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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第58章

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   〃You will do no such thing;〃 Quenthel said。 Halisstra had helped the high priestess remove the gag。 〃Do not touch her; Jeggred。 Do you understand me?〃
   Jeggred looked at Quenthel for a moment; but then the demon inclined his head in acquiescence。
   〃As you wish and mand; Mistress。〃
   Pharaun had but one more spell with which to unlock the restraints that held Jeggred; and he quickly utilized it to free one of the draegloth's arms。 For the other bindings; the mage decided to cast a different spell; one that would suppress the magic that strengthened the adamantine。 He quickly wove the dispelling magic and watched as the aura surrounding the metal faded from his sight。
   〃Try to break it; now;〃 he said to Jeggred。
   The draegloth jerked experimentally on the chains holding him to the walls; then he really leaned into the effort; but the adamantine links still would not yield。
   Pharaun frowned。
   〃Perhaps a bit of cold; to make them brittle;〃 he mused aloud; producing a small; clear crystal from his piwafwi。 〃Gather the lengths together in a group;〃 he directed the draegloth。 Jeggred did so; holding them in his free hand like a set of reins on a pack lizard。
   Pointing the crystal at the sections of chain; the Master of Sor…cere focused a cone of magically summoned arctic air along their lengths。 When the incantation was pleted; he gestured for Jeggred to try again。
   This time; when the fiend began to work the restraints over; the frosty metal shattered; freeing him。 He still had the collar and manacles around his neck and limbs; but that could be dealt with later。
   〃My thanks; wizard;〃 the draegloth said; then strode over to where Quenthel was in the process of freeing herself from the last of the black; sticky; resinlike substance that her hands had been encased in。
   Quenthel stood in the center of the cell; naked but seemingly oblivious to it。
   〃Do you make a habit of remaining maddeningly out of reach until the last possible moment; Mizzrym?〃 she said; scowling slightly。 〃You cut your arrival a bit close; didn't you?〃
   Pharaun sighed inwardly; realizing that whatever gratitude had been present before had been replaced by the high priestess's usual haughty demeanor。
   〃My pardon; please; Mistress Baenre;〃 he said in as gracious a tone as possible。 〃We dallied with some of the local maidens as long as we could before rushing here at the last moment。 I didn't think you would mind terribly much。〃
   Ryld chuckled at the wizard's snide remark; while both Halisstra and Danifae gave him sharp looks; reminding him that the two members of House Melarn were unaccustomed to his disrespectful relationship with Quenthel。 The Mistress of the Academy merely scowled at him then turned away to face Faeryl; who cringed; still under Valas's guard。
   〃Strip her and give her clothes to me;〃 Quenthel manded; eliciting a high…pitched squeak of protest from the ambassador。
   Valas held the prisoner steady as Ryld stepped up to help him; and Halisstra jumped forward almost eagerly and began to disrobe Faeryl; who struggled to avoid the ignominious fate。
   〃Just who are these two?〃 Quenthel snapped; eyeing Danifae。
   The battle captive cocked her head to one side; eyeing the high priestess in return; as though gauging how much she should defer to this new leader。
   〃I am Danifae Yauntyrr; Mistress Baenre; formerly of Eryndlyn。 I am Halisstra Melarns personal attendant。〃
   〃A battle captive?〃 Quenthel smirked; and Danifae merely bowed her head。
   Quickly enough; Faeryl stood naked in the midst of the group; still held between Valas and Ryld; while Quenthel donned the ambassador's clothing。 As the high priestess was dressing; she jerked her head in the direction of the collar; still chained to the wall where she'd been restrained only moments before。
   〃Lock her up;〃 Quenthel manded。
   〃No!〃 Faeryl protested; trying desperately to jerk free of her two captors。 As Valas; Halisstra; and Ryld all corralled her; the ambassador shrieked and began to fight against her captors。 〃No! You can't leave me down here。 。。。〃
   〃Shut up!〃 Quenthel said; slapping Faeryl。 〃You sniveling; wretched creature; did you really believe you could get away with your betrayal? Did you honestly think you could defy me; a Baenre; and the Mistress of Arach…Tinilith? By the Dark Mother; child; the depths of your foolishness surprise me! Lock her up;〃 she repeated; gesturing once more at the thick adamantine collar。
   〃No!〃 Faeryl protested again; struggling as she was hauled over to the wall。
   The ambassador flailed and kicked; but the scout and warrior held her tightly as Halisstra fitted the collar around her neck。 When the adamantine band clicked shut; the imprisoned drow sobbed once; and as soon as the two males relinquished their grip on her; she began frantically jerking on the restraint。
   Quenthel started to turn away; then paused。
   〃You can redeem yourself; if you like;〃 she said to Faeryl。
   〃How?〃 the frantic dark elf asked。 〃Anything! I will do whatever you want。〃
   〃Tell me where my things are;〃 Quenthel replied。 〃Tell me where all of my possessions were stored when I was brought here。〃
   Faeryl's face fell in despair。
   〃I don't know;〃 she sobbed; dropping to her knees in supplication。 〃Please don't leave me here。 I will find them for you。〃
   〃Don't bother with her;〃 Halisstra said。 〃I know where your things are; Quenthel Baenre。〃
   Quenthel turned and eyed the daughter of House Melarn。
   〃Why should I trust you?〃 she asked。
   〃That is for you to decide;〃 Halisstra answered; 〃but consider this 。。。 I led your males down here to find you; I lured the traitor out into the hall before she could kill you; and I live here and can find my way around。 While that would ordinarily be a strike against me; as I told the wizard; I have no quarrel with you; and I do not want to see you suffer the consequences for House Zauvirr's betrayal of my mother。〃
   Quenthel's eyebrows raised as she listened to the other priestess's words; then she looked at Pharaun。
   〃She speaks the truth;〃 the wizard admitted。 〃At least thus far。 She has thrown herself in with us; though she has few alternatives。 The other matron mothers; led by Ssipriina Zauvirr; are wresting control of her House away from her; after the death of her mother。〃
   〃Hmm;〃 Quenthel mused。 〃Very well。 We'll address your status later。 If you know where my things are; lead on;〃
   〃Wait!〃 Faeryl cried out; lunging forward against the chain around her neck。 〃She will betray you; Mistress。 All the noble Houses despise you for your plans to steal from the city。 You can't trust her。〃
   〃On the contrary;〃 Quenthel laughed derisively; shaking her head。 〃She is a Melarn; a member of the only House in Ched Nasad I can trust。 Let's go。〃
   The high priestess turned to depart the cell; and Pharaun was stepping into the hall behind her as Faeryl wailed once more; 〃You can't leave me here!〃
   The ambassador began a chant; and Pharaun recognized the pattern of the words as a divine incantation; though he wasn't sure what s
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