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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第79章

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lieved the two females newly added to the group were trustworthy; and they certainly wouldn't be in much of a position to turn on the rest of them now。
   〃Very well;〃 Quenthel said。
   She produced the wand and passed it back to the other female。 Halisstra took it; offering her thanks to the high priestess。 She targeted her wand at Pharaun。
   〃Wait;〃 the wizard said。
   He produced a feather from inside his piwafwi。 Using the feather as part of the casting; he enchanted himself with the ability to fly。
   Tucking the feather back into its customary pocket; he turned to the priestess and said; 〃All right; go ahead。 It's always easier to cast when you can see your own hands。〃
   She smiled faintly and nodded; then summoned the magical energy from the wand。 In but a moment; Pharaun was totally invisible。 Halisstra offered the wand back to Quenthel。
   〃No;〃 the high priestess said; shaking her head。 〃You can keep it。 I think you learned your lesson。〃
   〃Yes; Mistress;〃 Halisstra said with a smile that did not reach her eyes。 She tucked the wand away and went to sit down once more; beside Danifae。
   〃I'll be back shortly;〃 Pharaun said。
   He rose into the air before anyone could think to reply。
   Danifae watched as the wizard disappeared; and she sensed when he departed the alley。 Shaking her head; she sat back and watched the weapons master and the scout; both of whom paced; apparently eager to be away from there。
   This is a strange lot I've wound up with; she decided。 They are petent; and yet they bicker and argue unlike any group of dark elves I've ever seen。
   The battle captive looked over at Quenthel; who was speaking quietly with the draegloth; Jeggred。
   She's certainly an interesting one; Danifae decided。
   It wasn't the first time she'd encountered a female like the high priestess…confident yet blustering at everything and everyone。
   Still; Danifae thought; letting her eyes linger appreciatively over Quenthels form; she's a fit leader。
   Danifae turned her thoughts Halisstra。 The First Daughter of House Melarn looked visibly shaken at the physical loss of her home; even though Ssipriina had already wrested possession of it from her。 Danifae wondered how her mistress would hold up under that kind of duress。 Certainly; there was no lamenting the destruction of House Melarn on her own part; but Danifae could imagine how it would feel if her own family had been wiped out in such a fashion。 House Yauntyrr might well have been destroyed; for all she knew。 It had been far too long since she'd last seen it。 She didn't even know the fate of Eryndlyn itself in the current crisis; much less her own House。
   〃Let us e with you;〃 Halisstra said to Quenthel。 〃Let us help you find the priest of Vhaeraun。〃
   Danifae looked at her mistress sharply。
   〃What makes you think we're going to try to find the scout's friend?〃 Quenthel asked。
   〃I…I beg forgiveness; Mistress Baenre;〃 Halisstra stammered。 〃I merely assumed…〃
   〃Assumptions are best left to that miserable wretch; Pharaun;〃 Quenthel warned。
   Halisstra bowed her head。
   〃Of course; Mistress Baenre;〃 she said。 〃Nonetheless; I would humbly ask that you permit me and my servant to acpany you。 Our chances of survival are much greater if we stay together; and as you know; I have nothing left for me here。〃
   The dark elf pursed her lips; obviously trying to control her emotions。 Danifae thought it somewhat unbeing; showing so much of her passion; but she would never say so; especially not in front of others。
   Quenthel tapped her lips with her finger and nodded as though she understood the pain of Halisstras plight; though Danifae seriously doubted the high priestess held any true passion for Halisstras situation。
   〃Yes; well; as long as you can continue to make yourself useful; and if you are willing to do what I say; then I see no reason why you cannot continue to travel with us。〃
   Danifae cringed。 No doubt this would take her farther away from Eryndlyn; not closer。 She was going to have find a way to break the binding; and soon; and she thought perhaps the wizard had that capability。 It would be easy enough for her to manipulate him into helping her; the way she caught him eyeing her all the time。 Easy; indeed。
   Halisstra bowed her head again in thanks and said; 〃If it is not too presumptuous; Mistress Baenre; may I ask what your intentions are?〃
   〃Well; once we manage to get out of this city;〃 Quenthel replied; emphasizing the words to show of what a daunting task that would be in and of itself; 〃I think we might actually pay a visit to this friend of the scout's。 However infuriating the Mizzrym boy can be in so many other ways; he does occasionally have a good idea or two。
   That's why you can't afford to alienate him or cause him bodily harm; Danifae surmised。
   It wasn't difficult to see that Pharaun was really the most valuable member of the team。 That raised the question of who was really the leader。 Quenthel by default; but Pharaun by subtle necessity。
   That will bear watching; Danifae thought with a smile。
   Ssipriina surveyed the troops she'd assembled in the courtyard of her estate and grimaced。 So few remained of what she'd started the day with。 〃Would they be enough? She let her gaze roam over them 。 。 。 soldiers; priestesses; wizards。 How many had she lost in the destruction of House Melarn? How many more in the hours since; battling the rival Houses; her own duergar mercenaries; succumbing to the guardian spiders?
   The matron mother shook her head; thinking of that debacle。 It was certainly a blunder; but she refused to label it ill…conceived。 Animating the creature to fight for her House had been clever; an idea her allies had all endorsed。 Certainly; none of them had been able to foresee that the mental link used to control the spiders was in some way tied to their connection to Lolth。 Without the goddess; there was no link; but once Ssipriina and the others had figured that out; it was too late。 They had all missed that; and she refused to accept sole blame for it。
   Still; the damage could have been contained; if only that double…crossing fool Khorrl had done his duty。 She had paid him a matron mother's ransom。 He should have jumped at her every beck and call; but instead he turned his back on her; gathered his mercenaries; and was preparing to pull out of Ched Nasad all together。 The loss of his support was a tough blow; but what galled her more was how foolish he'd made her look…foolish in the eyes of her peers。
   The other matron mothers; upon hearing that the duergar were no longer in House Zauvirr's service; had washed their hands of the alliance; immediately withdrawing their support for Ssipriina's claims。 They had their own Houses to consider and couldn't afford to weaken themselves further in a lost cause。
   Lost cause! Yes; she had been made to look foolish; and she would not have that。 Ssipriina Zauvirr would show them what a lost cause was。
   Let the rest of them distance themselves from her。 Let them rot at the bottom of the c
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