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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第30章

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   Ryld stole a glance down at Valas; who seemed to be studying the sava board。 The scout made no move to lure a serving boy over。
   〃Are you going to order those drinks; or should I do it?〃 the weapons master asked his panion。
   〃Don't worry about it;〃 Valas answered; looking up。 〃When the wretch returns; I'll tell him I couldn't get anyone's attention in so crowded a place。〃
   Ryld nodded and turned back to wait。
   It didn't take long for the filthy drow to return; and he had not one; but four big half…ogres in tow。 Ryld's eyes narrowed at the sight of them clearing a path through the crowd none too gently。
   〃We may have trouble;〃 he muttered at Valas; who craned his neck to peer past the warrior。
   〃Let me out;〃 Valas insisted; pushing Ryld forward enough to slip out from behind the table。
   The scout stood next to the warrior; and Ryld noticed that Valas had his kukris in his hands; though he kept them down at his sides where they weren't easily seen。
   〃These are the fellows I was telling you about;〃 the drow informant said to the biggest of the half…ogres。 〃They're the ones that's got lots of coin。〃
   Ryld groaned inwardly as the half…ogre; who stood a good head taller than the drow; grinned ominously。
   〃We were just about to go fetch a round of drinks; as you suggested;〃 Valas said; making as if to step past the half…ogre; who was blocking their way。 〃I guess we'll need a couple extra。 Ryld; why don't you e help me carry them all? Then we can talk business with you boys。〃
   〃I've got a better idea;〃 the half…ogre said; his voice deep and rumbling。 〃Why don't you sit down and tell us just how much gold you actually have? Then we'll decide if you can leave or not。〃
   〃I don't think that's such a good idea;〃 Valas said; his voice steely cold。 〃We'll just take our business elsewhere。〃
   〃I suppose a half…ogre would be stupid enough;〃 Ryld said to the scout; 〃to think that just because Lolth has gone quiet; we've forgotten how to fight。〃
   The half…ogre smiled and said; 〃That's a pretty good joke; dark elf。〃
   Then the creature lunged。
   In the end; it was the most straightforward approach; Pharaun decided; that would grant him entry into one of the wizardly institutes。 He knew all too well from his working knowledge of Sorcere's defenses that most forms of arcane stealth would likely be detected; however careful he might be。 It was the nature of mages to be distrustful of other mages; and he had discovered that with a handful of different academies; schools; and research organizations to choose from in Ched Nasad; the local spellcasters were even more wary of one another。
   Apparently; petition between the associations for luring new talent inside their halls was fierce; and the prestige garnered from successful recruiting paramount。 True to drow nature; the societies weren't above using any method; however violent and underhanded; to shift the balance of power。 What better way to get inside; Pharaun reasoned; than to pose as a prospective new member? All that it required was doffing his House insignia and asking at the front gates for the opportunity to speak with someone who could give him a tour; expound upon the amenities and responsibilities; and so on。 He could easily pass himself off as a wayward wizard in need of a home without revealing his true level of expertise or the means by which he had acquired it。
   The first place Pharaun visited was the imposing halls of the Disciples of Phelthong; run by the Archmage of Ched Nasad himself; Ildibane Nasadra。 Pharaun figured that being the largest and best endowed of the various schools; it would have what he sought。 However; he was careful to explain to the minor official who was sent to escort him that his interest; his area of specialty; lay in the study of creatures。 It would be paramount for the facility to have a vast menagerie on hand if he was to feel truly at home。 When he discovered that the Disciples did not maintain such a zoo; he politely declined to take a tour。
   The second place Pharaun chose to investigate was known as the Arcanist Conservatory。 It was neither the most impressive nor the least; but he picked it on a hunch。 The drow who met with him after he'd explained himself to the sentries at the front of the edifice was an enchanter by the name of Kraszmyl Claddath of House Claddath; a short; surprisingly stocky fellow with slightly yellowing hair and bad teeth。 Pharaun feigned skills of a middling nature as he introduced himself; and Kraszmyl seemed genuinely delighted to escort his guest through the premises。
       〃Tell me; Master Claddath; does the conservatory maintain a collection or live specimens on site?
   〃Well; if you mean the best menagerie of creatures from both the world Above and the Underdark; properly housed and cared for; then yes。〃
   Oh; how delightful!〃 Pharaun didn't have to fake his excitement。 This sounds like the right place for me。〃
   〃Tell me; Master Pharaun; what is your particular expertise with this area of study?〃
   Well; my last assignment was for a merchant who wanted me to study various breeding effects on rothé herds;〃 the mage lied; 〃but I have a special interest in a new field。 I am most curious to learn more about chitines and choldriths。〃
   〃Really?〃 Kraszmyl seemed nonplussed at the idea as he led Pha…raun deeper into the confines of the conservatory。 〃Why in the world would you find such base creatures of interest?〃
   〃Oh; they are tremendously fascinating!〃 Pharaun gushed。 〃While we find them to be nothing more than simple hunting sport; they actually have a unique culture and religious focus that in several ways mirrors our own。〃
   〃Oh; I see;〃 Master Claddath said woodenly。 〃I hope you're not one of those odd cretins who actually thinks we should cease our hunting。〃
   Pharaun laughed。 〃Certainly not;〃 he said; 〃but imagine the possibilities if I could make them more of a challenge?〃
   〃Yes; I could see the value in that。 Well; here we are;〃 the guide said; ushering Pharaun into a wing of the facilities that contained countless cages; cells; and holding pens。
   Pharaun had never seen such a collection of species before; and he was more than impressed。
   〃It is spectacular!〃 he said。
   〃Yes; it is; Master Pharaun; but I have concluded by your reaction that you have seen nothing of the sort before。 Now; why don't you tell me the real reason for your visit to our little conservatory today?〃
   Pharaun carefully reached into a pocket of his piwafwi; extracted a fragment of glass; and turned to look at the other wizard; who was shielded by a number of protections。 He held a wand in his hand that he pointed at the visiting wizard; and Pharaun knew that the drow had already used it。 Some sort of enchantment magic; he guessed。
   Trying to charm me into explaining myself。
   〃Is this the way you greet all of your prospective new members?〃 Pharaun asked; smiling。
   Kraszmyl looked mildly surprised; then tucked the wand away。
   〃No; just those wizards who show up out of nowhere; claiming to want to join our ranks。〃
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