondered how many had actually managed to flee into the caverns surrounding the City of Shimmering Webs。 Though the team from Menzoberranzan had been indisposed for much of the Initial martial activity; he recalled that; since their escape from the collapse of House Melarn; they had seen surprisingly few ordinary folk in the streets。 Of course; that was also because they'd spent most of their time high in the city; where only the nobles prowled。 Farther down; in the lower sections; he imagined a much different scene。 There; he supposed; the general rabble had gotten caught up in the fighting; much like the rebellion back home。
   The uprising had taken a decidedly different twist than the insurrection in Menzoberranzan; though。 The insurgents involved in the upheavals in Ched Nasad were the noble Houses themselves。 Their own infighting was the flash point。 Pharaun counted himself fortunate that the Houses of Menzoberranzan had proven less prone to petty backbiting。 If they had; there might not be a city for him to return to。 The mage grimaced; thinking of Gromph's attempts on Quenthel's life; and his own sister Greyanna's failed efforts to kill him。
   There might not be anything left; he thought; before this is pletely finished。
   As he neared the section of the city where the inn was located; the wizard noticed that the damage was less severe there。 In fact; the Flame and Serpent was thus far unscathed。 Immediately he saw the reason why。 A horde of mismatched drow and other creatures; probably residents of the inn; self…reliant mercenaries; and whatnot had formed a perimeter defense around the place。 It didn't appear that they were under fire at the moment; but an intense battle must have raged there earlier; judging by the number of bodies present。
   Not wanting to be either attacked or drawn into the midst of the siege; Pharaun elected to circle around to the back side of the inn and enter it that way。 He recalled the window of the room he shared with Valas and Ryld; the one that looked out on the wall of the massive cavern that Ched Nasad called home; and he made for that。 He approached from the roof and settled down between the wall of the building and the wall of the trench。 It was just wide enough for him to levitate down between the two; and he hovered there while he contemplated how best to get through the opening without attracting attention。
   He had just the spell; the Master of Sorcere realized; a minor incantation that would open the window from the inside; so that he wouldn't have to break it to get through。 Reaching into his piwafwi; he fumbled around in three or four pockets before he found what he was looking for。 He pulled out a brass key and tapped it softly against the window as he uttered the words that would plete the spell。 The window opened without resistance; and Pharaun squirmed inside the room。
   The wizard; the weapons master; and the scout had taken all of their belongings when they'd left the inn upon being summoned to attend the 〃party〃 in their honor。 That seems almost a lifetime ago; Pharaun mused as he made his way out the door and down the hall to Quenthel's chambers。
   Upon reaching the door; the mage hesitated; wondering if the high priestess had placed some sort of protective enchantment on it before leaving; but then he remembered that Ryld and Valas had invaded the room when they came seeking healing magic。 Chuckling; he tried the door and found it locked。
   Of course; Pharaun silently muttered。 Leave it to Valas to put it back the way he found it。
   Shrugging; the wizard dug around in the pockets of his piwafwi yet again; drawing forth a pinch of clay and a small vial of water。 Sprinkling the water ov
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