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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第74章

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scorched from the acrid smoke that was all around him。 A dozen or more insignificant gashes covered his arms and torso; burning like the stings of a viper。
   If they don't want to fight; I'm not going to argue with them; he thought gratefully。
   He kept his sword level as a threat but risked a quick glance up to the rooftops。
   Sure enough; just as Halisstra had claimed; more of the foul dwarves had stretched netting across the way; preventing the two of them from escaping by that route。 Ryld was certain he could pick them off with his crossbow but not if he had to dodge ground troops and firepots at the same time。 He saw the duergar overhead hurl several more of the horrid things down; but instead of aiming at him; they threw wide; so that the bursts of flame erupted between Ryld and his foes on the ground。
   They're trying to seal us in; the weapons master realized。 Trap us and kill us without risk to themselves。
   He was judging the width of the flames; trying to determine if he could leap across them without burning himself too much; when he realized that Halisstra was speaking to him。
   〃Ryld;〃 the priestess was saying。 〃Ryld; I can get us out of here。〃
   The warrior glanced over at her; ignoring the taunts and jeers from above as the duergar took their time; savoring the moment before dispatching the dark elves。
   〃How?〃 he asked。
   〃I can cast a spell;〃 Halisstra replied; 〃A magical doorway that will get us out of here; but you've got to buy me some time!〃
   〃Ah; Pharaun's favorite trick;〃 Ryld replied。 He eyed the low wall that was behind the two of them; and he pointed to it。
   〃Get over that;〃 he said。 〃We'll be better protected from above and can decide what to do。〃
   Without waiting for her to follow; Ryld levitated upward until he was at a height just above the top of the wall; which had originally been slightly over his head。 He quickly stepped across it to the other side and lowered himself once again。 Halisstra; her shield arm hanging limply at her side; was only a heartbeat behind him。 She tumbled into the corner with a grunt of pain as Ryld watched for pursuit。
   When the duergar saw where the two drow were going; they began yelling in rage。 From above; they began to fling more of the firepots down; trying to target the two dark elves; but Ryld pulled Halisstra inside the protection of the covering that hung partially out over the enclosed area。 There was a door in the wall to his back; but it appeared stout。 He tried it; and as he suspected; it was locked。 Several of the firepots had landed inside the little courtyard; but the warrior and the priestess were far enough back away from them that they were in no danger。
   〃Won't they ever run out of those things?〃 Halisstra plained as Ryld saw a hand grasp the top of the wall。
   Pulling out his crossbow; he waited until a head appeared then fired; catching the gray dwarf directly in the face。 The humanoid shrieked and toppled backward。
   〃Eventually;〃 he replied; reloading; 〃but let's not stick around to see how long。〃
   〃Where should we go? We want to be able to find the others again; right?〃
   〃Yes。 We need to get to…〃
   Ryld cut his words off short as several screams erupted from the other side of the wall。 It was only then that he realized that firepots were raining down on that side rather than on theirs。
   〃What the…?〃 he said; and scooted forward to the edge of the overhang。
   Cautiously; he peered up to the roofline。 It appeared that the duergar who had been there were gone。 Then; in an instant; he spotted a drow form rise up just long enough to fling another firepot down before ducking out of sight again。 Ryld began to laugh。
   〃What is it?〃 Halisstra asked; moving up beside the Master of Melee…Magthere。 〃What do you see?〃
   〃It's Valas;〃 Ryld replied; pointing。 〃He's taken care of our snipers for us。〃
   Ryld placed his fingers m his mouth and gave a shrill whistle。 A similar whistle emanated from above a moment later。
   〃He knows we know he's up there;〃 Ryld said。 〃Let's save your spell for later and go join him。〃
   Halisstra nodded。
   〃Before we go;〃 the weapons master said; crouching beside the priestess; 〃let me see your arm。〃
   He examined the bolt for a just a moment。 It was sunk deep enough in her shoulder that he would have to force it out the other side。
   〃This will have to wait until Quenthel can heal it。 However 。 。 。〃
   Before she could protest; Ryld snapped the protruding end off。
   〃Goddess!〃 Halisstra grunted as she jerked from the pain; squinting her eyes shut。
   She reached her other hand up; but Ryld grabbed her arm and held it away。
   〃Don't;〃 the warrior said。 〃You'll only make it bleed;〃
   Grimacing; Halisstra shook her head。
   〃No;〃 she said。 〃I can heal it。 Just let me…〃
   She pulled her arm free and reached inside her piwafwi; producing a wand。
   〃Push it out;〃 she said; taking the broken end of the bolt and biting down on it。
   Ryld plied; bracing her shoulder with one hand and preparing to shove the head of the bolt through with the other。 In one clean; quick motion; the shaft was out。 Before she could jerk away from him; Ryld pulled it pletely free。
   Halisstra sobbed once; then she spat out the splintered shaft; waved the wand; and uttered a trigger phrase。 The bleeding stopped instantly and the wound closed。 The priestess sagged back and closed her eyes in relief。
   〃Let's go;〃 Ryld said; reaching out to help her to her feet; 〃before those fires burn out and the grays are over this wall。〃
   〃Wait;〃 Halisstra said; and produced a second wand from inside her piwafwi。 〃Let's make it a little harder for them to shoot at us。〃
   Ryld arched his brow at her; puzzled。 Quickly; she invoked the power of the wand twice; and the two dark elves were pletely invisible。
   Ryld reached out and found the priestess。 He took her hand。
   〃So we don't get separated;〃 he explained。
   Together; the two drow rose upward; watching as duergar alternated between scattering from the firepots that Valas was hurling down on them with deadly accuracy and firing ineffectually at the scout with their crossbows。 As they neared the top; Ryld pulled out Splitter and sliced through the netting; parting the material easily with the enchanted greatsword。 He and Halisstra passed through the hole and settled to the rooftop near where Valas knelt; peering over the edge。
   〃We owe you one;〃 Ryld said to the scout as he moved away from the edge to avoid any stray crossbow bolts。
   The roof was covered with the bodies of a good half dozen gray dwarves。
   Valas glanced over to where the warrior's voice had e from but didn't react otherwise。
   〃I saw you e down here and figured I'd try to catch up by ing the long way around;〃 he said; rising up to throw the last of his firepots。 〃When I saw these cretins here; laughing and throwing these things down; I knew you were in trouble。〃
   〃Let's get out of here;〃 Ryld suggested。 〃Do you know where the others are?〃
   〃I think they got up on the roofs on the other side of the square;
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