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同义 epidemic(n。 传染病)
predation[pri'dei?n]n。 掠夺;掠食
例句 1。 The two competing theories—the predation theory and the pollution theory—both explained why the population of this species declined dramatically。 这两个相互竞争的理论——掠食者理论和污染理论——都解释了为何该物种的种群数量出现了如此剧烈的下降。
2。 One of the explanations why they live in trees is to protect themselves from predation。 其中一个为何这种动物生活在树上的解释是保护自己不被掠食。
predator['pred?t?r]n。 食肉动物;捕食者
例句 1。 These otters may not be killed by disease for it is so hard to find dead sea otters; this fact is consistent with the predator hypothesis。 因为很难找到死去的海獭的尸体,因此它们或许不是死于疾病;这一事实与捕食者假说一致。
2。 Some birds elevate their nests in high trees just to escape from predators。 一些鸟在很高的树上筑巢就是为了躲避食肉动物。
preserve[pri'z?:rv]n。 保护;维护;保存
例句 1。 Finally; the preserved building offers an important clue for historians to study the history of this city。 最终,保存下来的建筑为历史学家们提供了研究这座城市历史的一个重要线索。
2。 It is stupid for the government to construct new buildings without preserving the artifacts。 政府在建造新建筑时疏于保护工艺品的做法是愚蠢的。
3。 It is a village where traditions of the past are preserved for visitors。 这个村子将过去的传统为游客保留了下来。
派生 preservation(n。 保存,存留)
要点 preserve不但可以表示保护某些事物,还可以表示维护某种状态,比如:We made every effort to preserve peace。 或者:Government should preserve the rights of people。
prevent[pri'vent]v。 阻止,妨碍
搭配 prevent from doing sth。 阻止做某事
例句 Nowadays; the advanced technology can prevent cancer from developing。 如今,先进的技术可以阻止癌症的恶化。
proceed[prou'si:d]v。 进行;发生;继续
例句 1。 If the site has archaeological value; the builders; archaeologists and local government should get together to make a plan for its preservation; such as only constructing new buildings when it is allowed to proceed。 如果这个遗址具有考古学意义,那么,建筑师、考古学家和当地政府就应该一起为其制订保护计划,比如只有在得到允许之后才继续建造新的建筑。
2。 As one proceeds toward the Southeast; a remarkable change in vegetation can be seen。 当往东南地区行进时,会看到植被的显著变化。
同义 progress(v。 前进,行进);occur(v。 发生)
prodigious[pr?'di??s]a。 巨大的;大量的
例句 1。 Both local and international business brought a prodigious amount of fortune that will be accumulated to our country。 国内和国际业务一起为我们的国家带来了一笔巨大的财富积累。
2。 Animals that are adapted to the severe environment of deserts can drink prodigious water within a short time。 习惯了沙漠严峻环境的动物可以在短时间内饮用大量的水。
productivity[?prɑ:d?k'tiv?ti]n。 生产力;生产率
例句 1。 These policies will not only increase workers' productivity but also reduce conflicts among them。 这些政策不但可以提高工人的生产力,还能减少他们之间的冲突。
2。 If a company allows employees to have fewer working hours; it is likely to hire more people in order to meet the normal levels of productivity。 如果一家公司允许员工工作更少的时间,那么这家公司很可能需要雇用更多的员工以达到正常的生产水平。
同义 fertility(n。 生产力)
projector[pr?'?ekt?r]n。 放映机,幻灯机,投影仪
例句 1。 In ancient times; it was nearly impossible for people to imagine things like an electric light and a movie projector。 在古代,人们几乎无法想象类似电灯或电影放映机这样的东西。
2。 Projectors have been widely used in class in numerous activities。 投影仪已经在大量课堂活动中得到了广泛的使用。
radiation[?reidi'ei?n]n。 放射;辐射;放射物
搭配 solar radiation 太阳辐射;radiation therapy 放射疗法
例句 1。 Spending too much time playing computer game is harmful for your health since you are exposed to radiation and computers also can cause severe eye…strain。 花太长的时间玩电脑游戏对你的健康是有害的,因为你会暴露在辐射之下,而且电脑还会造成严重的眼疲劳。
2。 Because it often stays a long time in the intense tropical Sun; the grass mouse has evolved two separate safeguards to prevent themselves from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation。 由于草鼠总是长时间待在强烈的热带阳光下,因此它进化出了两套安全措施以保护自己不受阳光紫外线辐射的影响。
3。 The energy of the quartz crystal will turn into infrared radiation when it is in a heater vibrating at a particular frequency。 当石英晶体在加热器当中以某个频率振动时,其能量就会转化为红外辐射。
raw[r?:]a。 生的;自然状态的;未经加工的
例句 1。 In order to send raw materials to the factory; many trucks are needed to drive through the streets where the children often play freely before; and the noise will disturb residents who live nearby。 为了把原材料运送到工厂,许多卡车就需要在这些孩子们曾经自由玩耍的街道上穿梭行驶,而噪音也会打扰居住在附近的居民。
2。 ent for the raw materials used to make this work according to the designer? 设计师对用于制造这一作品的原材料有什么要求?
reptile['reptail]n。 爬行动物,爬虫类;卑鄙的人
例句 Dinosaurs were different in many ways from modern reptiles; and the most convictive evidence is that dinosaurs were endotherms。 恐龙在许多方面都与现代的爬行动物不同,而最具说服力的观点是恐龙是恒温动物。
resistant[ri'zist?nt]a。 抵抗的,有抵抗力的;抗…的
搭配 be resistant to 对…有抵抗力;acid resistant 抗酸的
例句 1。 The scientists aimed to develop more pest…resistant crops which are genetically designed to be unattractive to pests。 这些科学家的目标是研制一种更加抗虫的庄稼作物,这种作物从基因上就具备不吸引害虫的特点。
2。 Scientists found there are a number of damaging insects that are resistant to pesticide。 科学家们发现有许多害虫对杀虫剂具有抗药性。
resonance['rez?n?ns]n。 共振;共鸣;回声
例句 1。 In a live performance; you will find yourself among a group of people who are indulged in the same interest and you can share your thoughts with them; but this kind of resonance is seldom sensed in our daily life so it is a sufficient reason for you to attend a concert or a game。 在一场现场表演中,你会发现自己身处为同一件事情陶醉的人群之中,而且你可以与他们分享你的想法,但我们在日常生活中却很少能够感受到这样的共鸣,因此这就是现场观看演唱会或体育比赛的一个足够充分的理由。
2。 The musical tone of an electric guitar is created by electronical amplification; instead of by the resonance of the body of the guitar。 电吉他的乐音是靠电子扩音器产生,而不是靠吉他本身的共振产生的。
retrieve[ri'tri:v]v。 重新找回(得到),取回;检索
例句 1。 Information can be stored into the information highway and be retrieved only in programming languages。 只有以汇编语言的形式才能将信息存储在信息高速公路之中并被重新找回。
2。 However; if you forget to retrieve your card after operating on the ATM; others may withdraw all your money in your account。 如果你在自动柜员机上操作后忘记取回你的卡,别人就可能会把你账户里的钱都取走。
同义 regain(v。 重新获得)
scatter['sk?t?r]v。 分散;撒播,散开 n。 散落
例句 1。 If the temperature goes on increasing; the icebergs scattered in both poles of the Earth will start to melt; thus the sea level will rise and the cities and villages along the seashores will be engulfed。 如果温度持续上升,分布在地球两极的冰山就会开始融化,这样海平面就会上升,而沿海的城市和村庄将会被吞没。
2。 He explains that if a place had been used for storing maize; ther
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