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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第68章

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   She attempted to offer a genuinely warm smile for Pharaun。 The wizard nodded again; intrigued by the suggestiveness of the drow's offer。 He eyed the battle captive again; wondering just how willing she was to serve as repense for the fact that she was still breathing。 The look in her eyes made it clear she was not pleased; but she didn't voice her displeasure as the Melarn daughter then leaned in to inspect her counterpart in what Pharaun thought was a decidedly affectionate manner。 Danifae's leg looked badly cut and bruised but not too much the worse for wear。
   Quenthel clicked her tongue in exasperation and said; 〃Now that everyone is back from the brink of death; I think it's time to leave this city。 First; though; we must see if we can salvage our other supplies back at the inn。〃
   The others nodded in agreement。
   〃Let's go quickly;〃 Pharaun suggested; aware of the noise of fighting; invisible through the haze but definitely ing closer。 〃We don't want to remain here for any longer than we have to; I think。〃
   Pharaun stood; dusting himself off and picking up and replacing his piwafwi from where Ryld had dropped it only moments before。 He gazed out across the city; for the first time; really; and the scene took his breath away。
   〃We may already be too late;〃 the wizard breathed; overawed by the devastation he could only partially see; as so much was obscured by a hazy glow; or cloaked with thick smoke。 The section of Ched Nasad where House Melarn had been was alive with flames。 Recalling that he and Danifae had just escaped perishing in the monumental occurrence; he glanced down to where Halisstra and the other dark elf sat huddled together。 Halisstra looked stricken; staring off into the vastness of the city as her attendant huddled close to her and whispered soothing words。
   〃Yes;〃 Quenthel concurred。 〃This will get worse; much worse。 Everyone stay alert。 Master Argith; give the two of them their weapons;〃 she said; gesturing toward Halisstra and Danifae。 〃I think they've earned the right to bear them after getting us out of that deathtrap。〃
   The weapons master pulled a black circle of cloth from a pocket of his piwafwi; unfolded it; and threw it down upon the stone paving of the plaza。 It transformed into a perfectly round hole; large enough for him to reach Into。 He began rummaging around inside it。
   〃I think our return to the inn will have to wait for later;〃 Valas said; pointing。 〃We're not in the clear yet。〃
   When Pharaun turned his gaze toward where the scout indicated; he groaned。 Scores of gray dwarves were advancing in a line toward them from out of the smoke; faces grim; crossbows and axes brandished。 Their front rank had formed a shield wall; while the second row prepared to fire missile weapons。 They were mere yards away。
   〃Look out!〃 Halisstra cried; pointing in the opposite direction with the mace Ryld had just handed to her。
   A host of drow soldiers and priestesses appeared out of the thick smoke; surging forward to meet the duergar head on。
   When the fiery; smoke…choked estate finally ripped loose from the web street and tumbled into the vast depths of the city below; Aliisza looked on with a mixture of fascination and disappointment。 She was certain the wizard was lost to her; yet she marveled at the capacity for destruction the drow displayed。 They were tearing apart their own city; with the capable help of several other species。 She wondered what any of them hoped to gain from it; but she didn't really care。 She was just sorry she couldn't enjoy any more flings with the mage。
   With her consort dead; the alu prepared to make her way out of the city。 She had no more cause to be there; and delaying her departure any longer would only place her at risk; however slight。 She would rather not have to confront a host of drow or duergar; and she certainly didn't relish the thought of large amounts of stonework falling on her。
   Before she could follow through on her intentions to leave; though; Aliisza spied movement a little way down from where the palatial abode had been but moments before。 She wasn't sure; for the air in the vicinity was choked with smoke and dust; but she thought…
   There。 Something was definitely hovering in the air; a wretched creature the fiend knew well enough…a bird…woman known as a harpy…and it had pany; a second form gripped in its talons。 The pair of them hovered in mid…air; struggling to stay aloft; and the harpy veered up and to the side; bearing its cargo with it。
   As Aliisza followed the pair's progress; she caught more movement out of the corner of her eye and realized the harpy and the drow clinging to it were being followed。 It was the wizard's panions。
   The alu found herself laughing; realizing that Pharaun must be the harpy in a transmuted state; no doubt one of his many spells。 He really was an impressive mage; she thought。 Somehow; some way; the entire group had managed to free themselves from the building just before it collapsed and vanished into the bottom of the cavern; and along the way; they had picked up two additional members。
   Aliisza moved cautiously closer; wanting to get a better look without being seen; and when she did; her eyes narrowed。 That wretch Pharaun had rescued some tart; a beautiful drow who; despite her current disheveled look; was obviously a lovely catch for the wizard。 Even as she watched; the mage transformed back into his natural form; collapsing beside the female; giving her the eye even as he caught his breath。
   Aliisza was furious; watching the mage ogle the drow。 She would tear that trollop's eyes out herself! She would…!
   Shaking with anger; she prepared to swoop in and make good on her silent threats; but the rest of the group settled around the pair。 Clenching her fists in fury; Aliisza restrained herself; but she wanted to know what was going on。 Quickly; she cast a spell and began to magically eavesdrop on their conversation。
   …must see if we can salvage our other supplies back at the inn。
   Then let's go quickly; she heard Pharaun say。 We don't want to remain here for any longer than we have to; I think。
   Grinning; Aliisza ended the spell and flew off; still careful to avoid drawing attention。 She had an idea forming; and she was pleased with herself for thinking of it。
   〃Get off this street!〃 Ryld urged; pointing to a smaller thoroughfare that ran past a temple off to one side where they might avoid the worst of the clash。 〃Hurry!〃 the warrior manded; sprinting toward the side street。
   Pharaun heard the call of his friend and tried to turn and scramble toward the side street that Ryld had indicated; but the wizard wasn't quite fast enough to avoid the press of drow streaming past him。 Instead; he was buffeted along for several feet in the opposite direction before he finally managed to slip off to the side; taking refuge against a set of large stone stairs leading up to some immense public building。 A moment later; Danifae staggered alongside him; dropping to her knees and panting for breath。
   〃Where are the others?〃 the wizard asked her; admiri
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