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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第51章

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   Halisstra heard a shout from behind them; and she turned; expecting to see her original guards realizing she was free。 Instead; she discovered that a thick mist had filled the room; and she could see very little beyond a couple of paces away。
   〃e on;〃 Halisstra hissed; scrambling through the mist toward the back of the room; to a doorway leading deeper into the House where her own chambers were located。 〃Back to my rooms; and you can get these…〃she held her arms out away from her back to indicate the manacles…〃off me。〃
   〃Of course; Mistress;〃 Danifae said; steering her superior by one arm through the thick; obscuring mist; along the wall and toward the door。 〃We'll thank someone later for hiding our escape with this fog。〃
   〃You mean; that's not something you and Lirdnolu Maerret planned to help extricate me from Ssipriina Zauvirr?〃
   Danifae laughed once; a bitter chuckle。
   〃Hardly;〃 she said; 〃Despite my convincing performance before Matron Mother Zauvirr; you didn't really expect her to let me wander free did you? I had no way to reach House Maerret。 No; that motion back there was someone else's doing;〃
   Once the two of them were out of the audience chamber and into the hall; Halisstra could see better; and she set off regally toward her own chambers; despite the fact that she was half…naked and bound。 She hadn't managed more than three or four steps before a third rumble staggered her。 She gasped as she lost her balance and stumbled against one wall of the hallway; but Danifae was there; catching hold of her mistress and steadying her as the tremor quieted。
   〃What the blazes is going on?〃 Halisstra demanded as they righted themselves and hurried on their way。
   〃I don't know for sure; but I can hazard a guess;〃 her subordinate replied as they turned a corner。 〃There are riots welling up in the streets。〃
   〃Perhaps;〃 Halisstra said; 〃but why would duergar target House Melarn?〃
   〃That; I can't say;〃 Danifae replied; 〃but my guess is it has more to do with Ssipriina Zauvirr's attempt to overthrow House Melarn than anything else。 Regardless; it served my purposes well enough。 Perhaps we can find out more in a little bit; after we get you out of those restraints。〃
   〃Yes;〃 Halisstra answered; thinking。 〃Let's start with finding out where in the Nine Hells all of our House guards are。〃
   〃I can tell you that right now;〃 Danifae offered as the duo turned another corner and entered Halisstra's chambers。 〃They accepted an offer they couldn't refuse: serve House Zauvirr or die。〃
   Halisstra sighed。
   〃Is there anyone still loyal to me?〃 she asked; though she feared she already knew the answer。
   〃Possibly your brother; if he's still alive; but he's at the Dangling Tower and can't do us much good here;〃 Danifae said; turning Halisstra around so that she could take a look at the locking mechanism on the restraints。 〃As for inside the House right now? I doubt anyone would be willing to aid you; except maybe those three males in the audience chamber; the ones from Menzoberranzan; and only if you win their trust。〃 The battle captive shook her head。 〃I can't get these off right now。 Better to break the chain and worry about them later。〃
   〃Fine 。 。 。 but what do you mean; 'win their trust?' How could I do that?〃
   Halisstra began to pace; pondering her options。 Though she had managed to escape the matron mothers for the moment; she was still trapped…inside her own House; of all places…and doubted it would take long for Ssipriina's guards to close in on the two of them。
   Danifae didn't answer right away。 Halisstra turned to repeat her question and saw the other dark elf grab the noble's mace from where it stood in the corner by her bed。 She was momentarily startled when Danifae returned to her side and pushed her to her knees; but she quickly understood the battle captive's intent; and positioned her hands near the floor where Danifae could strike the chain while it was against the stone。
   〃You could start by telling them that their high priestess is still alive;〃 Danifae finally answered; drawing the mace back for a hard blow against the chain joining the manacles。
   〃What?〃 Halisstra gasped; turning to look at her servant。 〃Quen…thel Baenre is alive?〃
   For a brief moment she wondered if her mother had also survived。
   Danifae held her downstroke at the last moment when her mistress moved。
   〃Hold still!〃 she manded; repositioning Halisstra for another try。 〃And yes; the Baenre priestess is alive。 I saw both her and her demon panion in the dungeons earlier。 While I was prowling around; trying to figure out what to do; I saw that male Mistress Zauvirr called Zammzt hurrying from that direction。〃
   Danifae smacked her morning star hard against the chain; but the links didn't break。
   〃A few moments later;〃 she continued; 〃Faeryl Zauvirr appeared; also ing from the lower levels。 Curious; I decided to see what she was doing down there。 She has them both bound to within an inch of their lives; and Quenthel Baenre is stretched tight on the rack at the moment。〃
   Danifae lined up another blow with the mace。
   〃Then Ssipriina is lying! I can free the high priestess and get her to prove my innocence。〃
   Halisstra felt elation for the first time since the catastrophic day had begun。
   〃Possibly;〃 the battle captive answered dryly; taking another whack at the restraints; 〃but I doubt many of the matron mothers will choose to believe her。 She may still be guilty of her crimes; even if you are innocent of yours。 Enough of the matron mothers have an agenda that precludes you walking free from this。 More likely…ah ha!〃
   The link Danifae had been pounding on finally crimped enough to separate the manacles。
   Helping Halisstra to her feet; the battle captive continued; 〃More likely; they'll simply accuse you of trying to help her escape and offering that as a cover story。〃
   Halisstra eyed the steel restraints still on her wrists; already finding them annoying; but they would have to wait。 Free; at least for the moment; Halisstra's fear melted away。 She was furious; and she couldn't decide who bore the majority of her anger。
   〃Well; I'm not just going to sit here while everyone else brings down House Melarn around my ears。 Help me get ready; and let's go find that Baenre。〃
   〃As you wish;〃 Danifae said; moving rapidly with the decision having been made。
   With her servant's help; Halisstra quickly began to dress; first attiring herself in a set of plain but functional clothes; then donning her armor; a fine suit of chain mail bearing the coat of arms of House Melarn and several enchantments。 Once that was on; Danifae handed Halisstra her mace and shield and scurried about the room to gather up other things Halisstra normally had with her when out in the city or beyond。
   When Halisstra was dressed; Danifae grabbed her morning star; each of them wrapped themselves in a piwafwi marked with the insignia of House Zauvirr; and they were ready。
   Outside Halisstra's rooms; the halls were quiet。 No one had yet been sent to hunt for her; it appeared; for which the prie
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