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2。 He explains that if a place had been used for storing maize; there would be many traces of scattered maize on the floor。 他解释道,如果一个地方曾被用来储放玉米,那么在地板上应该能看到四处散落的玉米粒。
3。 The explosion scattered the crowd in a second。 爆炸声立刻使人群四散逃离。
同义 disperse(v。 分散)
要点 如果要表达irregularly distribute的含义,就可以直接用scatter表示“分布”。在写作中选择恰当的动词不但可以更到位地表达,还能使语言更简练。
shallow['??lou]a。 浅的;浅薄的 n。 浅滩,浅水处
例句 1。 If such a developed media is absent; we can have only a shallow understanding of what's happening in the world。 如果没有如此发达的媒体,或许我们对世界上正在发生的事情只能有一个浅显的理解。
2。 Whales that are large in size will get in trouble if they access shallow or rocky locations。 体积较大的鲸鱼如果靠近浅滩或者礁石较多的地方将会使自己陷入麻烦。
3。 The perfectly preserved fossil fish had been living in a vast shallow lake。 这些保存完好的化石鱼曾经生活在一片广阔的浅水湖中。
同义 superficial(a。 浅薄的)
要点 shallow除了可以表示深浅程度以外,也可以用来表示“肤浅的,浅显的”等含义,superficial的含义与此类似,比如:He is a superficial man without any intellect。
sharp[?ɑ:rp]a。 锋利的;敏锐的;急剧的 ad。(时刻)正,准
例句 1。 Sharp knives should be kept away from children for safety reasons。 安全起见,锋利的刀具应放置在儿童无法触及的地方。
2。 There has been a sharp decline in traditional book reading; because more people tend to read ebooks on tablets or smartphones。 传统纸质书阅读人数出现了急剧的下降,因为更多的人选择在平板电脑或智能手机上阅读电子书。
3。 In fact; with the sharp development of technology; more jobs on the labor market today are for people who are well…educated。 随着技术的急剧发展,如今劳动力市场上大多数的工作都针对受过良好教育的人。
派生 sharply(ad。 急剧地)
要点 sharp除了可以描述物体是“尖锐的,锋利的”外,在写作中更多用来表示数目或情况的剧烈变化。
silicon['silik?n]n。 硅
搭配 silicon chip 硅片;silicon resin 硅树脂
例句 For programmers who work in the Silicon Valley; computer language is their universal language although they come from different parts of the world。 对于在硅谷工作的程序员来说,尽管他们来自五湖四海,但计算机语言是他们之间共同的语言。
simulate['simjuleit]v。 模仿,模拟;伪装;扮演
例句 1。 With the help of computer programs; many scientific experiments can be simulated in a much cost…effective way。 电脑程序可以以一种相当低成本的方式模拟许多科学实验。
2。 Computers can simulate environments that are needed to improve some theories but cannot be found in real life。 计算机可以模拟那些为完善某些理论所需的环境,而这些环境在现实世界中是不存在的。
同义 imitate(v。 模仿)
派生 simulation(n。 模拟)
要点 imitate和simulate都有“模仿”的含义,但前者常指“模仿…的行为、举动等”,比如:imitate an accent(模仿一种口音);而simulate多指“模拟某种情境或假装某种状况”,比如:simulate a fight(模拟一场战斗)。此外要注意simulate和stimulate的词形很相似,写作时不要弄混。
span[sp?n]n。 跨度;一段时间 v。 跨越;持续;贯穿
搭配 life span 寿命
例句 1。 The development in medical care and the healthy living habits enabled an extension of the life span。 发达的医疗服务以及健康的生活习惯使延长寿命成为可能。
2。 As you walk around the exhibition halls; look at the cultural relics and imagine the past; you may feel that you are traveling along a path spanning the history of this country。 当你辗转各个展厅之间,看着那些文化遗产,想象着过去的时候,你可能会感觉你正行走于一条跨越这个国家全部历史的道路上。
static['st?tik]a。 静态的,静止的;静电的 n。 静电
搭配 static electricity 静电;static image 静态图像
例句 1。 The static made it so that I couldn't hear what he was saying clearly。 静电噪音让我听不清他在说什么。
2。 The number of people applying for this position remains static。 申请这一职位的人数比较稳定。
同义 stationary(a。 静止的)
要点 static除了有“静止的”含义以外,也可以表示数量、状态等没有出现变化,与过去持平。
structure['str?k??r]n。 结构,构造
例句 1。 Having legs under the body is a better body structure that can support more weight; and enables the animals to grow into a large size。 腿在身体下方是一种更好的身体结构,这样的结构能支撑更多的重量,并能使动物的体型变得更大。
2。 There are also worries that if the social structure is changed; the traditional life of this community will be affected。 此外还存在这样的顾虑:如果社会结构发生改变,那么这个社会的传统生活也将受到影响。
3。 Although students today value the practice; what we learn from books still forms an important part of our knowledge structure。 尽管如今的学生更重视实践,但从课本上学到的东西仍然是我们知识结构的一个重要组成部分。
例句 1。 A special receiver was put on the summit to receive signals from the satellites。 一个特殊的接收器被放置在山顶上接收卫星信号。
2。 In spring; we can climb mountains to see the flowers bloom; the streams flow; and to appreciate the beautiful scenery on the summit; and everything that is seldom seen in cities。 春天,我们可以去爬山,去看花朵盛开,溪水流淌,到山顶上去欣赏美丽的风光,还有所有那些在城市里很难看到的东西。
3。 We could know that the organizer did their best to make the summit a success。 我们可以看到主办方尽了全部的努力以保证峰会的成功进行。
同义 peak(n。 顶点)
susceptible[s?'sept?bl]a。 易受感染的;易受影响的;敏感的
搭配 susceptible to 过敏
例句 1。 The noise of engines or the traffics on the road may make people who are susceptible to it hard to fall asleep and then lose their temper。 机器以及路上来往车辆带来的噪音会让那些对此敏感的人难以入睡,并因此大发脾气。
2。 Studies have shown that people in a regular routine of daily exercise tend to be less susceptible to diseases and subsequently have better moods than others。 研究表明,那些每天固定进行体育锻炼的人会比较不容易生病,因而会比其他人拥有更好的心情。
3。 The lecturer says that the development of rice as an agricultural product makes people become less susceptible to the changes of weather for rice has a long storage time。 讲师称,水稻作为农产品的发展使人们不再像以往那样容易受到天气的影响,因为水稻可以存储很长一段时间。
technological[?tekn?'lɑ:?ikl]a。 技术的,工艺的
搭配 scientific and technological advances 科技进步
例句 1。 It is obviously necessary to participate in this technological revolution。 参与到技术革命之中显然是十分必要的。
2。 The development in medical science is connected with the changes in technological and cultural areas。 医学方面的发展与技术和文化领域的变化是分不开的。
同义 technical(a。 工艺的)
搭配 temperate climate 温带气候
例句 1。 Living in a place with temperate climate means you have the opportunity to experience four seasons。 在温带气候地区生活意味着你有机会体验四季的不同。
2。 The comparison of the richness of tropical and temperate butterflies has been well confirmed。 热带和温带蝴蝶种类数目的比较已经得到了充分证实。
同义 benign(a。 温和的)
therapy['θer?pi]n。 治疗,疗法
例句 1。 We join health clubs and go into self…care therapy in order to be perfect both in body and in mind。 我们参加健身俱乐部或开展自我保健治疗的目的是让身心都处于最佳状态。
2。 In the third era of nutritional history; the effect of vitamin therapy was serious