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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第7章

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   〃You presume much; boy〃 the high priestess snapped as she stood straight again; glaring balefully at him。 〃Perhaps too much。 。 。 。〃
   Still not looking at her; Pharaun rolled his eyes where she could not see。
   〃A thousand times a thousand pardons; Mistress;〃 he said; sensing the time was ripe to change the subject。 〃So I suppose you no longer intend to bother with the goods you think are stored in the Black Claw Mercantile storehouses in Ched Nasad。 Even if they do rightfully belong to House Baenre; how are we going to get them back to Menzoberranzan? You certainly won't carry them; and once word gets around that you like to use your pack animals and drovers as bait; no one else will; either。〃
   Pharaun stole a sidelong glance at the high priestess; mostly for the simple pleasure of observing her disgrunded state。 Quenthel's scowl was particularly severe; drawing out fully the vertical line that ran between her brows and giving her that pinched look that the mage was beginning to find unduly ical。 The wizard stifled a chuckle。
   That managed to get under her skin; he thought; grinning; but then he noticed Jeggred moving to stand between the two of them。
   The beast loomed over the wizard; and Pharaun's grin vanished。 He held his breath as the draegloth smiled balefully。 The fiend's fetid panting cascaded over him; making his stomach turn。
       The demon served Quenthel unswervingly; and at a word from her; he would gladly attempt to rip the wizard…or anyone else in the group; for that matter…limb from limb with malice…laden glee。 Thus far; that word had not e; but Pharaun did not relish the possibility of having to defend himself from the fiend's assault; especially in such close quarters where he would have a hard time getting clear to exercise his own allotment of spells。 He would prefer a large cavern to make his stand against Jeggred; but unfortunately; there was only this cramped passage; with no room to stay clear of the brute's claws。
       Despite her current foul humor and the very ungainly way she had recently been bearing the load on her back; Quenthel somehow managed to look regal as she pushed herself away from the wall and stalked across the corridor toward Pharaun; her piwafwi swishing about her。 He understood that she wasn't merely ignoring his jibes。 She had waited until her faithful servant had moved into position to back her up before confronting the mage。
   〃I know very well what I said and did; and I do not need you mimicking my words back to me like some idiot savant; displayed in a gilded cage for all to look upon and laugh at。〃 She focused her stare on him and held it there。 〃We are on a diplomatic mission; wizard; but those goods do belong to my House; and they will be returned there。 I'll see to that。 If I can't hire a caravan to carry them back; then you'll do it for me。 Jeggred will make certain of it。〃
   She held his gaze imperiously for a moment as Jeggred smiled carnally beside her。 Finally; she straightened; made a subtle motion to the draegloth; and the fiend moved off to lick the gore from his claws。
   〃Find us a way around this 。 。 。 thing;〃 Quenthel said; jabbing her finger toward the massive growth before she turned and strode back to her own pack and sank down to the floor。
   Pharaun sighed and rolled his eyes; knowing he had pushed the high priestess too far。 He would suffer more later for his little jibes。 He looked over at Faeryl to gauge her reaction to the confrontation。 The ambassador from Ched Nasad merely shook her head at him; scorn plain on her mien。
   〃I would think you; of all people; would be more than a little disgruntled that she's planning to strip your mother's mercantile pany bare;〃 he said quietly to her。
   Faeryl shrugged and said; 〃It's no concern of mine。 My House merely works for her…for House Baenre and for House Melarn。 They own Black Claw together; so if she wants to steal from her partners; who am I to stop her? As long as I get home 。 。 。〃
   Pharaun was surprised to actually see a wistful look on the ambassador's face。
   The Master of Sorcere grunted at Faeryl's response and turned once more to inspect the material that blocked their way。 He was both fascinated at seeing it in person for the first time and desperate to seek a possible way around it。 He knew that the Araumycos filled countless miles of caverns in this part of the Underdark; but travelers had sometimes been able to find ways around or through it。
   Valas was already climbing up the surface of the growth; pressed tightly against it; working his way toward the upper reaches。 Pharaun could see that the passage they had followed opened into what must be a larger cavern; for the ceiling; like the passage itself; rose abruptly。 He could see that the scout was making his way toward a narrow gap between the growth and the side of the cavern; perhaps hoping that there was a way to squeeze through; though to where; Pharaun had no idea。
   Pharaun considered the diminutive mercenary from Bregan D'aerthe to be a bit uncouth; but nonetheless; he was glad the wiry guide was along for the trip。
   〃How long do we have before that gives out?〃 Faeryl asked; staring back the way they all had e; back toward the inky blackness。
   Pharaun was surprised that she spoke to him。 She was emboldened; the wizard supposed; from their earlier conversation。 Not bothering to look at the ambassador; Pharaun continued his inspection; producing a tiny flame at the tip of his finger with which he began scorching the fungus。 Where the fire touched the growth; it blackened and withered; but it did not burn a hole through to anywhere。
   〃Not long;〃 he said。
   He sensed rather than saw her disfort at his offhand ment。 The wizard smiled despite himself as he worked; bemused at the irony of Faeryl's situation。 It had not been that long ago that she had been desperate to make this journey; to return to her home city。
   Desperate enough to try sneaking out of Menzoberranzan and crossing Triel Baenre; the most powerful matron mother in the city; in the process。 Faeryl had failed; of course。 She had been captured at the gates; and she had wound up as Jeggred's imprisoned plaything to boot。 Pharaun could only imagine what the draegloth might have been doing to her in the name of sport; but somehow the Zauvirr had earned a reprieve from Triel and had been assigned to participate in this little excursion to Ched Nasad。
   In the end; Faeryl had achieved what she wanted; but the wizard wondered if she was still glad of it; despite her previous remarks。 Even if she did get home; she was faced with the prospect of informing her mother; the matron mother of House Zauvirr; that Quenthel was ing to take everything。 Absolutely everything。 Regardless of the feasibility of such a move and the contingent's ability to actually pull it off unmolested by House Melarn; Faeryl and her mother would be the ones caught in the middle。 He did not envy her position。
   Plus; every time Jeggred so much as turned his gaze in her direction; she flinched and moved away。 The fiend seemed to enjoy this; taking every opportunity to enhance the ambassador's disf
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