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d to it。 She turned away from him; nervous hands at her chin it an attitude of prayer。

〃Well; will you?〃 Scott pressed。

〃It's a bit sudden;〃 she said coyly。 But Scott didn't pick up on her tone and reacted as though he had been slapped。

〃You'll have to speak to my father first;〃 Marlene continued in the same tone; her back to him still。 〃My mother; too。〃 When she turned around; Scott was staring at her slack jawed。

〃But they're back on Tirol!〃 he stammered。 〃They might not be here for…〃 Then he caught her smile and understood at once。 He had literally known her for her entire life; and he still couldn't tell when she was putting him on。

Marlene was smiling up at him now; eyes beaming。 But the sudden shrill of sirens collapsed her happiness。

〃Defold operation plete;〃 a voice said over the PA。 〃All wing manders report to the bridge for final briefing and bat assignments。〃

Scott's lips were a thin line when he looked at her。

〃Answer me; Marlene。 I might not get another chance to ask you。〃

The mand ship bridge was a tight; no…nonsense affair; with two duty stations squeezed between the wraparound viewports and four more back to back behind these。 There was none of the spaciousness and calm that had characterized the SDF…1 bridge; here everyone had a seat; and everyone put duty first。 It took something like the first sight of Earth to elicit any casual conversation; and even then the ments would have surprised some。

〃I'm so excited;〃 a woman tech was saying。 〃I can hardly wait to see what Earth looks like after all these years。'

mander Gardner seated at the forward station of starboard pair; heard this and laughed bitterly to himself。 He had served under Gloval during the First Robotech War and had been with Hunter since。 His thick hair and mustache had gone to silver these past few years; but he still retained a youthful energy and the unwavering loyalty of his young crew。

The woman tech who had spoken was all of seventeen years old; born in deep space like most of her shipmates。 Gardner wished for a moment he could have showed her the Earth of forty years ago; teeming with life; wild and wonderful and blissfully unaware of the ing tide。。。

〃What does it matter?〃 the tech's male console mate answered her。 〃One planet's the same as another to me。 Robotech ships are all I've known…all I want to know。〃

〃Don't you have any interest in setting foot on your homeworld? Our parents were born here。 And their parents; right on back to the first ancestors。〃

Gardner could almost hear the copilot's shrug of indifference clear across the bridge。

〃Just another Invid colony; color it what you will。 So this place is blue and Spheris was brown。 It doesn't do anything for me。〃

〃Spoken like a true romantic。〃

The copilot snorted。 〃You get romantic thinking about the Invid grubbing around the old homestead looking for Protoculture?〃

mander Gardner was hanging on the answer when the door to the bridge hissed open suddenly and Lieutenant Bernard entered。

〃Alpha Group is just about ready for launch;〃 Bernard reported。

Gardner muttered; 〃Good;〃 and rose from the contoured seat; signaling one of the techs to turn on the ship's PA system。

〃Most of you know what I'm about to say;〃 he began。 〃But for those who don't know what this mission is all about; it's simply this: Several months ago we became aware that the Invid Sensor Nebulae had located some new and apparently enormous supply of the Flowers of Life。 The source of the transmissions turned out to be the Earth itself。

〃The Regis moved quickly to secure the Flowers; with the same murderous intent she demonstrated on Spheris and Haydon IV and a dozen other worlds I don't have to remind you about。 Nor should I have to remind you about what we're going to face on Earth。 It seems probable that the Invid decimated Wolff's forces; but we number more than four times the units under his mand。〃

Scott noticed that the bridge techs; eyes locked on Gardner and grim faces set; were giving silent support to the mander's words。 Marlene entered the bridge in the midst of the briefing; whispering her apologies and seating herself at her duty station。

〃Admiral Hunter has entrusted us to spearhead a vast military operation to invade and reclaim our homeworld;〃 said Gardner。 〃And I know that I can count on every one of you to stand firm behind the admiral's conviction that we can lay the foundations for his second wave。〃 He inclined his head。 〃May God have mercy on our souls。〃

A brief silence was broken by the navigator's update:

〃Earth orbit in three minutes; mander。 Placing visual display on the monitor; sir。〃

Everyone turned to face the forward screen。 Orbital schematics de…rezzed and were replaced by a full view of the Earth。 They had all seen photos and video images galore; but the sight inspired awe nevertheless。

〃It's beautiful;〃 someone said。 And pared to Fantoma or Tirol; it most certainly was: snow…white pole; blue oceans; and variegated land masses; the whole of it patterned by swirling clouds。

A puter…generated grid assembled itself over the image as the mand ship continued to close。 At her station; Marlene said; 〃So that's what Earth looks like。。。I'd almost forgotten。〃

The mander called for scanning to be initiated; and in a moment the grid was highlighting an area located in one of the northern continents。 Data readouts scrolled across an adjacent display screen。

〃Full magnification and color enhancement;〃 Gardner barked。

Marlene leaned in to study her screen。 The forward monitor was displaying an angry red image; not softened in the least by Earth's inviting cloud cover。 She knew what this was but asked the puter to pare the present readings with those logged in its memory banks。 She sensed that Scott was peering over the top of her high…backed chair。

〃That's it; sir;〃 she said all at once; her screen strobing encouragement。 〃The central hive。 Designation。。。Reflex Point;〃 Marlene read from the data scroll。 〃Picking up energy flux readings and multiple radar contacts。。。waiting for signature。〃

Gardner glanced over at her briefly; then turned his attention forward once again。 〃I want visuals as soon as possible;〃 he instructed one of the techs。

〃Shock Trooper transport;〃 Marlene said at the same time。

Gardner's nostrils flared。 〃Prepare to repel。〃

Techs were already bending over the consoles tapping in mands; the bridge a veritable light show of flashing screens。

〃Two minutes to contact;〃 the navigator informed Gardner。

〃All sections standing by。。。〃

〃Auto…astrogator is off。。。Ship's shields raised。。。〃

Marlene flipped a series of switches。 〃Net is open。。。〃

〃All right;〃 Gardner said decisively。 〃Issue the go signal to all Veritechs。〃

〃One minute and counting; sir。〃

The mander turned to Scott。

〃It's up to your squads now; Lieutenant。 We've got to get through their lines and set these ships down。〃 Scott saluted; and Gardner returned it。 〃Good luck;〃 he added。

〃You can count on us。〃

Marlene had turned from her station; waiting for him to walk past。 As he leaned down to kiss her; she smiled and surprised him by placing a heart…shaped holo…locket into his hand。

〃Take this with yo
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