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Scott's boot tip drew a shallow trench in the tilled ground。 〃I suppose so。 Pre…Wars。 But I almost lost it this time。〃

〃Yeah; well you'll be lucky if the thing's still there when you get back。〃

〃It's being looked after; Lunk;〃 Scott assured him。

The big man went back to chopping。 〃So how'd you find us; Lieutenant?〃

Scott squatted; waving insects away from his face。 〃I found Rand。 But I think I'm supposed to mention that he wasn't exactly eager to tell me。〃

〃Sure;〃 Lunk said。

〃So you're homesteading; huh?〃

Lunk turned to face him。 〃The townspeople gave us a place to live and a bit of land to work。 The Invid came down hard on everyone after we passed through last year; but the town's rebuilding。 They're good folk; Lieutenant。 What's past is past。 We're all making new lives for ourselves。〃

Scott caught the warning in Lunk's baritone voice and decided not to mention the promotion。 〃I can see that;〃 he said; glancing about。 Well…tended fields of grain stretched emerald to distant hills。 On nearby terraces; men and women were harvesting and threshing golden stalks of rice。 〃Annie around?〃 he asked after a moment。

Lunk threw the ax into the wood and gave a twist to the blade。 〃She left right after we got here。 The idea of settling down didn't suit her too well。 Went off to find that guy Magruder。 The kid's still got stars in her eyes。〃

Scott smiled to himself; picturing Annie in her 〃E。T。〃 cap and faded green jumpsuit。

〃What d' ya say we skip the small talk and e to the point; Lieutenant;〃 Lunk said suddenly。

Scott contemplated the line his boot had drawn; then raised his eyes。 〃All right; Lunk。 The fact is; I'm looking for Marlene。〃

Lunk spit。 〃I thought so。 What happened; Lieutenant got lonely for you up there?〃 He motioned with his chin to the cloudless sky。 〃Figured maybe you'd passed on a good thing down here; a girl that was only trying to love you the best she knew how?〃

That from the guy who had called Marlene a traitor that day in Reflex Point; Scott thought; getting to his feet。 〃It's nothing like that; Lunk。〃

〃Think you can just fly in here with your little jet and pick up where you left off; huh?〃 Lunk held the ax like a hatchet and shook it in Scott's face。 〃Lemme tell you; you're way off the mark; Lieutenant。 Marlene's had a rough time of it; but I've been helping her。 She's kinda e to rely on me; and I think your showing up is just gonna gum up the works; understand me?〃

〃Look; Lunk; I just want to talk to her。〃

〃I'm tellin' ya how it is; Lieutenant。〃

Scott left a brief empty space in the exchange; waiting for Lunk to cool down。 〃Back at mand everyone's still scratching their heads about what happened at Reflex Point;〃 he menced on a casual note。 〃There's a possibility the SDF…3 got itself caught up in the Regis's exit。〃 He looked at Lunk。 〃I think Marlene can help out。〃

Lunk glared at him; then threw the ax down into the stump and left it there。 〃e on;〃 he said; storming off across the field in the direction of Roca Negra。

Scott fell in behind him for a silent walk that delivered them fifteen minutes later to two spacious freestanding tents erected side by side on a small parcel of land dotted with olive trees。 Lunk's battered APC was parked off to one side。

〃Marlene;〃 Lunk bellowed; rustling the mosquito…netting front flap of the larger tent。

〃Lunk?〃 Marlene responded from somewhere inside。 〃You're back early。〃

Scott's heart broke at the sound of her voice; save for a hint of Southlands Forager accent; it might as well have been that of Marlene Rush。

As the Invid simulagent stepped into the sunlight; luxurious red hair shorn to her shoulders and skin as pale as a Tiresian's; Scott thought: She is Marlene!

The Regis's daughter took a moment to absorb the scene before she collapsed into Scott's slapdash embrace; sighing。 〃I knew you'd return for me; Scott; I knew you'd return。〃

Lunk quickly turned his back to the two of them; afraid they would see his tears。

Scott immediately realized that Marlene had undergone a profound change since they had last embraced。 Marlene then had been alive and vital to his confused thoughts and anxious hands; a woman of human lusts and needs; nothing like the insubstantial being he cradled in his arms now。 It was something he could not articulate; but it was obvious to all who dared to look deep enough into her eyes。

Scott led her into the shade; to a canvas…backed chair at the head of a split…log longtable。 Lunk positioned himself behind the chair; his large callused hands resting on Marlene's frail shoulders。 〃I told ya she was having a rough time of it; Lieutenant。 Ya never shoulda e back。〃

Marlene patted Lunk's hand and gazed up at him fondly。 〃I'm all right; Lunk。 Really。〃

Scott felt her eyes return to him and swallowed hard as he perched himself on the edge of the table: 〃Marlene;〃 he began; 〃how much do you remember about those last few days at Reflex Point?〃

〃Only some of it; Scott。 I remember when we were all inside the central chamber together。 With Sera and Corg and the Queen…Mother。〃

〃What made the horde…er; the Queen…Mother leave; Marlene? I mean; I'm sure she realized the fleet had plans to irradiate the area; but it seemed like she'd decided to leave before the neutron missiles were launched。〃

Marlene nodded and reached across the table for a water bottle。 〃It's true; Scott。 And something vital left me when she departed。〃 She took a long pull from the bottle。 〃I know you sensed it when you held me。 I feel as though I'm only half…here; as though if I breathe too deeply I'll fade from sight。 But I have a knowledge of things; Scott; a knowledge: that seems undreamed of by any race。〃

〃Don't worry;〃 Lunk said; 〃I'm not about to let you fade。 Marlene squeezed his hand。 〃You see; Scott; the Queen Mother finally understood; the reasons for all that had happened on Optera; Tirol; and Earth; and that knowledge liberated her。〃

〃But what was it she understood?〃 Scott asked。

Marlene quivered。 〃I can't tell you; Scott。〃

〃Please; Marlene;〃 Scott snapped。

Lunk stepped out from behind the chair。 〃I'm warning you; Lieutenant。〃

Marlene put a hand on his balled…up fist。 〃No; Lunk; Scott doesn't understand。 It's not that I'm keeping something from you; Scott。 I only mean that you're asking the wrong person。〃

〃Sera;〃 Scott said after a moment's reflection。

〃Yes。 She was more closely bound to the Regis than I was。 But I fear that bond has affected her more than it has me。〃

〃Do you know where she is?〃

Marlene closed her eyes and took a shuddering breath。 〃I can sense where she is。 Sometimes I can almost see through her eyes and feel her suffering。〃

Scott edged closer to her。 〃Where; Marlene?〃

〃The city of tall towers in the Northlands。 The one Sera and Corg were to rule。〃

Scott and Lunk exchanged looks and simultaneously said: 〃Mannatan。〃

〃Yes。 She is with Lancer。〃

Scott was already on his feet。 〃Will you e with me; Marlene? You; too; Lunk;〃 he was quick to add。 〃Just until we locate her。〃

〃Forget it; Lieutenant;〃 Lunk said。 〃Marlene's not going anywhere。 〃

Marlene stood up and gently swung Lunk around to face her。 〃But I am; Lunk。 Don't you see that 
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