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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第66章

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against trying to stop; instead bracing her feet against the far; lowest wall。 She craned her neck around to watch the mage as he began yet another spell。 He seemed to have an endless supply of them。 He dug in his piwafwi and pulled out something too small for Halisstra to see; then he began to gesticulate wildly in the direction of the wall at the back of the secret closet。 Before her eyes; a tunnel formed right into the rock itself; and after about fifteen feet; it broke through into space beyond。
   〃e on!〃 Pharaun shouted to everyone as the whole House seemed to be one solid rumble。
   The noise of the cracking stone was deafening; and Halisstra had barely been able to hear the wizard。 The room tilted over even more sharply; and Halisstra realized that it was nearly sideways; with the new opening to the outside almost over her head。 She began to float; lifting herself magically toward the impromptu exit; as the other members of the group did the same。 As she reached the top and was about to pass through into the open air of the city beyond; she saw that Jeggred had a hold of Valas。 The draegloth lifted effortlessly toward the hole; and it was at that moment that Halisstra remembered that Danifae could not levitate either。
   The House Melarn daughter looked down desperately and saw her attendant; crouched in the low corner of the room; near the collapsed ceiling; scrambling to stay atop the shifting pile of rock as the room continued to tip over。 Danifae's eyes were blazing with fury as she gazed angrily up toward where everyone else was escaping the collapsing dwelling。 There was another excruciatingly loud snapping sound as more stone buckled and popped; and Danifae; still inside the destroyed remains of House Melarn; was falling away。
   Khorrl Xornbane was bloody and exhausted。 His clan; gathered all around him; looked that way too。 He had no idea how long they'd been fighting; but it was too long。 They needed rest and water。 They couldn't keep this up for much longer。 Unfortunately; the captain of Clan Xornbane feared that the day would grow much worse before it got better。 He hoped he was wrong。
   Khorrl had already passed the word that his troops were to abandon their positions defending House Melarn。 They had been besieged there for so long and had used up so many of their firepots that he feared the place was growing unstable。
   I'm not going to lose my boys that way; he told himself。
   The remains of his forces were reforming on the opposite side of the plaza from the House; and for the moment they were being left alone。 It was hard to be sure how long that peace would; last; though; because none of them could see very far in the thick smoke of the burning stone。
   What Khorrl and his duergar could see told the tale clearly enough; though。 The plaza was covered with the bodies of goblins and kobolds。 Littered in between them were slightly fewer drow; though the number of dead dark elves surprised; him。 More dead gray dwarves than Khorrl would have liked were scattered here and there; too。 It had been a hellish day; and it was far from over; the captain feared。
   〃Sir;〃 one of his aides said; running up to Khorrl; 〃we've pletely abandoned the estate。 The last of the troops have formed a line from that corner…〃 the young gray dwarf pointed through the smoke toward the edge of a dwelling behind them…〃across to the flank of our main position; there。〃 He swung his arm across to the far right side of the plaza。
   〃Good;〃 Khorrl replied; visualizing the battlefield in his mind; since he could no longer clearly see it with his eyes。
   〃Also;〃 the aide continued; 〃there's another force of drow ing toward us; from that direction。〃
   He pointed off to the left; where the plaza was joined by a large web street。 It was; regrettably; the weakest point of Clan Xornbane's defenses。
   〃Friend or foe? Did you get a look at their House insignias?〃
   The aide shrugged and said; 〃Not in this smoke。〃
   Khorrl sighed。 He would have to send scouts out to reconnoiter the new troops。 He said as much to the aide; who saluted him and started to turn away。
   〃Wait;〃 the captain said; and the aide stopped attentively。 'Get some boys up there…〃 Khorrl pointed toward the street one level above where they were currently positioned…〃I don't want another swarm of those damned dark elves dropping in on us like they did earlier。〃
   〃Yes; sir;〃 the aide replied; and hurried off to execute his captain's mands。
   Khorrl sighed again and turned to call for water。 From behind him there was a loud popping sound; a sound he knew too well… splintering stone。 He spun back around and peered through the gloom of smoke in the direction from which it had e。 All up and down the lines that protected the clan's position; the word was spreading; and it reached Khorrl quickly enough。 House Melarn was burning to oblivion; and it was about to go over。
   Khorrl shook his head; knowing what was about to happen。 He hoped his aide was right and hoped that all his boys had gotten out of there。 He lamented the ones who couldn't; for whatever reason。
   The popping started again; and grew louder and more steady。 He could feel the vibrations in the stone beneath his feet。 He almost wished he could see it; but in a way; he didn't。 It was going to be a deathtrap for anyone still inside。
   The snapping; splintering sound of stone reached a crescendo; and there was one final explosion; a tremor that shook the entire street enough that Khorrl had to brace himself with his axe。 There was a jerk; and the rumbling ceased。 Khorrl knew the whole building had gone over the side; tumbling into the void。
   A few seconds later; there was a horrendous crash from below。 House Melarn had struck something。 A heartbeat later; he felt the vibrations of the impact。 It was subtle; but for that sort of vibration to travel through a web street and into the walls of the huge cavern; and back along the other web streets; the initial impact must have been devastating。
   It might take out several more streets; the duergar mused grimly。
   It was the aide again; rushing up to his captain; his look wide…eyed。
   〃What is it?〃 Khorrl demanded; wondering what would so shake up the lad。
   〃A spider! A huge one; as big as a house! It's ing this way!〃 Khorrl groaned; realizing just how much worse things had gotten。 He hated being right。
   As he floated up and out of the collapsing building that had at one time been House Melarn; Phataun Mizzrym heard a cry of anguish below him。 Looking downward; he spied Halisstra; still emerging from the gaping opening that led into the ruin of her mother's chambers。 She was staring back down into the building。
   For the rest of his days; the wizard wouldn't be sure what convinced him to do it; but sensing that someone was still inside; he made up his mind in the blink of an eye to cast a spell。 Yanking off his piwafwi and tossing it to Ryld; he uttered a quick arcane phrase and began transforming himself into a loathsome and wretched creature。 He had seen the horrid thing several times before and in fa
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