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ways; there seemed to be an effort made to incapacitate rather than kill the humans; but it could just as easily have been poor marksmanship on their part。 In any case; the plateau…great swirls of weathered rock and shale…was being torn up and superheated by the Troopers' fusillades。 Lunk's APC; slower and far less maneuverable than the Cyclones; provided the best target; and the Invid were soon concentrating their bursts against it。 Inside the cab; the big man was bouncing around like a featherweight; barely in control of the thing anymore。 When a blinding disc streaked by inches from the carrier; he lost it pletely; the APC crashed into a boulder and overturned; hurling Lunk twenty feet to a hard landing facedown on the shale。 At the last instant; however; he had grabbed two sacks of supplies and had managed to hold on to them during his brief airborne journey。 The sacks cushioned his fall somewhat; but he blacked out momentarily nevertheless。 ing to; he heard Rook's voice behind him; warning him to keep his head down。 He did as instructed and felt rather than saw the red Cyclone streak over him。

Scott and Rand had witnessed the collision and stopped their Cyclones to return fire against the Troopers; bringing rear weapons into play。 Behind them; Lunk was attempting to gather together and rebag items spilled from the sacks。

〃Lunk! Forget that stuff and e on!〃 Scott shouted。

〃But we need these Protoculture energy cells for the mecha!〃 Lunk countered; ducking as a series of annihilation discs Frisbeed overhead。 The Invid were close at hand now; upright and laying out salvo after salvo of white…hot fire。 Explosions began to erupt all around him; orange blossoms in the shale; and he was forced to abandon the supplies。 He made a beeline for Scott's idling Cyclone; straddling the rear seat not a moment too soon。

〃My toothbrush!〃 Lunk moaned; looking back at the wrecked APC as Scott gunned the mecha into a wheelie。

〃So your teeth will fall out;〃 Scott said into the wind。 〃It's better than having your head blown off。〃

They were headed downhill a moment later; across a smooth flow of solid rock with an inviting forest of tall firs and eucalyptus at its base。 As they neared the trees; Scott spied an unpaved road and made for it; signaling the others to follow his lead。

Two of the Invid attempted to track them but eventually gave up; it was widely believed (but certainly unproven) that the Invid had a kind of fearsome respect for forests in general。 The Troopers circled overhead for a long while; then began to fan out trying to cover all possible points of egress。 Meanwhile; Scott directed his band north in an effort to strike the river。 By his reckoning; they were now somewhat west of Lancer and the Veritech; but reaching the river would put them in good position for a direct eastward swing。

The forest thinned as they worked their way north; giving way to a series of tall grass terraces that dropped in measured steps to the river gorge itself。 The grass was deep enough to offer places of concealment for themselves as well as the Cyclones; so they continued their cautious advance。 There was no sign of the enemy。

〃Do you think we lost 'em?〃 Lunk asked; poking his head above the grass。 He could see tall buttes and stone tors in the distance。

Rand answered him from nearby。 〃We must have…there's no way those things can follow a trail through the woods。 Believe me; I know。〃

〃How 'bout some food; then?〃

Rook showed herself。 〃You really take the cake; Lunk。〃

〃I wish I could…〃

〃First you nearly get us all killed; and now all you can think about is that selfish stomach of yours!〃

〃Drop it!〃 Scott said more harshly than was necessary。 He switched on his Cyclone briefly to read the system indicator displays。 〃You were right about those Protoculture cells; Lunk;〃 he admitted。 〃It's imperative that I get back to the Alpha。 Someone's going to have to draw the Invid off in case I'm spotted。 We can't let them find the ship。〃

Rand suddenly shushed him。 〃They're ing;〃 he whispered。

The team dropped themselves into the grass; raising weapons as they did so。 Minutes later; three Troopers could be seen patrolling the gorge; their scanners alert for movement on the cliffs above the river。

〃Everybody hold your fire;〃 said Scott。

〃How did they find us?〃 Rand said to no one in particular。

Annie put her hands to her breast。 〃I betcha they heard the sound of my heart pounding。〃

Rand stared down at the Mars…galant Scott had given him earlier; it was a long…barreled version of the sidearm blaster the offworlder wore; shaped a bit like an elongated closed…topped Y Time to go on…line with this thing; he said to himself。 But no sooner did he flip the switch than the Troopers stopped their bipedal patrol and turned on them。

〃Open fire!〃 Scott yelled as globes of fulgent energy formed at the muzzles of the Troopers' cannons。

Lunk; Rook; and Rand stood up; bringing their H…90's to bear against the invaders。 Phased…laser fire seared into the Troopers' armored bodies; while annihilation discs ripped into the cliff's grassy terrace; touching off violent fires and clouds of dense smoke。 Two more Invid appeared above the cliffs behind the team; adding their own volleys to the arena。

〃We've gotta get back to the trees!〃 Rand shouted above the angry buzz of disc fire and concussive detonations。

〃Lead them away from the Alpha!〃 said Scott。

〃You worry about the Alpha。 I'm gone!〃

Abandoning their Cyclones; the team broke ranks and began to belly…crawl their way through the grass back toward the tree line。 They scaled slope after slope; beating a circuitous retreat across each terrace。 The closest call came when Rook miscalculated and nearly slipped into a narrow ravine; but Rand was there for her; hauling her up and supporting her while they ran。 In the forest once more; they took to the trees and hid themselves high up in the branches。 Invid Troopers were walking sweeping patrols along the perimeter; two were actually braving the cool and dark mystery to probe deep into the woods。 Rand flicked his gallant on…line again as one of the latter group was passing beneath him。 Curiously; the Invid stopped short; its would…be head rotating upward。

Rand took a sudden; sharp intake of breath…not out of fear but from realization。 Of course! he told himself。 At the river they stopped when I activated the power cell on my blaster。 And just now。。。

It made sense; but it was time to try an experiment to validate his findings。 He disarmed the power cell; and sure enough; the Invid lost interest and stomped off。 〃Yeah; that's gotta be it;〃 Rand said softly。 He was exhaling pent…up fear when something orange and menacing suddenly dropped on him from the branch above。 His throat refused to utter the scream his guts demanded; but he gave a start nonetheless; raising the weapon like a club; only to realize that it was Annie; upside down and dangling from her knees; carrot…colored hair like an unfurled flag。

〃Were you talking to yourself?〃 she demanded。 〃Were you? Huh?〃

〃Don't ever sneak up on me!〃 Rand seethed。

Scott; Rook; and Lunk were on the ground now; telling Rand that the coast was clear。 Excitedly; Rand
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